THE NEW TOLERANCE: S.F. Supervisor Attacks Breitbart Reporter as ‘Racist’ for Covering ‘Sanctuary City’ Debate. [archive]

Stranahan was unlawfully thrown out of a Board of Supervisors’ meeting [archive] for filming radical pro-amnesty protestors disrupting the discussion and breaking the rules repeatedly without repercussion. . . .

Later, Supervisor David Campos spoke and continued to falsely attack Stranahan and attempt to portray his actions as “intimidation” . . .

The day after the Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Avalos of District 11 continued his attack on Twitter, calling Stranahan a “white supremacist” and a “racist” because he decided to “monitor ppl of color.” . . .

Under the Brown Act, California law protects the rights of citizens to record public meetings as long as they are not obstructing others or being disruptive.