BILL VALLICELLA: Brussels, Hillary, Trump: Once Again Against Abstention. [archive]
A. Trump might appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court. But we KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .
B. It is a very good bet that Trump will put a severe dent in the influx of illegal aliens across the southern border. But we KNOW that Hillary will do nothing to stem the illegal tide. If anything she’ll encourage it . . .
C. A third thing Trump might very well do is stop the outrage of sanctuary cities. But we KNOW Hillary won’t. By the way, what do sanctuary cities provide sanctuary from? The rule of law.
D. A fourth thing Trump can be expected to do is enforce civil order and free speech rights in the face of such disorderly elements as the members of Black Lives Matter. . . .
E. A fifth thing Trump might do is defend religious liberties. We KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .
F. A sixth thing Trump might do is defend Second Amendment rights. We KNOW that Hillary won’t. . . .
G. And then came Brussells. A seventh thing Trump might do is take serious and ‘meaningful’ steps against Islamic terrorism. We KNOW that Hillary won’t.