PRIORITIES: “Berlin police say they’ve raided 10 residences in the German capital in a crackdown against far-right hate speech on social media.” [archive]

Police spokesman Michael Gassen said Wednesday the morning raids involved nine suspects who used Facebook, Twitter and other social networks to spread hate. He says authorities want to emphasize “the Internet is not a law-free zone” and that if illegal speech is posted “it won’t be without consequences.”

The suspects, identified as men between 22 and 58, are alleged to have posted anti-migrant messages, anti-Semitic messages and songs with banned lyrics, among other things. They face possible fines if found guilty.

(“Anti-Semitic messages”? Why is that?)

Also related, from February: Berlin Train Station Becomes Migrant Crime Hub. [archive]

Related, from October 2015: Germany: Migrant Crime Wave, Police Capitulate. [archive]

In Berlin, a classified police report leaked to the German newspaper, Bild, revealed [archive] that a dozen Arab clans hold reign over the city’s criminal underworld. The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a “parallel justice system” in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families. If the German state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.

Separately, a politically incorrect police report leaked to the German newspaper, Der Tagesspiegel, revealed [archived] that more than 80% of the violent crimes registered in Berlin are committed by non-Germans.

At the same time, thousands of police officers in Berlin are no longer being allowed to carry guns because of cuts [archive] to the budget for mandatory firearms training.

Earlier: No-Go Zones: German Police Admit To Losing Control Of Immigrant ‘Problem Neighbourhoods’.

RELIGION OF PIECES: Saints’ bones among rubble of Syrian monastery destroyed by Isil. [archive]

The remains of revered religious figures appear to have been thrown into a room along with empty cardboard boxes, clay pots and rubbish as part of Isil’s attempt to destroy the monastery, which they blew up and bulldozed in August 2015 shortly after capturing territory in Homs Province. . . .

The monastery was first established more than 1,500 years ago and was named after a third century Christian from Homs who was killed by his father, a Roman officer, for refusing to renounce his faith. It had been restored just 10 years ago with help of an Italian priest, who had re-established another monastery, Mar Musa, near Damascus.

ACT OF LOVE: Illegal immigrant kills fireman, children in head-on collision. [archive]

According to ICE, Margarito Quintero entered in the country in 2006 & was deported in 2008. . . .

Captain Hacking, his four-year-old stepdaughter Ellie and 22-month-old son Grayson died on Highway 78 in Lavon, after being hit head on. The 36-year-old firefighter left behind a widow, a 9-year-old son and four stepchildren.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: “Underage” Afghan convicted of raping 15-year-old girl the day after he requested asylum in Sweden. [archive] He was discovered to be over 19 years of age following a dental examination.

The man had apparently been left alone with the victim in the home, which was designated for minors who had mental illnesses and need special care. The pair were watching the Swedish equivalent of ‘X-Factor’ when the attack took place.

Staff at the asylum home decided to leave the pair as they watched the programme and upon returning found the man in the middle of raping the 15 year old who was crying and screaming.

The victim had mentioned to the staff before the incident that she did not feel comfortable around the Afghan and said to them that the man was acting in a strange manner toward her. . . .

The 15 year old victim, who was likely suffering from some kind of mental illness or trauma before the attack, is now suffering from severe anxiety and constant nightmares. It is said that she finds it difficult to even be touched by other people and that her anxiety affects her so much she is no longer able to continue her schooling.

ACT OF LOVE: Killer Illegal Immigrant Entered U.S. as ‘Unaccompanied Child’. [archive]

In January 2016, Omaha police arrested Mejia after he crashed into Root’s vehicle, allegedly while street-racing drunk. The crash killed Root. ICE has stated that it did not file a detainer against Mejia because his crimes “did not meet ICE’s enforcement priorities.”

In the letter, Saldana walked back the argument that Mejia’s crimes did not meet the “priority” standard.

“After further review, we believe that further enforcement action would have served an important federal interest in this case, as provided for in Secretary Johnson’s November 20, 2014 civil immigration enforcement priorities memo,” she wrote.

Earlier: ICE Director Sarah Saldana: “Prosecutorial discretion” reason why agency didn’t detain illegal who killed citizen while drunkenly street racing.

BREAK OUT THE POPCORN: Jackie Coakley must testify in lawsuit over Rolling Stone gang-rape hoax. [archive]

A Virginia judge has ruled that the woman at the center of Rolling Stone’s discredited story about an alleged frat house gang rape must testify as part of a lawsuit against the magazine.

[Jackie Coakley] will be deposed on Thursday by attorneys representing Rolling Stone and Nicole Eramo, the University of Virginia administrator who is suing the magazine and the author of the now-retracted article, Sabrina Rubin Erdely. . . .

Attorneys for Jackie had resisted the deposition, arguing that she would be re-victimized if forced to recount the incident under oath and it could bring her “extreme psychological” and “irreparable harm.”

At a hearing held Monday in a Charlottesville, Virginia, Judge Glen E. Conrad denied a motion filed by Jackie’s attorneys to quash the deposition subpoena.

Related, from January: Judge: Jackie Coakley not covered by patient-counselor privilege in ‘Rolling Stone’ defamation suit. [archive]

A BAD SIGN: “In Brussels only eight of 114 Imams in Brussels speak any of the local languages.” [archive] More: “The majority Muslim municipality of about 100,000 people is the second poorest in the country, with the second youngest population, high unemployment and crime rates, and a nearly 10% annual population turnover that makes it a highly transient community. By some accounts, [archive] nearly a third of Molenbeek residents are unemployed.”

GOOD: Researcher receives patent for Huntington’s disease treatment. [archive]

INTERESTING: Inside Operation Trump, the Most Unorthodox Campaign in Political History. [archive]

His campaign lists 94 people on the payroll nationwide, according to the latest Federal Election Commission filing (Hillary Clinton has 765). Trump has no pollsters, media coaches, or speechwriters. He­focus-groups nothing. . . .

I’m the strategist,” Trump told me. Which would make him . . . one of the greatest political savants of the modern era. . . .

All his utterances are, by his account, spontaneous. “It’s much easier to read a speech, obviously,” he said. “I speak from the brain and from the heart in combination, hopefully in equal combination.” . . .

As much as his campaign appears off the cuff, Trump diligently laid the groundwork for his 2016 run over the course of several years, cultivating relationships with powerful allies in the conservative firmament and in the media, inviting them to private meetings at Trump Tower and golf outings in Florida, all the while collecting intelligence that he has deployed to devastating effect. . . .

“[GOP chairman] Reince [Priebus] called Trump thinking they were talking about donations, but Trump was asking him hard questions,” recalled Nunberg. From his conversations with Priebus, Trump learned that the 2016 field was likely to be crowded. “We knew it was going to be like a parliamentary election,” Nunberg said.

Which is how Trump’s scorched-earth strategy coalesced. To break out of the pack, he made what appears to be a deliberate decision to be provocative, even outrageous. “If I were totally presidential, I’d be one of the many people who are already out of the race,” Trump told me.

TRUMP interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa: [archive] “One of the problems I have is that when I hit people, I hit them harder maybe than is necessary. And it’s almost impossible to reel them back.”

The American economy is sitting on a big bubble:

DT: . . . I was pretty good at prognostication . . . I’d talk about success, but I’d say, this is a bad time to invest. I also said, this is a good time to invest.

BW: What is it now? Is it a good time to invest now?

DT: Oh, I think it’s a terrible time right now. . . .

You have cheap money that nobody can get unless you’re rich. . . . The regulators are running the banks. You have a situation where you have an inflated stock market. It started to deflate, but then it went back up again. Usually that’s a bad sign. That’s a sign of things to come. And yeah, I think we’re sitting on a very, very big bubble. . . .

It’s precarious times. Part of the reason it’s precarious is because we are being ripped so badly by other countries. We are being ripped so badly by China. It just never ends. Nobody’s ever going to stop it. And the reason they’re not going to stop it is one of two. They’re either living in a world of the make believe, or they’re totally controlled by their lobbyists and their special interests. Meaning people that want it to continue.

Whoever is picked as a vice presidential running mate should be able to work with Congress: (more…)

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Crime Spike in St. Louis Traced to Cheap Heroin and Mexican Cartels. [archive]

Besides St. Louis — where the problem is particularly acute — Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee and Philadelphia have attributed recent spikes in homicides in part to an increase in the trafficking of low-cost heroin by Mexican cartels working with local gangs. . . .

Federal officials say that the Sinaloa cartel manufactures the heroin in the mountains of northwestern Mexico and transports it across the border, where operatives like Mr. Velasquez are responsible for ensuring it gets to St. Louis.

Chief Dotson said the local gang had been responsible for so much violence in the city that the arrests might lead to a significant reduction in violent crime, which rose by 7.8 percent in 2015, including an 18.2 percent increase in homicides. . . .

Despite the indictments, heroin continues to be sold openly in the mainly African-American neighborhoods of North St. Louis once dominated by the group.

THE GENETICS OF CRIME: Criminology’s Wonderland: Why (Almost) Everything You Know About Crime is Wrong. [archive] “In a series of conversations (see for example here, [archive] here, [archive] and here [archive]), we’ve deliberately tried to do damage to your conception of what actually influences human behavior, and in particular, about where the biggest influences on crime come from. We’ve only scratched the surface . . . For the new initiate, it is enough to know that you must unlearn much of what you “know” and virtually all of how you feel about where crime comes from. We must start talking much more about genetics, we must talk much less about parental socialization, and we must accept the possibility that the causes of crime that lurk in the ‘non-shared environment’ might be harder to splice apart than we ever imagined. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s just hard.”

Earlier: Is crime genetic? Scientists don’t know because they’re afraid to ask.

Also earlier: “If parenting effects really existed, and you wanted to find them, where would you need to look?”

Related: How criminologists who study biology are shunned by their field. [archive]

A massive study just published in the academic journal Nature Genetics synthesized 50 years worth of behavior genetics research [archive] and settled the issue nicely. I’ll distill the findings down: there is virtually no human trait untouched by genes. . . .

There have also been four separate reviews of the literature examining behavior genetic studies on the topic of criminal and antisocial behavior specifically. The conclusions are precisely the same.

JOHN ZMIRAK: Faith, Reason and Open Borders. [archive]

Such statements exert a powerful emotional appeal. They tempt us with the chance to join the elect of enlightened and compassionate “genuine” Christians—who just happen on this issue to agree with the dominant forces in the media, international elites at the United Nations and European Union, and the faculty of prestigious universities. These statements threaten us that if we employ our reason in discerning the wisest policies for our fellow citizens, we might be punished eternally in hell . . .

In fact, there is nothing genuinely Christian in refusing to use our reason, to account for the predictable effects of our actions, or to plan wisely for the future for our families and our communities. . . .

When large numbers of Sunni Muslims attempted to colonise much of Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Christians energetically organised to prevent them from doing so . . . Now the Islamic world is employing a different tactic for expansion. . . . If accepted, these migrants will someday gain the rights of citizens—the power to vote in laws that fit their values instead of ours. We have seen those values in action, from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. Their fruit is honour-killings of women, execution of homosexuals, the death penalty for “apostasy” from or “blasphemy” against Islam. There are plenty of countries where people can live if they wish to be ruled by sharia law. Why should we inflict that illiberal creed on our children? Is that what Christ called us to do?

AN ASSESSMENT FROM BREITBART: An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right. [archive] “The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.”

Earlier: An Assessment From The Left: How 2015 Fueled The Rise Of The Freewheeling, White Nationalist Alt Right Movement.

Also earlier: An Assessment From The Establishment “Right”: What, Exactly, is the ‘Alternative Right?’

ANN COULTER: “The only question for Republicans is: Which candidate can win states that Mitt Romney lost?” [archive]

Romney lost the white vote to Obama in five crucial swing states: Maine (42 percent of the white vote), Minnesota (47 percent), New Hampshire (48 percent), Iowa (48 percent) and Wisconsin (49 percent). He only narrowly beat Obama’s white vote in other important swing states — Illinois (51 percent), Colorado (52 percent), Michigan (53 percent), Ohio (54 percent) and Pennsylvania (54 percent).

Increasing the white vote in these states gives Trump any number of paths to victory.

CAUSE FOR CONCERN: Immigration watchdog: Too many ‘establishment ghosts’ haunt Cruz. [archive]

One issue that turned ALIPAC sour on Cruz was his wife’s participation in the authorship of a CFR report titled “Building a North American Community.” Cruz has said his wife’s contribution to the report was meant to throw cold water on the idea of a North American Union but others disagree.

“While ALIPAC appreciates Cruz’s promises to also enforce immigration laws and campaign focus on illegal immigration, revelations that his wife Heidi Cruz is a signatory to the Council on Foreign Relations document ‘Building a North American Community’ disqualifies anyone in the Cruz family from occupying the White House,” Gheen said. “Heidi Cruz’s employment with Goldman Sachs and role as a signer of the Open Borders Manifesto from the CFR is too much of a risk for America during this unstable and chaotic time.” . . .

“America cannot allow any of the main architects of the illegal-alien invasion like Heidi Cruz and her CFR co-conspirators, which included Dr. Robert Pastor (professor and founding director of the Center for North American Studies at American University), to enter the White House as president or first lady,” he continued. “The CFR and the document Heidi helped write is the elitist blueprint for merging America’s economy with Canada and Mexico and to use illegal immigrants to force us all into that new superstate.”

He said ALIPAC has been fighting against the CFR’s utopian goal of global governance since 2005 “and as such we must reject the candidacy of Ted Cruz.”

GERMANY: Alternative for Germany (AfD) party leader Frauke Petry has said her fellow Germans should not be afraid to be patriotic for a country which is under threat from mass migration. [archive]

Responding to the question “what do you have against immigration?”, Dr. Petry cited Sir Paul’s book Exodus, and said: “One thing is clear: The immigration of so many Muslims will change our culture”.

Exodus, subtitled ‘How Migration Changed Our World’ is the academic’s 2013 study on mass migration and highlighted how migration can damage both host an home nations. Looking to cities like London where “indigenous” Britons are now in a minority, Collier found increasing migration discouraged integration. . . .

While lamenting that “nationalism and patriotism are regularly thrown in the same pot”, she said it was time for Germany to stop using the past and collective guilt as an excuse, and to embrace “healthy patriotism”.

Remarking that feeling love for your own nation should be “natural”, Dr. Petry said: “This stance includes taking responsibility for our history, but it also presupposes a healthy relationship to our identity, without which it’s impossible to act in a forward-looking manner both domestically and externally. We think it’s wrong that German politicians are exclusively wrapping themselves in the cloak of guilt”.

PRIORITIES: EU institutions spend more on propaganda than on counter-terrorism. [archive]

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Sweden: Cruise For 1,700 School Kids Ends In Tragedy As Migrant Passengers Gang-Rape Girl. [archive]

The prosecutor has given no more detail about the crime or the victim, and was initially even reluctant to disclose that it was a woman who had been raped.

Although the politically-correct Swedish police have gone to their usual lengths to obscure the identities and nationalities of the suspected perpetrators, a mistake by Sweden’s largest newspaper has revealed the men to be migrants.

STEPHEN MILLER on the moment Ted Cruz threw in with the globalists. [archive]

If you look at Ted Cruz’s op-ed [archive] with Paul Ryan . . . we’re talking about a defining moment in US history.

I will point to what is happening in England, in the United Kingdom, and what they’ve seen with the European Union, and their own inability to block the movements of foreign persons, as well as the regulation that’s imposed upon them from Brussels.

And that began as a trade agreement.

Once you begin walking down this path, you hit a point of no return.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Gay activists seek to ban new movie ‘Pink’ depicting kids suffering from gay adoption. [archive]

The movie’s uncompromising portrayal of the gay subculture has provoked protests from homosexual activists in Mexico, who have asked government officials [archive] to prohibit the showing of the film in the nation’s theaters.

The federal government’s National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination initially refused to act but has now asked the secretary of governance to increase the movie’s rating to a more restrictive one (it is currently accessible to those aged 15 and up). It also called on the movie industry to eliminate “stereotypes, prejudices, and stigmas” associated with homosexual “families.” . . .

The portrayal of the gay lifestyle in Pink is reflected in numerous studies that have established high rates of promiscuity and instability in relationships among homosexuals, who also suffer a substantially elevated frequency of HIV infection [archive] as well as many other physiological and psychological disorders. [archive] Studies also indicate that children adopted by homosexuals suffer significantly higher rates [archive] of emotional and developmental problems and have a higher rate of treatment for mental health problems.

Earlier: How far do gay activists go in order to silence critics?

PART OF THE PLAN: Report: Immigrant population over 15% in record 16 states, over 25% in 6. [archive]

The new Center for Immigration Studies analysis [archive] of the 61 million immigrants [archive] and their children now in America revealed the speed at how the nation’s population has changed since 1970.

According to interactive maps [archive] unveiled Monday by CIS, there were no states in 1970 that recorded immigrant populations over 15 percent. Today one third of the nation’s states register over 15 percent immigrant: California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Washington, Arizona, Illinois, Maryland, Georgia, Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Oregon.

And the population of immigrants and their children in six are over 25 percent immigrant: California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, New York and New Jersey.
California, for example, went from 13 percent immigrant in 1970 to over 37 percent last year. Texas went from 5 percent to 25 percent over that same period.

FED UP: Majority now back Muslim travel ban; divide on Muslim neighborhood patrols. [archive]

Research from YouGov/HuffPost indicates that the public is divided on whether or not law enforcement should ‘patrol and secure’ Muslim neighborhoods in the United States. 45% support it while 40% oppose it, with most Democrats (57%) opposed and a large majority of Republicans (74%) in favor of the policy.

Despite the narrow support for proactive patrolling of Muslim areas, a significant majority of Americans (63% to 24%) say that it is better to work with Muslim communities to identify potential terrorists than it is to rely on putting these communities under intense surveillance. Even most Republicans (52%) prefer cooperation to surveillance.

(Too bad Muslims don’t cooperate. See the earlier post, Former FBI Counterterrorism Agent: We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11.)

Today most Americans (51%) now support banning Muslims entering the United States. This is slightly up from the 45% support [archive] when the question was first asked after Donald Trump proposed the ban in December 2015. This is largely a result of a big jump in support for a ban among independents (42% to 62%), as Democratic opposition and Republican support is largely unchanged over the last four months.

BATTERY: Secret Service source: Breitbart reporter touched Trump: ‘She crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to’. [archive]

After claiming former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields touched him, Trump asked Tuesday, “Can I press charges?”

As WND reported, [archive] Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, 41, is accused of accosting Fields at the March 8 rally after she purportedly touched Trump’s arm. Lewandowski was formally charged with misdemeanor battery Tuesday. Fields filed a police report three days after the incident in Jupiter, Florida, and claimed the encounter left bruises on her arm.

Lewandowski turned himself in to Jupiter, Florida, police early in the morning.

According to a report in London’s Daily Mail, a member of Trump’s Secret Service detail, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Fields touched Trump two times, and she was ordered by agents to stop before Lewandowski pulled her away.

“She crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to,” the agent reportedly told the Daily Mail.

On Fields’s claim of having been manhandled:

Trump discussed the matter with reporters late in the day Tuesday, and urged people to view the video and compare it with Fields’ initial statement.

“You take a look at her initial statement. It sounded like she got thrown out of a building,” Trump said. “Take a look at her facial expression. Her facial expression doesn’t even change.”

Related: How Michelle Fields Conned Prosecutors into Charging Corey Lewandowski with Battery. [archive]

Also: Clinton Operative Files Bogus Criminal Charges Against Corey Lewandowski. [archive]

TRUMP ADVISER Stephen Miller: “I think a big part of the Trump campaign is that people want to get mad about the right things.”

We don’t get mad when Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants, we don’t get mad when people have their jobs taken by cheaper foreign workers here on visa programs, we don’t get mad when entire cities are crushed by our trade policies that send jobs overseas . . .

It’s a choice that the political class makes in D.C. in terms of what they want to focus on… It is a trivial issue to be debating retweets when it is a fact that you have Americans dying every single day as a result of our immigration policies. You want to talk about women’s issues? Here’s something we should be talking about. This is a fact: as a result of uncontrolled migration into this country— you can look this up, this is a statistic from Equality Now — half a million U.S. girls in this country are at risk of female genital mutilation.

NYT: Transcript: Donald Trump Expounds on His Foreign Policy Views. [archive] “We’re going to be friendly with everybody, but we’re not going to be taken advantage of by anybody.”

The US can no longer afford to defend the world:

Every time North Korea raises its head, you know, we get calls from Japan and we get calls from everybody else, and “Do something.” And there’ll be a point at which we’re just not going to be able to do it anymore. . . . We were a rich country with a very strong military and tremendous capability in so many ways. We’re not anymore. . . .

At some point, we cannot be the policeman of the world. . . .

One of the reasons we’re a debtor nation, we spend so much on the military, but the military isn’t for us. The military is to be policeman for other countries. And to watch over other countries. . . . And many of these countries are tremendously rich countries.

To deal with ISIS, the US should not only hit their oil, but also their banking channels:

I’ve said, hit the banking channels. . . . We should have stopped those banking channels long ago and I think we’ve done nothing to stop them . . . And money is coming in from people that we think are our allies.

The US should stop paying a disproportionate amount of money for NATO: (more…)

HERE WE GO: Ted Cruz Sex Scandal Could End Cruz’s Campaign, Ensuring a Trump Victory.

HE GETS IT: Newt Gingrich’s Secret Campaign for Donald Trump. [archive]

Last week in a closed-door meeting before more than 100 Republican chiefs of staff from the House and Senate . . ., Gingrich raved about the Republican frontrunner, calling him a “blue-collar bar room brawler.”

Gingrich touted Trump’s business successes in New York City, such as the skating rink in Central Park and the Ferry Point Golf Course, as evidence that the businessman would know how to run a political campaign—and, quite possibly, the country.

“[The] guy who knows how to run Miss Universe, The Apprentice, Trump Towers, construction, golf courses, casinos, ties… hotels,” Gingrich bragged, according to a chief in the room and confirmed by The Daily Beast. “A guy who runs that every morning—you think he can’t run a presidential campaign?

“You should study Trump and apply it to your member,” Gingrich said. “There’s a lot to learn here which you can take back to your member’s office.”

Gingrich then extolled Trump’s handling of the press—“by 9 o’clock in the morning, he’s got $750,000 worth of free media. Meanwhile all the other candidates are out there doing fundraisers”—and praised his understanding of the working class.

“He has been in the mud with construction workers his entire career,” Gingrich said.

Earlier: Newt Gingrich on the Trump campaign: an interview.

SOUTH AFRICA: ‘Whites should die’: academic’s call at Univ of the Witwatersrand. [archive]

A lecturer in philosophy yesterday said at a radical antiwhite, anti-Afrikaner conference at the University of the Witwatersrand that “whites should die”. The lecturer, Terblanche Delport, from UNISA, was reported by the Johannesburg newspaper Beeld as saying that “the only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit suicide, like the samurai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace”.

His statement comes amid a wave of anti-white and anti-Afrikaans racial feeling in the country with Afro-Marxist groups calling for the ethnic cleansing of Afrikaners from the country, and campus riots regularly breaking out. His call for whites to either commit suicide or passively await their deaths, presumably at the hands of black revolutionaries in a race war, was delivered at a conference on “Afrikaner identity” organised by the “Department of Diversity Studies” at the University of the Witwatersrand run by another radical, cultural-Marxist academic, Melissa Steyn. . . .

Jaco Oelofse, a gay, white member of the Afro-Marxist party, the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters), agreed with the conference that Afrikaners and the Afrikaner identity should die out. “The Afrikaner’s identity has become completely redundant,” he said. “It was the Afrikaner’s masculinity that created the Afrikaner identity.”

FINALLY, TECHNOLOGY THAT WORKS: Microsoft Creates AI Bot – Internet Immediately Turns it Racist. [archive]

UPDATE: More coverage:

And to think, it started here:

NEWT GINGRICH on the Trump campaign: an interview. [archive] The interviewer plays gotcha, and Gingrich turns the tables:

You are a smart guy, you know exactly what Trump is doing. I heard Trump say at a rally that if you are a Christian living in Syria, Obama won’t let you into America. If you are a Muslim living in Syria, it’s the easiest thing in the world to come to America. And then Trump said, essentially, we all know why Obama acts this way, but I am not going to say it. You and I both know what he is playing to when he says that stuff, and it isn’t our finest impulses as Americans.

Well, what do you think he is playing to, other than the fact that it is true?

It’s true that it’s the easiest thing in the world for a Muslim in Syria to come to the United States?

Well, it is certainly in Obama’s interest to allow you to come as a refugee. He’d let a lot more people come if he could.

Well, people are suffering.

People are suffering everywhere. How about everybody in Darfur? Should they all come to Miami? The suffering thing is liberal tripe. It is nonsense.

That doesn’t sound so much like the Reaganite conservatism you mentioned earlier.

What doesn’t?

Saying suffering is liberal tripe. I thought he was a champion—

Suffering is an excuse and allows people to be guilt-tripped into doing bad policy. Look at who is going to Germany right now. These are population migrations, not refugee streams, and they are going to change Europe permanently to our disadvantage.

I want to get back to what Trump is doing, and we both know he is playing on impulses—

No, no we don’t.

We don’t?

What we know is that Trump has had the nerve to raise questions in a clear language because he represents the millions of Americans who are sick and tired of being told that they have to be guilt-ridden and keep their mouth shut.

Read the rest. [archive]

BURIED LEDE: Female policeman too scared to handcuff violent offender, so a man does it for her. [archive]

But just about when things looked like they would get dangerous, a different passenger was seen stepping into the camera frame behind the shirtless man — and what he did next got the clip going viral.

Adrian Kaczmarek — a fitness trainer — placed the 25-year-old troublemaker in what KNBC-TV [archive] identified as a “rear-naked chokehold.” . . .

Once a transit officer arrived, Kaczmarek told KNBC the female officer was concerned about putting cuffs on the troublemaker because he was struggling violently under the bodybuilder’s foot. So he said he held the officer’s handcuffs, rolled the assailant and cuffed him for her.

Earlier: UK: Bodycam shows female policeman beaten to ground by drunk, handcuffed man she had just put into her squad car.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Trump thanks Latina supporter; now mounting backlash threatens her business. [archive]

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

Before thousands of eyes were on her Saturday afternoon, Trump spotted not her, but her sign which read “Latinos support D. Trump.”

While KGUN9 was inside Sammy’s Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

Trump posted on his Facebook page, [archive] “Don’t let them silence you! Stop by Sammy’s Mexican Grill [archive] in Tucson, Arizona- and enjoy some delicious food. All Americans need to stand up TOGETHER against hatred and those trying to stop our rights to freedom and liberty.”

PART OF THE PLAN: Border agents: DHS has ‘no intention’ of deporting illegals. [archive]

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said the orders are a new “catch and release” policy, which he said “amounts to amnesty” because it means many illegal immigrants are never asked to leave the country.

It also suggests the Border Patrol is being ordered to break President Obama’s own enforcement priorities, which say new illegal immigrants — defined as those who came after Dec. 31, 2013 — are priorities for deportation, and are supposed to be arrested and processed.

Related: Border Patrol union: ‘Trump is the only candidate’ to support agents. [archive] “‘Mr. Trump is the only candidate that has publicly expressed his support of our mission and our agents. He has been an outspoken candidate on the need for a Secure Border and for this we are grateful,’ said a statement from Art Del Cueto, president of Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council, the representative of 18,000 agents.”

HMM: Pro-H-1B Study Shows What’s Wrong with H-1B. [archive]

  • Anderson finds that immigrants are founders (OR cofounders, a point I’ll come back to) of 51% of the billion-dollar startups. Yet immigrants form more than 51% of Silicon Valley techies, so once again we see that the immigrants are UNDERperforming.
  • Among those immigrant founders, 14 (out of 44) are from India, 32%. Yet Indians form 70% of the H-1Bs. So the Indians are underperforming too. Most of the founders are from countries from which we have rather few H-1Bs, such as Western Europe, Canada and Israel.
  • Only 1/4 of the immigrant founders came to the U.S. as foreign students, counter to the industry’s claim that foreign students are the best of the H-1Bs.
  • Of those with U.S. degrees, most are from the really top schools, such as MIT and Stanford — quite a contrast to the Staple a Green Card proposals, which would give an automatic green card to any foreign STEM graduate student, no matter how weak the school is.

As usual in these “studies,” anyone born abroad is considered an immigrant.

THE H1-B SCAM: Lost Jobs: Importing foreign workers. [archive] A report out of Ohio:

An I-Team investigation found that 82 percent of the 33,348 preliminary applications for H-1B visas in Ohio last year were for jobs paying below-average wages. The most frequent applicants for these visas were companies that experts say specialize in outsourcing, raising questions about whether the program is filling jobs here or allowing more jobs to move overseas. . . .

The largest seeker of H-1Bs in Ohio is Cognizant Technology Solutions, which sought approval to hire 1,043 foreign workers in Warren County last year. Some of the workers may have ended up at Cengage Learning, which laid off 75 workers — most from its Mason facility — in January after the company outsourced part of its workforce to Cognizant.

Cengage officials confirmed in an interview reports [archive] that workers spent their final months training their foreign replacements. . . .

Hal Salzman, a professor of public policy at Rutgers University, said Ohio’s numbers mirror national trends, where two-thirds of H-1B visas are for workers at the lower end of the scale.

“The IT industry plans to lay off more people than it will hire under the H-1B program,” he said. “That doesn’t sound like an industry that can’t find workers. The numbers just don’t add up.”

AUSTRALIA: New research suggests genes are more important in explaining differences in academic performance than teachers and schools. [archive]

The research will shortly be published in full, with much of the peer review process complete. Some parts of the study have already been published. [archived]

Byrne and his colleagues were allowed access to around 3000 sets of twins and were able to look at their academic performance in literacy and numeracy NAPLAN tests in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. . . . Families, teachers and schools had a much more modest contribution when explaining the difference in academic performance of children in the same grade or class.

The majority of difference between students’ abilities in literacy and numeracy were instead attributable to their genetic make-up. Writing skills were the least influenced by genetics – only about 50 per cent. Genetic influences on reading, spelling and mathematics abilities were found to be between 50-75 per cent.

The findings back up earlier research [archive] done in the UK.

Earlier: Genes influence academic ability across all subjects, latest study shows.

TRUMP reveals foreign policy team.

The Republican presidential front-runner, for the first time, listed five of the people who are part of a team, chaired by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), counseling him on foreign affairs and helping to shape his policies. They are Keith Kellogg, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Walid Phares and Joseph E. Schmitz. . . .

“I do think it’s a different world today, and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore,” Trump said. “I think it’s proven not to work, and we have a different country than we did then. We have $19 trillion in debt. We’re sitting, probably, on a bubble. And it’s a bubble that if it breaks, it’s going to be very nasty. I just think we have to rebuild our country.” . . .

Trump declared U.S. involvement in NATO may need to be significantly diminished in the coming years, breaking with nearly seven decades of consensus in Washington. “We certainly can’t afford to do this anymore,” Trump said, adding later, “NATO is costing us a fortune, and yes, we’re protecting Europe with NATO, but we’re spending a lot of money.”

Trump sounded a similar note in discussing the U.S. presence in the Pacific. He questioned the value of massive military investments in Asia and wondered aloud whether the United States still was capable of being an effective peacekeeping force there. . . .

Asked whether the United States benefits from its involvement in the region, Trump replied, “Personally, I don’t think so.” He added, “I think we were a very powerful, very wealthy country, and we are a poor country now. We’re a debtor nation.”

Related: A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board.

Earlier: The Trump Doctrine revealed.

PART OF THE PLAN: Somali ‘Refugee’ Influx Continues Unabated. [archive]

They continue to come at a rate of 700 per month, most of them coming from United Nations’ camps in Kenya – camps that the Kenyan president has threatened to shut down because of their suspected ties to terrorist attacks inside his country.

The problem of terror recruitment in Minnesota has become so palpable that the federal government is now issuing grants to nonprofits for the purpose of teaching young Somalis not to succumb to the temptation of joining “extremists” like ISIS and al-Shabab.

According to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, [archive] six organizations working with Somali youth in Minnesota have been awarded $300,000 in grants as part of a federal pilot program designed to combat terrorism. Boston and Los Angeles are also participating. . . .

If the Somalis are such a problem that they require special taxpayer-funded programs to teach them how to avoid the temptation of terrorism, why does the Obama administration continue to place them into dozens of U.S. cities and towns?

The U.S. has taken in more than 115,000 Somali refugees since 1992. They have large families and some estimates put the current size of the Somali-American community at more than 200,000.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect’s Arrest. [archive]

Within hours, the district, which has a majority Muslim population, erupted into riots. [archive] Dozens of Abdeslam’s fans attacked police with bottles, stones, and other objects, local press reported . . .

Belgian newspaper De Morgen reported (subscription only) that “the whole neighborhood” knew where Abdeslam was ever since the Paris attacks. Nobody tipped off authorities. . . .

The Paris attacks were hatched in Molenbeek, in addition to the 2015 attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s offices.

IS CRIME GENETIC? Scientists don’t know because they’re afraid to ask. [archive]

The effects [archive] of genetic differences make some people more impulsive and shortsighted than others . . .

Most of the evidence about the causes of crime overlooks genetic transmission. Yet, some research [archive] has found that once you account for genetic influences on self-control, [archive] . . . the effect of parenting on self-control diminishes or goes away entirely. . . .

A remarkable study [archive] in Sweden recently found that highly disadvantaged neighborhoods had more crime. Yet that neighborhood effect disappeared when risk factors concentrated within certain families were taken into account. Once again, social transmission effects weakened (and, in this case disappeared) when other factors like genetic transmission were controlled for. Does this finding guarantee that similar results will emerge in other samples around the world? No. But criminologists rarely consider the possibility that their own studies could be polluted by hidden genetic effects.

The more technical term for this phenomenon is genetic confounding, and there is reason to believe that it is endemic to much of the research coming out of the social sciences in general, and criminology in particular. Our own research [archive] into the issue suggests that even a modest amount of unmeasured genetic influence can pollute and infect your findings. As a result, much of what we think we know about the causes of crime could be overstated or just flat wrong.

ANOTHER RAPE HOAX: Yale basketball captain shows up to cheer his winning team as reveals coed who claimed she was forced to have sex texted him AFTER alleged assault asking to meet up again. [archive]

The student who claimed she was forced into sex by Yale basketball captain Jack Montague texted him several times after the alleged assault asking to meet up again.

And when a friend later asked her why she would not recant the entire claim, she replied: ‘I can’t. They won’t let me,’ a close confidante of the hoops star said in an exclusive interview with Daily Mail Online.

The Montague supporter claims Yale only took action because university brass were looking for a high-profile, non-minority student whose parents were not major donors or alumni as a ‘perpetrator’.

They had previously been slammed for taking no action over previous alleged incidents – and the captain’s case perfectly fitted their agenda.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Germany: Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens. [archive] And the cover-up continues:

Politicians in Kiel ordered the city police to overlook many of the crimes perpetrated by migrants. A document leaked to the newspaper Bild in late January showed [archive] that the orders were given in October 2015, when more than 10,000 migrants were entering Germany each day. According to Bild, police in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony have also been instructed to be lenient to criminal migrants. . . .

German authorities have repeatedly been accused of underreporting [archive] the true scale of the crime problem in the country. For example, up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police (Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, BDK).

On February 25, the newspaper, Die Welt, reported [archive] that authorities in the German state of Hesse were suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest.”

On January 24, Die Welt reported [archive] that the suppression of data about migrant criminality is a “Germany-wide phenomenon.” According to Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union (Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, DPolG), “Every police officer knows he has to meet a particular political expectation. It is better to keep quiet [about migrant crime] because you cannot go wrong.”

On January 22, the newsmagazine Focus reported [archive] that the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) put pressure on police in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to remove a reference to “North African criminal groups” in a press release. . . . Interestingly, the original article by Focus has since been removed [archive] from the magazine’s webpage.

Earlier: Did authorities have Cologne CCTV recordings deleted?

SHIFT LEFT, PUNCH RIGHT: Maybe ‘Conservative Gay Marriage Advocates’ Can Tell Trump What ‘True Conservatism’ Is. [archive]

Benson, who came out as gay last year, told his three fellow panelists that he was “personally gratified” by the . . . Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision but that he disagrees with the “mandatory celebration” of gay marriage.

So not only does a deviant lead a conservative organization, but he openly boasts of holding a position that only a radical leftist would hold just a few years ago.

I want no part of this.

And where are the conservative and Christian leaders who are trashing Trump? Why aren’t they trashing the Heritage Foundation and demanding Benson be removed from

REMINDER: Senator Ted Cruz Demanded U.S. Take Syrian Refugees and Not Worry About Terrorist Embeds. [archive]

Someone in an earlier thread tried to claim that Candidate Ted Cruz was “out front” against the import of Syrian refugees. Unfortunately, reality begs to differ.

Here’s video of Ted Cruz (from his own U-Tube channel) in 2014 specifically advocating for the direct import of additional Syrian refugees. . . . When confronted with the concern of terrorist embeds within the refugee population – Senator Ted Cruz was dismissive of the issue saying he was confident we have a way to insure that doesn’t happen.

The video is embedded at the link. It’s also available here.

ACT OF LOVE: Multiple Young Boys Requiring Surgery After Being Raped In Calais ‘Jungle’ Camp. [archive]

Medical volunteers based near Calais made the revelations [archive] to the Independent. They said that all of the boys had injuries consistent with the crimes they had reported. A General Medical Council (GMC) registered doctor later confirmed knowledge of all of the cases.

There was thought to be dozens of unaccompanied migrant children in the illegal ‘Jungle’ camp until recently, and in January, a senior representative of Europol estimated that 10,000 such children had gone missing within Europe.

SOMEBODY’S DOING THE RAPING: Growing number of sex offenders among illegal immigrants arrested at border. [archive]

Border patrol agents in Tucson have arrested 46 convicted sex offenders so far this year, with 10 arrests since March 1, federal officials told [archive] a local CBS affiliate.

That number is quickly approaching the total of 69 sex offenders that were arrested in fiscal year 2015.

“Border Patrol agents encounter sex offenders, various people with criminal histories in their course of duty nearly every day,” said Agent Adrienne Crowley, a spokeswoman for the Tucson Sector.

Of the 10 sex offenders arrested in the Tucson Sector since March, eight of them are from Mexico and two others from El Salvador and Honduras.

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, he said, [archive] (more…)

ICE DIRECTOR SARAH SALDANA: “Prosecutorial discretion” reason why agency didn’t detain illegal who killed citizen while drunkenly street racing. [archive] “Mejia, a Honduran national, left jail on Feb. 5 after posting $5,000 bail. He is now on the run.”

According to the Omaha World-Herald, [archive] Root’s father contacted an Omaha police accident investigator expressing his concern with a county judge’s Feb. 4 decision to set a $50,000 bond for Mejia. The illegal alien’s flight risk was also of concern for Root’s father. Mejia had a record for various traffic infractions and for failure to appear in court. ICE never detained him after those run-ins with the law.

The police investigator contacted ICE requesting an immigration hold for Mejia based on Root’s father’s concerns.

But ICE denied the initial request, and so the investigator and her lieutenant placed a call to an ICE supervisor. Their call was never returned, however, deputy Omaha police chief Dave Baker told the World-Herald.

SPENCER QUINN to Ben Shapiro on Donald Trump and immigration: [archive] “Your mistake, Ben, is to assume that large numbers of Hispanics, blacks, and Middle-Eastern Muslims will take to your brand of conservatism and reliably vote Republicans one day.”


In forty years, when all the Muslims brought in by the Democrats you helped usher into power make it too hot for you, as a Jew, to live in America (as is currently the case for Jews in France [archive]), and you are forced to make the reasonable decision to flee to Israel, why don’t you take a few million of us white gentiles along with you? Because if it gets too hot for you, it will sooner or later get too hot for us as well.

Oh, what’s that you say? You can’t do that? Israel has walls to keep out illegal immigrants and laws to preserve its racial Jewish majority? Oh, right!

So, remind me again why we shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump?

Earlier: A series of completely unrelated news items (French edition).

ERICK ERICKSON on the prospect of a third party, then and now:

July 18, 2011 [archive]: “I have long criticized the calls of many disaffected conservatives for a third party and I maintain that position. The closest I have come to calling for a third party is to encourage tea party activists to take over the GOP from within. External third parties are not, in my mind, a solution to anything, but a great enabler of Democrats.”

March 16, 2016 [archive]: “The time to prepare a third party alternative has to begin now.”

Reminder: In the summer of 2015, Erickson inadvertently helped to popularize the term “cuckservative,” which, as it happens, describes him perfectly. On Twitter, he linked others to an early blog post about the term. [archive] His fellow cuckservative Matt K. Lewis [archive] wrote about this discovery at The Daily Caller. This was followed by cuckservative Erick Erickson [archive] himself writing up a treatment at RedState. (For a superior discussion of the term, [archive] see the Breitbart article by Milo Yiannopoulos, or the book by Vox Day and John Red Eagle. [archive]) Erickson was soon let go from RedState, after which he started The Resurgent, his current platform for accidentally revealing the American “conservative” establishment to be one big joke.