HMM: Sketchy Ted Cruz Campaign Fundraiser Recorded Telling Donors They Can Violate Finance Laws. [archive] An interesting detail:

The actual Super-PAC the Ted Cruz campaign is preferring, “Stand for Truth”, is run by Mitch McConnell’s attorney, Eric Lycan; and the receipts inside the most recent filings show some of the biggest donors in the DC circuit heavy hitters club.

The Cruz campaign likes to sell a narrative of being an “outsider”. However, the PAC wasn’t created until November 18th 2015 and this recorded fundraising pitch was December 30th 2015, a little more than a month after the PAC was formed.

Why is that aspect pertinent? Not a single primary took place until Feb 1st, and almost all of the candidates were still in the race when this donor meeting took place. The Mitch McConnell/Eric Lycan “insider DC pac” known as Stand for Truth, was part of Team Cruz finance while Bush, Rubio, Christie, Fiorina et al were still in the race.

Does that sound like an unfriendly -outside of the establishment- status?