CURIOUS: Man Behind the “Literally Hitler” Anti-Trump Ad Is Attorney for Ted Cruz. [archive] The ad doesn’t say “Literally Hitler.” If I recall correctly, the ad was titled “Heil Trump” and had been uploaded to the Citizen Super PAC YouTube page (which seems to have been since deleted). A mirror is available here.

(This bit of news is gaining some traction now that it has been posted on Gateway Pundit, but it appears to have broken a month ago on a site that people are far less likely to link. The title there has similar wording: Ted Cruz’ Campaign Lawyer Chris Gober Behind “Literally Hitler” Anti-Trump Ad. [archive])

Anyway, does this connection to the Cruz campaign mean Cruz was behind the ad? No. But he himself has accused Donald Trump of being involved in things for which Cruz can offer no evidence at all: [archive] “About the past month the Drudge Report has basically become the attack site for the Donald Trump campaign. And so every day they have the latest Trump attack. They’re directed at me. It — by all appearances, Roger Stone now decides what’s on Drudge.”

“Basically,” “by all appearances” — lawyerly weasel words. Not to mention Stone and the Trump campaign parted ways in August 2015.

Cruz was even more sure of himself about the source of his sex scandal, again with no evidence: [archive] “For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won’t go.”

Related: Texas Lobbyist and Ted Cruz Operative Admits Origin of Campaign To Attack Donald Trump’s Wife. [archive]