NICE LOCATION: German court tells Munich Hofbraeukeller to host right-wing AfD. [archive]

A Munich beer hall where Adolf Hitler launched his political career has been ordered to overturn a ban on a meeting by right-wing populist party Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD).

AfD had booked the Hofbraeukeller for an address by party leader Frauke Petry to hundreds of supporters.

But the beer hall cancelled the booking after the party agreed a policy that Islam was “not part of Germany”.

Landlord Ricky Steinberg said he feared protests outside the venue. . . .

But the Munich district court ruled on Thursday that the beer hall was tied to the rental contract. AfD officials said they had already paid a €6,100 (£4,800; $7,000) deposit for the event.

BOOK REVIEW: Greg Johnson on George Hawley’s Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism. [archive]

THE NEW TOLERANCE: S.F. Supervisor Attacks Breitbart Reporter as ‘Racist’ for Covering ‘Sanctuary City’ Debate. [archive]

Stranahan was unlawfully thrown out of a Board of Supervisors’ meeting [archive] for filming radical pro-amnesty protestors disrupting the discussion and breaking the rules repeatedly without repercussion. . . .

Later, Supervisor David Campos spoke and continued to falsely attack Stranahan and attempt to portray his actions as “intimidation” . . .

The day after the Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Avalos of District 11 continued his attack on Twitter, calling Stranahan a “white supremacist” and a “racist” because he decided to “monitor ppl of color.” . . .

Under the Brown Act, California law protects the rights of citizens to record public meetings as long as they are not obstructing others or being disruptive.

JEFF SESSIONS: The election offers a choice between remaining a nation-state and sliding toward globalism. [archive] “For the first time in a long time, this November will give Americans a clear choice on perhaps the most important issue facing our country and our civilization: whether we remain a nation-state that serves its own people, or whether we slide irrevocably toward a soulless globalism that treats humans as interchangeable widgets in the world market.”

Related: Lou Dobbs tweets, “#2016elections an epic political battle: nationalism vs globalism – @realDonaldTrump vs Clinton.” [archive]

PART OF THE PLAN: Court Nullifies Overwhelming Montana Immigration Patriot Victory; Illegals To Get Welfare. You will continue to be forced to subsidize the invasion of your land.

The drama is playing out again in Montana. One of the few bright spots in 2012 was LR-121, a law which restricted illegal immigrants from receiving welfare benefits and requiring illegals to be reported for possible deportation. Naturally, the Republican Party ran screaming from the bill and its Senate candidate duly lost. However, LR-121 passed with almost 80 percent of the vote.

But the point of our government isn’t to represent the people and serve our interests but to replace us an make our lives worse. Therefore, a court decided this law just couldn’t be allowed. . . .

Of course, it’s the same old argument. Only the federal government can enforce immigration law. However, it is the policy of the federal government to enable as much Third World immigration as possible.

HOW APPROPRIATE: #NeverTrump Super Pac Declares Themselves “Proud Cucks”. [archive] The now-deleted tweet is available here: [archive]

Being that #Cuck is the new word for people who don’t hate minorities,

A related tweet [archive] (also deleted) from the same account:

We hate white children, #OnlyOffWhite

THAT WAS QUICK: Scalping Senator Sasse: How I Ended a Presidential Campaign Before it Started. [archive]

Sasse claimed to be a political outsider, so I began digging. Far from being an everyman, Sasse was an insider’s insider, working at companies like McKinsey and Company in between stints in Washington, D.C. Yet what was not common knowledge was Sasse’s role as a tutor of underage boys.

Sasse tutored and was sworn to protect underage boys working as Congressional pages. Yet pages were constantly abused, and I suspected, were abused under his watch. When I raised those concerns to Sasse, he went radio silent.

REVEALING: Cathy Young Proves the Point–Immigration Patriotism Is Good for America. That’s Why She Hates It.

She hurls the career-lethal charge of anti-Semitism against Coulter. What is evidence for this damning indictment? An “anti-Semitic trope” that became a “Twitter meme” featuring a quote Young sources from Coulter’s best-seller Adios America!

The text reads, “Palestinians demand a right to return to their pre-1967 homes, but Israel says, quite correctly, that changing Israel’s ethnicity would change the idea of Israel. Well, changing America’s ethnicity changes the idea of America, too. Show me in a straight line why we can’t do what Israel does. Is Israel special? For some of us, America is special, too.”

There’s nothing in Coulter’s comment that’s “anti-Semitic” or anti-Israel. Indeed, if anything, it’s philo-Semitic, [archive] in that it uses Israel as an example to be followed. [archive]

But Young says this comment is indeed anti-Semitic because:

…those familiar with the alt-right will recognize one of its favorite talking points: Israel supporters—particularly Jews—are hypocritical if they support immigration into the U.S., since they don’t advocate large-scale non-Jewish immigration into Israel or the Palestinian right of return.

Whatever Young calls it, that’s practically the definition of hypocrisy. But, as if to prove the point, Young then proceeds to explain why America is not allowed to oppose large-scale immigration into the United States, but Israel is.

Her arguments are so sloppy and self-interested, [archive] one can’t help but suspect Young knows she is arguing in bad faith. And here we have to mention what Young herself mysteriously refuses to acknowledge—Young is herself a Russian Jewish immigrant. [archive]

Related, from Vox Day: Cathy Young is an America-hater. [archive]

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Germany investigating FORTY cases where ISIS fanatics are feared to have entered the country posing as refugees. [archive]

The number of cases being investigated has more than doubled since January, federal police said on Wednesday.

Authorities are also concerned about the large number of refugees and migrants who have been able to seek asylum in Germany without proof of ID. . . .

‘I am not telling you a secret when I say that I am concerned about the high number of migrants whose identities wedon’t know because they had no papers when they entered the country,’ the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency Hans-Georg Maassen told a conference last week.

FLASHBACK: September 2, 1987: Larry King Interviews Donald Trump (video).

CNN just uploaded this to its YouTube page. Transcript follows. Bold text indicates some similarities between what Trump said then and what he says now about how the United States cannot go on being the world’s police force, especially without compensation, and about how money ought to be spent taking care of the American people. The focus here is Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, but after a caller brings up NATO, Trump clarifies that his remarks apply to other nations, too, including those in NATO. Another caller brings up the trade deficit, and Trump in his response declares that the United States does not actually have free trade with other nations, since it is difficult for Americans to do business abroad. For further comparison, see Trump’s recent speech on foreign policy. [archive] (more…)

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy. [archive]

The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real-estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.

Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.

It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.

Earlier: Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List.

The policy was hinted at in 2013. See earlier: This could be the most ambitious and disturbing social-engineering project ever undertaken by the federal gov’t.

Related, from 2015: The Supreme Court’s Disastrous Misreading of the Fair Housing Act. [archive] “Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted that by allowing these so-called disparate-impact claims under the Fair Housing Act, ‘there is a danger that potential defendants may adopt racial quotas.’ Realistically, this is all but certain.”

MAJOR ENDORSEMENT: Saudi prince begs American voters not to vote for Trump and says he ‘cannot believe’ the US could have a president who wants to ban Muslims from entering the country. [archive]

Turki al-Faisal, who served as Saudia Arabia’s ambassador to the US from 2005 to 2007, spoke against the presumptive Republican nominee during a foreign policy dinner in Washington, DC on Thursday. . . .

‘For the life of me, I cannot believe that a country like the United States can afford to have someone as president who simply says, “These people are not going to be allowed to come to the United States,”’ Turki said. . . .

Turki, who went to Georgetown University in Washington, DC, isn’t currently part of Saudia Arabia’s government but serves as the chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, a cultural organization that conducts research in politics, sociology and heritage.

He spoke Thursday at a dinner hosted by the Washington Institute For Near East Policy at the Mandarin Oriental hotel.

TRIGGERING INTENSIFIES: Disturbing ‘Donald Trump, build that wall’ chants at Wisconsin high school girls soccer game came from schoolchildren. [archive]

Three elementary school girls yelled, “Donald Trump, build that wall!” at the players of color on the field, Jason Tadlock, a district administrator for Elkhorn Area School District, told the Daily News.

Later during the game, two high school boys were chanting “Trump” to taunt Beloit Memorial’s soccer players. . . .

Tadlock said one of Beloit’s soccer players had flipped off an Elkhorn fan in the crowd, sparking the alleged racist response. . . .

The insults hurled at the teen girls deeply bothered the team, their coach, Brian Denu said.

“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” he told WISC-TV. [archive] “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”

School administrators are still investigating the incident, but said the elementary school girls, all about 10-years-old, and high school students could face suspension for the jeers.

AZEALIA BANKS Endorses Donald Trump, Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Talks to Black People As If We’re Children or Pets’. [archive]

Singer Azealia Banks expressed her support for the GOP candidate in a spree of tweets, kicking off the conversation with, “I REALLY want Donald Trump to win the election.”

When a fan responded with “Trump is blatantly racist,” she defended his viewpoint and also copped to be a “racist” herself.

“So am I ! …. lol. Racism/Racialism is sewn into the fabric of our nation. It’s just who the f— we are,” she started, followed by “Trying to be all PC and pretending as if we aren’t racial/racist is not good for culture. Censorship is boring” and “Censorship is trash. Television and Movies are even boring now because of it. No one can say anything anymore.”

“Hillary has been GROOMED for the presidency. she’s another one of the establishments robots here to carry out an agenda,” she tweeted. “Hillary talks to black people as if we’re children or pets. i can’t stand herrrrrrr.”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Swedish Mother Opens Up Home To Refugee Who Promptly Assaults Her Daughter. [archive]

A Swedish mother decided it would be a good idea to open up her home to a male refugee from Eritrea, and so she kicked her daughter out of her room to make space. That refugee then decided to sexually assault her 10-year-old daughter. [archive] . . .

He finally admitted to groping Emma’s breasts. When the police questioned him, Isaac changed his testimony and denied he had ever touched her.

Isaac meanwhile maintains he’s only 15, since he started school in Eritrea when he was 10 and then went to school for an additional seven years. He finished school two years ago, which according to him, makes him only 15.

The Lund District Court finds this sort of calculation bizarre, but the judge has decided to move forward with the case under the assumption that he is, in fact, just 15. The judge sentenced Isaac on Friday based on the charge of juvenile sexual assault, which means he’ll be sent to counseling. . . .

Emma’s brother says he’s never seen his sister so distraught. She cries often, even though according to her brother, she’s very strong.

Yet, despite what Isaac did, he’ll be able to stay in Sweden.

BILL VALLICELLA: Brussels, Hillary, Trump: Once Again Against Abstention. [archive]

A. Trump might appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court. But we KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .

B. It is a very good bet that Trump will put a severe dent in the influx of illegal aliens across the southern border. But we KNOW that Hillary will do nothing to stem the illegal tide. If anything she’ll encourage it . . .

C. A third thing Trump might very well do is stop the outrage of sanctuary cities. But we KNOW Hillary won’t. By the way, what do sanctuary cities provide sanctuary from? The rule of law.

D. A fourth thing Trump can be expected to do is enforce civil order and free speech rights in the face of such disorderly elements as the members of Black Lives Matter. . . .

E. A fifth thing Trump might do is defend religious liberties. We KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .

F. A sixth thing Trump might do is defend Second Amendment rights. We KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .

G. And then came Brussells. A seventh thing Trump might do is take serious and ‘meaningful’ steps against Islamic terrorism. We KNOW that Hillary won’t.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: CDC Official Warned Staff of Health, Safety Risks During Influx of Illegal Alien Minors: “Plan on Many of the Kids Having TB,” “Be Wary of Personal Safety.” [archive]

The CDC official reveals . . . that “some of these kids are not really kids they are young adults, and we should be wary of personal safety.” JW [Judicial Watch] reported [archive] this early on, when the first group of UACs arrived through the Mexican border in the summer of 2014. Homeland Security sources directly involved with the mess told JW that holding centers were jam-packed, rampant with diseases and sexually active teenagers. A veteran Border Patrol officer who heads the agency’s Tucson sector quickly established that many of the UACs were not little kids but rather 17-year-olds with possible ties to gang members in the U.S.

Weeks later JW reported [archive] that the nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13—were actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors. A high-level Homeland Security source told JW the gangs used Red Cross phones at the shelters to communicate with the new recruits. Last fall the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that the MS-13 has been fortified [archive] and able to remain a top tier gang thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that recently crossed into the state. The MS-13 is a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that’s spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes. The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

This new batch of government records, part of an ongoing JW investigation into the UAC disaster, indicate the administration was well aware of the danger in allowing hordes of illegal immigrant youths to enter and stay in the U.S.

CLEVER: German viewers of immigrant-hating YouTube videos must first watch ads with real refugee stories. [archive] “Immigrant-hating.” “Real refugee stories.” Nope, no slant here.

To target immigrant-hating videos, the room-sharing service uses keywords on YouTube’s ad platform that are associated with far-right content and anti-immigration groups, such as Pegida, Germany’s anti-Islamist group, and its leader Lutz Bachmann. Other keywords include “refugees out” (“asylanten raus”), “refugees terrorists,” and “the truth about refugees.”

A German can’t watch a anti-immigrant YouTube video associated with a keyword without first seeing a 30-second preroll ad from Refugees Welcome. The ads have no skip function . . .

On Google, the organization has bought search terms so users are delivered a link to refugee stories if they search, for instance, “refugees out.”

“The greatest weapon of the far right is the internet,” said Refugees Welcome in a video about the campaign.

Another article notes, [archive]

“Of course, it’s painful that the uploaders are getting money from our campaign, but at the moment they only earn a few cents,” said Jonas Kakoschke.

“Ultimately, we hope that some of these groups will disable advertising and therefore lose out on YouTube ads altogether.”

The international organization behind all of this paid propaganda is involved in connecting people who have an extra room with incoming “refugees,” and it helps them find ways to fund the accommodation. No word on whether it helps pay funeral expenses. [archive]

CUCKOLD RELIGION: My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black triplets. [archive]

While we were fertile, we were both deeply convicted that one of the ways to be pro-life is to involve ourselves in adoption. . . .

We visited an adoption agency . . . We were also trying at the time to conceive naturally. . . . We informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child. We did this with the deeply held conviction that if the Lord wanted us to have a fully Caucasian child my wife would conceive naturally. . . .

It was our commitment to the protection of the unborn and to the idea of continuing to add to our family that led us, last year, to the National Embryo Donation Center, a Christian embryo bank. . . .

When we met with the NEDC, we were again faced with the question of what ethnicity we would choose for our adopted embryos. We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially, and asked the team at the NEDC if we could be matched with African-American embryos. . . .

Oh, how thankful we are for God blessing us with these sweet little ones He has placed in our care.

GREGORY HOOD: The Conservative Media and the Microphone. [archive]

Few people involved in what is absurdly called the “conservative media” want to shift the Overton Window . . . Their goal is to carve out a niche, secure the loyalty of a certain market, and then push products . . . If you are . . . Glenn Beck, it’s buckets of food or packets of “survival seeds” . . . What you are actually writing about is beyond the point. . . .

The business model only works if the Narrative is predictable, the talking points are the same, and the supposed solutions are things people are used to. . . .

If 2016 has shown us anything, it’s the absurdity of pretending there’s a difference between the “Republican Establishment” and some virtuous TruConservative Movement. Ted Cruz’s campaign represents the unification of these supposedly disparate forces . . . When a TruConservative starts talking to you about “principles,” you’re simply hearing a sales pitch. . . .

Every movement, it is said, devolves into a business and then into a racket. The reason movement conservatives hate Donald Trump has nothing to do with “tone” or even “policies,” but because he threatens the smooth operation of that racket. As Joseph Sobran said of conservatives, “It was all a game, a way of making a living.” . . .

Like Megyn Kelly, many of the figures involved in the nominal American Right are simply looking for the opportunity to triangulate against their own institutions and transition into the “mainstream.” . . .

This is a key difference between conservatives and progressives. While progressives work to pull their institutions (and by extension, the culture) to the Left, conservatives constantly try to triangulate between their “friends” on the Left and the hated white constituency who actually reads or views them on TV. . . . Conservative journalists and even activists have no real stake in the success of their own movement.

PRIORITIES: UK: Birmingham Council to Home 500 Syrians, Ignoring Plight of Homeless Locals. [archive] “A 2009 Freedom of Information Act request put the number of homeless families on the list at 464, while noting that there were 18,834 individual applicants on the council’s homeless register. These numbers are unlikely to have reduced in the intervening years, as overall social housing demand doubled in England [archive] from one million in 2001 to two million by 2013.”

JEFF SESSIONS and Donald Trump. [archive]

“I think he can win, and I believe he will,” Sessions said. “He will need to continue to flesh out the details of his policies. But his instinctive response to Americans’ current situation has been pretty darn good.” . . .

“Sessions and Trump are united in the conviction that public policy in the United States should be tailored toward the interests of American citizens,” said Stephen Miller, a longtime Sessions aide who departed for Trump’s campaign in January. “That should be a non-controversial thought, but it is not in our politics today.”

At 69, Sessions sees the nation-state as the heart of his political mission. Day-to-day, he leads Trump’s foreign affairs advisory group, courts GOP officials for the Trump campaign and serves as a liaison with organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. But, on a deeper level, the Republican senator is thinking about a nationalist revolution.

“The elites have become international and they’ve ceased to have a primary loyalty to the nation-state,” Sessions said. “Republicans and Democrats do their fundraising cycles, and they go to Manhattan and they have their cocktails and they hear the whining of some billionaire and ask him for money.”

SCIENCE! Democratic AGs, climate change groups colluded on prosecuting dissenters, emails show. [archive]

The push for legal action against climate change dissent dates back to June 2012 when climate groups held a workshop, Establishing Accountability for Climate Change Damages: Lessons from Tobacco Control, at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California.

Last year, a coalition of environmentalists and lawmakers led by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island Democrat, petitioned the Justice Department to file a racketeering lawsuit against “corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change.”

The collection of emails sheds new light on the close working relationship between the climate change movement and Democratic lawmakers.

Chris Horner remarks, [archive] “In the end, it seems the only parties that may be breaking the law [archive] are those colluding AGs in their scheme to silence political opposition, while seeking funds for their preferred policy agenda. It is they who need to come clean.”

TIME MAGAZINE on the alt-right: [archive]

About 4 in 10 Americans—and nearly 75% of Trump supporters—say discrimination against whites is now as big a problem as discrimination against blacks, according to a November study by the Public Religion Research Institute.

Attempts to stifle free speech on college campuses—where students seek out “safe spaces” and complain that chalking “Trump 2016” on the quad is an act of intimidation—seem to validate the candidate’s jeremiads against political correctness. Meanwhile, the GOP’s perpetual pursuit of policies like free trade, entitlement cuts and lower taxes for the wealthy has widened the gulf between party bosses and the base. “Conservatism is committing suicide,” Spencer says. “We want to fill that space.”

JAYSON BLAIR, TAKE TWO: At New York Times, managers receive a warning about diversity. [archive] “Supervisors who fail to meet upper management’s requirements in recruiting and hiring minority candidates or who fail to seek out minority candidates for promotions face some stern consequences: They’ll be either encouraged to leave or be fired.”

THE ART OF WAR MEETS THE ART OF THE DEAL: Rush, Farah explain Trump’s victim strategy. [archive] Rush Limbaugh said, “You know what we have here? Trump and Colorado is a classic lesson in winning by losing. How to win by losing.”

[Joseph Farah wrote,] “All the analysts seem to be persuaded that Donald Trump doesn’t understand the Republican Party rules that cost him some delegates in Colorado . . . But what if Donald Trump, the master negotiator, the brilliant media tactician, the unparalleled manipulator of public opinion, DID know all about the rules? What if he didn’t bother going after those delegates because he knew it would benefit him more profoundly if he didn’t – turning what was perceived by his supporters and the general public unfamiliar with the arcane rules of the GOP into a national cause célèbre that would help his campaign steamroll over the competition in upcoming primaries in New York, Maryland, California and elsewhere?” . . .

[Limbaugh said,] “It is apparent to me now that the Trump campaign was fully aware that they were gonna lose Colorado this way and had found and discovered a way to turn that to their advantage by claiming that Colorado had cheated, by claiming that Colorado was disenfranchising people, by claiming that Colorado was gonna have a vote and then changed their mind . . . But there never was a plan to vote. . . . Trump waited ’til after Colorado to exploit the fact that there was not an election there, and it helped his point if he lost.”

As Farah asked, “Am I the only one who thinks Donald Trump didn’t earn $9 billion by being stupid?”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Belgian Minister Says Many Muslims ‘Danced’ After Attacks. [archive]

“A significant section of the Muslim community danced when attacks took place,” Jambon said in an interview with the Flemish-language De Standaard newspaper.

The Belgian minister also accused Muslim residents of Brussels’ largely immigrant Molenbeek neighbourhood of attacking police during an operation last month to arrest a suspect in connection with the deadly attacks in Paris last November.

(See earlier: Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect’s Arrest.)

“They threw stones and bottles at police and press during the arrest of Salah Abdeslam. This is the real problem. Terrorists we can pick up, remove from society. But they are just a boil. Underneath is a cancer that is much more difficult to treat. We can do it, but it won’t be overnight,” he said. . . .

He said that the danger linked to the radicalisation of youth from third and fourth generation families is “too deeply rooted” in some areas because Belgium “have for many years ignored the warning signs”.

UPDATE: Belgian Govt Confirms: Muslims DID ‘Dance On Streets’ In Support Of Brussels Attacks. [archive]

TRIGGERED: 11 Year-Old Dancing Trumps Banned From School Talent Show After Complaints. [archive] Here is video of an earlier performance.

JAPAN: Idol group Kamen Joshi share a video tribute to Donald Trump. [archive]

The idol group, whose name in English means Masked Girls and which is made up of 18 members in three separate teams, released a video titled “Kamen Joshi: Idol Magic for Trump M-A-G-A!” in which seven of the members sang and danced in an effort to “M-A-G-A,” or “make America great again.” . . .

The Japanese lyrics in the Kamen Joshi song don’t actually match the English slogans scrolling along the bottom of the video. Those short sentences make reference to “meme magic” and “power level is over 9,000,” the latter of which was a popular Internet meme spawned by anime series “Dragon Ball Z.” . . .

Some of the so-called Trump memes the group chose to include — “build the wall” and “we want to come america legally” — . . . refer to controversial statements the Republican front-runner has made.

The video is here.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Ferocious battle at Paris migrant camp: Refugees armed with metal poles clash with vigilantes under Metro station as terrified residents flee in panic. [archive]

The police are said to have been pelted with bottles and debris when they arrived at the scene of the fight between the homeless migrants and a so called ‘anti crime brigade’ from Stalingrad, which lies in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

The video was filmed from the relative safety of a nearby apartment on the Boulevard de la Vilette.

Here is the video.

At least four migrants were wounded in the riot, which was one of two that erupted last night. Both men were rushed to the nearby Lariboisière hospital for treatment.

Almost 1,000 migrants have arrived in the area in just over a month, many travelling from Calais having crossed the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve had earlier announced the removal of the camp in a joint statement with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, but the migrants returned with makeshift mattresses two weeks later.

SAVAGERY: Metro Officer of the Year attacked during arrest in east Nashville. [archive]

After he arrived, Officer Matthew Cammarn reportedly witnessed a man assault a woman. According to police, the 22-year-old “aggressively walked up to the officer,” who told the man to put his hands behind his back.

That’s when police say the man, identified as Brian Shannon, pulled away before pulling Officer Cammarn to the ground.

As the two were fighting and Shannon swung his fists, other people in a crowd began pulling, pushing, kicking and hitting the officer in an effort to free Shannon. The incident was caught on camera and some video was posted to Facebook.

Eventually, Shannon broke free and took off running. Officer Cammarn chased after him and the 22-year-old was taken into custody one street over.

Here is a video of a local news report followed by a partial recording of the incident.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Cover up: Parents, student CONFIRM refugee children choke, slap Canadian kids. [archive]

Last week an article by the Chronicle Herald detailed multiple instances of Syrian refugees assaulting Canadian children. The article featured comments by a woman nicknamed “Missy” who explained how her daughter had been choked with a chain and her son had been visibly threatened on the soccer field.

The story was pulled soon after it was posted with members of the left-wing media decrying the story as “racist,” “Islamophobic,” “xenophobic” or simply just not true.

In place of the story, an apologetic message was left in its place saying the story needed more research and was “insensitive” to the refugees. . . .

The Herald did admit that other parents had come forward with stories of their children being attacked.

In the aftermath of this story and the Herald’s self-censorship, no one in the Media Party bothered to do any research.

The Rebel, however, did.

WHOOPS: Cholesterol lowering using polyunsaturated fats increases the risk of death. [archive]

The Sydney Diet Heart Study (SDHS) was set up to show that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat would reduce the risk of heart disease The original researchers who set up and ran the SDHS did not fully publish their data at the time (one can only speculate as to why this may be so).

When this current group of researchers finally managed to get hold of the full data from the SHDS, it was found that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat did lower cholesterol, however:


A few years later, the researchers who re-analysed the Sydney Diet Heart Study decided to try and find all the unpublished data from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment (MCE). (One can again only speculate as to why the original researchers did not reveal all of their data). . . .

I shall paraphrase their findings:


Related: Statins can cause heart disease. [archive]

CURIOUS: Cruz Campaign Sent $1.795 Million to Breitbart’s Address. [archive]

Four Ted Cruz PACs reported to the Federal Elections Commission [archive] 118 separate transactions totaling $1,795,219.00 combined to three companies that all share the same address; 8383 Wilshire Blvd Ste. 1000 Beverly Hills, Ca 90211. The same address as Breitbart News, LLC.

$129,341.00 was paid to Breitbart in 4 transactions listed as Media, Media-Prepaid and List Purchase Expense. . . .

Cambridge Analytica, at the same address received 89 payments totaling $1,152,144.00. Robert Mercer, the principle investor in Breitbart donated the $11,500,000.00 to Cruz’s Keep The Promise I. Mercer is also the owner of Cambridge Analytica, a data company. . . .

The third company, Glittering Steel, LLC is a Delaware Corporation whose owners aren’t individually listed on the corporations state filing, but also shares the same Beverly Hills address as Mercer’s other two companies. Glittering Steel, LLC expenses were listed by the campaign as Video Production costs. The 25 payments totaled $513,734.00.

LOVE WINS: CDC Official: Syphilis Rates Among Gay Men Highest Since Before Start Of HIV Epidemic. [archive] The article helpfully quotes from a CDC document on syphilis:

“While rates have increased among both men and women, men account for more than 90 percent of all primary and secondary syphilis cases,” the fact sheet says.

“Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for 83 percent of male cases where the sex of the sex partner is known,” the fact sheet states. “Primary and secondary syphilis are the most infectious stages of the disease, and if not adequately treated, can lead to long-term infection, which can cause visual impairment and stroke.”

“Syphilis infection can also place a person at increased risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection,” it says. “Available surveillance data indicate that an average of half of MSM who have syphilis are also infected with HIV.”

PULLING THEIR WEIGHT: German army quits NATO training exercise after exceeding Merkel’s bizarre overtime limits. [archive] “The defence minister also faced criticism for installing children’s day care centres on army bases and timetabling military service to fit with the school holidays.”

INTERESTING: Donald Trump’s Delegate Manager Begins Employing Same Tactics He Used for Ronald Reagan in 1980. [archive]

“Manafort is a master of the game,” Stone said in an email. “Just as he forged a short term alliance between the Reagan and Bush forces to deny Howard Baker a Maine victory in 1980, he has just teamed with Kasich to shut Cruz out of Michigan.” . . .

Manafort is now convinced he’s going to be able to carry Trump over the top before the GOP convention in Cleveland in July.

“I’m confident, we have several ways through June 7th to go over 1,237,” Manafort said in an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press this weekend. “And, you know, not counted in that at all are any of these unbound delegates who are getting selected, many of whom I feel pretty good about.” . . .

Trump’s children are backing Manafort, sources say, as well—since they have grown dissatisfied with lack of preparation under the structure put together by Lewandowski. One source said that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who helped write the billionaire’s widely-acclaimed AIPAC speech, is a major supporter of the Manafort takeover internally. Trump, that source said, is said to be very happy about the shutout of Cruz in Michigan and a recent uprising in Nevada.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Syrian Refugee in Germany Accused of Arson, Trying to Frame Neo-Nazis. [archive]

“During police questioning, the man admitted that he had set fire in the cellar of the multi-use building,” police spokesman Achim Hansen told NBC News . . .

A total of 26 people were in the building when the fire was intentionally started on Thursday. Two firefighters and four residents suffered minor injuries during the incident. . . .

The arsonist sprayed three swastikas on the exterior of the building in a bid to point police in the direction of far-right protesters.

Related: Teen Migrant Suspected of Starting Blaze in German Refugee Centre. [archive] “Police arrested a 17-year-old migrant on suspicion of starting a fire that burned down a refugee centre in the town of Winsen, Lower Saxony, on Sunday, April 10. An employee reportedly [archive] contacted the police after he saw an Afghan teen lighting a fire in the dorm. Some 200 firefighters battled the blaze but failed to save any part of the former gym hall. Nobody was reported injured in the fire.”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Brussels: Majority Of Muslim Students Think Brussels Terrorists Are ‘Heroes’ Say Teachers. [archive]

Teachers working in the predominantly Muslim districts of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek in Brussels have reported that “90 percent of their students, 17, 18 years old” called the Islamist terrorists who attacked Paris and Brussels “heroes”.

The revelation came in an article [archive] in the New York Times, wherein Steven Erlanger spoke to a Belgian policymaker who relayed the information from Belgium.

The piece, entitled “Blaming Policy, Not Islam, for Belgium’s Radicalised Youth”, interviewed Yves Goldstein, chief of staff for the minister-president of the Brussels Capital Region and a Schaerbeek councilman.

CURIOUS: Man Behind the “Literally Hitler” Anti-Trump Ad Is Attorney for Ted Cruz. [archive] The ad doesn’t say “Literally Hitler.” If I recall correctly, the ad was titled “Heil Trump” and had been uploaded to the Citizen Super PAC YouTube page (which seems to have been since deleted). A mirror is available here.

(This bit of news is gaining some traction now that it has been posted on Gateway Pundit, but it appears to have broken a month ago on a site that people are far less likely to link. The title there has similar wording: Ted Cruz’ Campaign Lawyer Chris Gober Behind “Literally Hitler” Anti-Trump Ad. [archive])

Anyway, does this connection to the Cruz campaign mean Cruz was behind the ad? No. But he himself has accused Donald Trump of being involved in things for which Cruz can offer no evidence at all: [archive] “About the past month the Drudge Report has basically become the attack site for the Donald Trump campaign. And so every day they have the latest Trump attack. They’re directed at me. It — by all appearances, Roger Stone now decides what’s on Drudge.”

“Basically,” “by all appearances” — lawyerly weasel words. Not to mention Stone and the Trump campaign parted ways in August 2015.

Cruz was even more sure of himself about the source of his sex scandal, again with no evidence: [archive] “For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won’t go.”

Related: Texas Lobbyist and Ted Cruz Operative Admits Origin of Campaign To Attack Donald Trump’s Wife. [archive]

BLONDES are smart, actually. [archive]

New research in the US [PDF] suggests that naturally blond women are no dumber than anybody else. . . .

The study used old data from a long-running national survey conducted regularly on 10,878 ordinary Americans who were aged 14-22 in 1979. . . .

Participants were given a kind of intelligence test, and at one point were also asked their natural hair colour. Based on this data, after various statistical adjustments, blond and brown-haired white women, on average, had an IQ a couple of points higher than white women with red or black hair. . . .

General intelligence is a very slippery thing to measure, as it may well be influenced a lot by how you are brought up. For instance, as the study points out, the big survey also shows: “White, blond women grew up in homes with more reading material than those with other hair colour.”

Actually, having books as a kid is irrelevant to IQ.

Maybe there are some problems with the study’s methodology. At the very least, it isn’t supportive of the “dumb blonde” stereotype.

Related: “When a blonde isn’t dumb, she’s lascivious. . . . Blondes have not always had this reputation.” [archive] “The current blonde stereotype began in the U.S. of the early 20th century. It was a product of ethnic contact between the native-born population and darker-haired immigrants (Italians, Jews, Greeks, etc.) who were often shocked by the relative sexual freedom of ‘American’ women. This attitude existed in different communities, but it entered the mainstream culture primarily via Jewish immigrants and specifically through their contributions to art and literature. It is a common theme in Jewish-American novels.”

MY BAD: UK Equalities Chief Who Popularised The Term ‘Islamophobia’ Admits: ‘I Thought Muslims Would Blend into Britain… I Should Have Known Better’. [archive] “Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained that most Muslims are just like everyone else . . . But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.”

Phillips says his new data shows “a chasm” opening between Muslims and non-Muslims on fundamental issues such as marriage, relations between men and women, schooling, freedom of expression and even the validity of violence in defence of religion. He notes – echoing an article on Breitbart London just two weeks ago [archive] which reveals a growing disparity between older and younger Muslims in Britain – that “the gaps between Muslim and non-Muslim youngsters are nearly as large as those between their elders”. . . .

He writes: “The contempt for white girls among some Muslim men has been highlighted by the recent scandals in Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale and other towns. But this merely reflects a deeply ingrained sexism that runs through Britain’s Muslim communities” . . .

Even left wing columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown told him: “[W]e [liberal Muslims] are a dying breed — in 10 years there will be very few of us left unless something really important is done.”

Phillips comments: “Some of my journalist friends imagine that, with time, the Muslims will grow out of it. They won’t.” . . .

“Many of our (distinctly un-diverse) elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth. Any undesirable behaviours are attributed to poverty and alienation.”

Earlier: UK: Muslims are ‘not like us’ and we should just accept they will never integrate, says former racial equalities chief Trevor Phillips.

CRUZ: Kasich should drop out because he can’t win. [archive]

Cruz said in an interview Tuesday on WTMJ radio in Milwaukee that any candidate who doesn’t have a path to winning should end their campaign.

“At this point,” he said, “Kasich has been mathematically eliminated.”

Related: “Based on current numbers, come April 26th, Cruz will need 687 delegates to win the election but only 634 will be available.” [archive]

Also related: Poll: Cruz, Kasich Voters Prefer Trump as Second Choice. [archive]

DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH: U.S. Naval Flight Officer Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin Accused of Giving U.S. Secrets to China. [archive]

The charging documents allege he successfully committed espionage twice and attempted espionage on three other occasions. . . .

Lin was also accused of violating military law by patronizing prostitutes and committing adultery. . . .

According to a 2008 Navy release on a naturalization ceremony at which he spoke, “Lin was 14 years old when he and his family left Taiwan.” . . .

He speaks fluent Mandarin and had been a department head for the Hawaii-based Special Projects Patrol Squadron Two ‘Wizards’ (VPU-2) that flew EP3-E Aries II signals intelligence aircraft, two sources confirmed to USNI News.

Lin’s job . . . was to manage the collection of electronic signals from the aircraft – a central coordinator.

The specifics of how the U.S. gathers signals from potential adversaries are among the military’s most closely guarded secrets. Knowing the methodology for how the U.S. gathers signals intelligence – information that Lin would likely have with his Aries II experience – could allow adversaries to devise ways to counter U.S. monitoring.

Here [archive] is the 2008 press release from the Navy celebrating Lin’s naturalization ceremony. Yay diversity!

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: France: Calais migrant thugs attack car and SET FIRE to road to stop truckers. [archive]

Skirmishes broke out across the lawless port town as roaming packs of migrants apparently carried out a mass violent bid to reach Britain.

Videos emerged online showing migrants setting fire to barricades made of wood and tyres in the middle of the motorway near the port, to force lorries to stop so they could break inside. . . .

The latest violence comes after haulage groups warned there has been a “serious breakdown in law and order” at Calais, with hundred-strong packs of migrants wielding iron bars becoming a regular sight for truckers.

HMM: Will a brokered covention destroy the Republican Party? [archive]

According to a just released Reuters poll, [archive] one third of Republican voters who support Donald Trump could turn their backs on their party in November’s presidential election if he is denied the nomination in a contested convention. . . .

Meanwhile, 58 percent said they would remain with the Republican Party. Another 16 percent said they would leave it, and 26 percent said they did not know what they would do with their registration. The online poll of 468 Republican Trump supporters has a credibility interval of 5.3 percentage points.

TANSTAAFL: Senators Slam NATO ‘Free-Riders’ in Closed-Door Meeting With Secretary General. [archive]

During a closed-door meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Capitol Hill, . . . senators grilled [him] about why only five members of the 28-nation club spend at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense, the official amount NATO recommends each nation set aside. . . .

Corker said Trump’s campaign rhetoric speaks to a concern he’s heard from his own Tennessee constituents, which he relayed to Stoltenberg.

“I did mention to him that there’s a populism that is taking place within our country right now, both sides of the aisle,” said Corker. “The American people know that we are a nation spending way beyond our means and when our European counterparts are not honoring their obligations as they should, at some point, there’s going to be a breaking point.”

Last year, the U.S. accounted for more than 72 percent of NATO members’ total defense expenditures, spending about $649.9 billion. The other 27 NATO members combined to spend less than 28 percent, or about $251 billion, of the total.

After exiting the meeting with Stoltenberg, Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, added his dismay that defense spending for “very few” of America’s allies is “where it ought to be.”

“The issue of the other countries paying their full share is not an outlier view at all,” he said.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Protesters Threaten, Shut Down ‘Students for Trump’ Meeting. [archive]

An Anti-Trump protester threatened a student that was filming the scene: “Point that f**king camera at me… Wait ’til that camera is not there…do you want to get f**ked up by a f**king faggot?” . . .

Despite the meeting being a closed event for the club, the protesters demanded the right to speak. When a few pro-Trump students tried to calm down a protester yelling from atop a table, another protester yelled, “If you don’t let her talk, I will f**k shit up.”

Is “protester” the word we’re supposed to use for thugs who threaten innocent people with violence?

HMM: Sketchy Ted Cruz Campaign Fundraiser Recorded Telling Donors They Can Violate Finance Laws. [archive] An interesting detail:

The actual Super-PAC the Ted Cruz campaign is preferring, “Stand for Truth”, is run by Mitch McConnell’s attorney, Eric Lycan; and the receipts inside the most recent filings show some of the biggest donors in the DC circuit heavy hitters club.

The Cruz campaign likes to sell a narrative of being an “outsider”. However, the PAC wasn’t created until November 18th 2015 and this recorded fundraising pitch was December 30th 2015, a little more than a month after the PAC was formed.

Why is that aspect pertinent? Not a single primary took place until Feb 1st, and almost all of the candidates were still in the race when this donor meeting took place. The Mitch McConnell/Eric Lycan “insider DC pac” known as Stand for Truth, was part of Team Cruz finance while Bush, Rubio, Christie, Fiorina et al were still in the race.

Does that sound like an unfriendly -outside of the establishment- status?

EVIL: Germany: Cologne Police Reveal ‘Cover Up’ Of New Year’s Eve Rape Attacks Ordered By Government. [archive]

An “internal police memo” which detailed “a request from the ministry” instructed police that they were to “cancel” the use of the word “rape” in their reports.

Speaking to the Express, a spokesman for minister Jäger admitted there had been “coordination meetings” between the government and police in the aftermath of the attacks. The paper called the notes and meetings nothing less than a “cover up”.

These revelations may make uneasy reading for minister Jäger, having already courted some controversy for firing [archive] his chief of police after revelations that officers were too overstretched to effectively control the migrant riot in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

Although the decision to sack the veteran officer was claimed to be over restoring faith in the force, just days later it was revealed [archive] the chief of police had foreseen trouble and appealed to minister Jäger for backup. The NRW politician turned down the request for more officers, exacerbating what was the most chaotic night in Cologne in decades.