REVEALING: Cathy Young Proves the Point–Immigration Patriotism Is Good for America. That’s Why She Hates It.
She hurls the career-lethal charge of anti-Semitism against Coulter. What is evidence for this damning indictment? An “anti-Semitic trope” that became a “Twitter meme” featuring a quote Young sources from Coulter’s best-seller Adios America!
The text reads, “Palestinians demand a right to return to their pre-1967 homes, but Israel says, quite correctly, that changing Israel’s ethnicity would change the idea of Israel. Well, changing America’s ethnicity changes the idea of America, too. Show me in a straight line why we can’t do what Israel does. Is Israel special? For some of us, America is special, too.”
There’s nothing in Coulter’s comment that’s “anti-Semitic” or anti-Israel. Indeed, if anything, it’s philo-Semitic, [archive] in that it uses Israel as an example to be followed. [archive]
But Young says this comment is indeed anti-Semitic because:
…those familiar with the alt-right will recognize one of its favorite talking points: Israel supporters—particularly Jews—are hypocritical if they support immigration into the U.S., since they don’t advocate large-scale non-Jewish immigration into Israel or the Palestinian right of return.
Whatever Young calls it, that’s practically the definition of hypocrisy. But, as if to prove the point, Young then proceeds to explain why America is not allowed to oppose large-scale immigration into the United States, but Israel is.
Her arguments are so sloppy and self-interested, [archive] one can’t help but suspect Young knows she is arguing in bad faith. And here we have to mention what Young herself mysteriously refuses to acknowledge—Young is herself a Russian Jewish immigrant. [archive]
Related, from Vox Day: Cathy Young is an America-hater. [archive]