A: Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz. [archive] (March 9, 2016)
A: Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz. [archive] (March 9, 2016)
SAME PAGE: Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest.
“I wouldn’t say Mr. Trump is responsible for the events of tonight,” said Rubio, “but he is most certainly, in other events, has in the past used some pretty rough language, saying in the good old days we used to beat these people up, or I’ll pay your legal bills if you rough them up. So I think he bears some responsibility for the general tone.”
(Days earlier, at the March 10 debate in Miami, Rubio said: [archive] “I know that a lot of people find appeal in the things Donald says cause he says what people wish they could say.” So, if these people said what they wished to say, would they then “bear some responsibility” for what thugs do to them?)
[Cruz:] “In any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord. . . . I think a campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment when the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence, to punch people in the face.”
(First, how is it that a campaign is responsible for “creat[ing] an environment that encourages . . . discord” when it is accused by others of violence — especially when that allegation is false, as video evidence shows? [UPDATE: The video has been deleted. See the GIF at this link.] Second, Trump has not urged his supporters to punch those disrupting his rallies. On the contrary, he often says to treat them well. He did once say, of a disruptor whom he said was “throwing punches,” that he would “like to punch him in the face.” Here, Trump was criticizing how “protesters” get away with being violent [archive] while people who fight back are punished. Anyway, Lyin’ Ted immediately repeated his lie: [archive] “When the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence, to punch people in the face, the predictable consequence of that is that it escalates.”)
[Kasich:] “Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly.”
Related: John Kasich Calls Donald Trump ‘Toxic’ in Wake of Chicago Protests.
TRUE COLORS: John Kasich Calls Donald Trump ‘Toxic’ in Wake of Chicago Protests. [archive]
“Donald Trump has created a toxic environment, a toxic environment that has allowed his supporters and those who sometimes seek confrontation to come together in violence,” Mr. Kasich said here. “There is no place for this. There is no place for a national leader to prey on the fears of people who live in our great country.”
Asked if he could still back Mr. Trump should he win the GOP nomination, Mr. Kasich said: “It makes it extremely difficult.”
Related: Conservatives align with Black Lives Matter in rush to find blame for Chicago protests. [archive] “The truly dismaying part of last nights social media onslaught was the sight of #tcot [“top conservatives on Twitter”] conservative thought leaders gleefully joining ranks with the supporters of MoveOn, Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders’ operatives for the sake of blaming Donald Trump.”
Also related, from August 2015: John Kasich: I’ve led on Black Lives Matter issues. [archive] Did his pandering pay off? An article from this month suggests otherwise: Black lives don’t seem to matter to John Kasich: His disgraceful position on Flint crisis proves why the movement’s so crucial. [archive]
BACKWARDS ASSIMILATION: Scared Sweden: Almost Half Of Women ‘Afraid’ To Be Out After Dark In Europe’s Rape Capital. [archive]
While the Aftonbladet study makes absolutely no reference to what precisely the women are afraid of, the study comes amid a barrage of stories coming out of the country of lone women being raped and attacked by newly arrived migrants.
One major concern is that many of these men remain free after offending, having been handed extremely short sentences or not having been caught at all.
VOX DAY: Ben Shapiro, an enemy of the Alt Right. [archive]
Trump doesn’t care about basic constitutional values. He simply opposes people coming in who aren’t us. There’s a reason so many of his supporters occupy the #altright portion of the Internet, which traffics in anti-Semitism and racism.
It’s not an accident that Ben Shapiro sounded like an SJW when he said that racists should be hunted down and their careers destroyed. Shapiro is no friend to the right. He’s as cuckservative and anti-right as anyone at National Review. He’s not stupid, and he’s not on our side. At the end of the day, he’ll line up with the globalists in the bifactional ruling party and against the American nationalists.
“Of course there are legitimate racists and we should target them, We should find them and we should hurt their careers because racism is unacceptable.”
– Ben Shapiro
UPDATE: Shapiro, in a 2013 interview with Glenn Beck, talks about calling people racist: [archive] (bold mine)
The impression you got of Mitt Romney is that Mitt Romney is a racist, bigoted sexist homophobe because that’s what the media and President Obama were pushing. And they do this so they don’t have to debate us. That’s the whole point. To bully us into silence and to make the American public think these guys are all evil and they are all nasty and that’s why now we’re in discussions about how we reach out to the black and Hispanic community and convince them we’re not racist. You can’t convince them you’re not racist. Once you’ve been tarred with that brush, there’s no way to defeat that. The only answer is to fight back against these guys and as [Obama] once said, punch back twice as hard.
BACKWARDS ASSIMILATION: German swimming pool where two migrant sex attacks have been carried out says it has been forced to segregate men and women. [archive]
The water park is still not going as far as banning asylum seekers.
Instead they have pledged to have the segregation of women and men on the slides at certain times, as well as further security cameras on top of the 48 already being used.
They have also hired plainclothes security officials, dressed in swimwear to look like other visitors, who will be on patrol swimming in the pools and using the slides.
Germany has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on the distribution of posters in numerous languages aimed at asylum seekers, informing them of correct behaviour towards women.
Nice wording — “not going as far as banning asylum seekers” — as if banning the groups responsible for molestation isn’t the first thing you’d do.
Earlier: This Is The Cartoon Germany Hands Out To Sexually Frustrated Refugees.
THAT MAKES THEM NOT-REFUGEES, RIGHT? Refugees buying one-way tickets home after finding Germany intolerable. [archive] “The food was terrible, so disgusting that not even animals should be fed it. They made us sleep in these cold, empty buildings and when someone said they were sick, they just ignored us. You could feel it everywhere that Germans looked down at us like we were bums. I miss my family and can’t wait to get home.”
ISRAEL: Education Ministry touts anti-Arab, pro-theocracy book for Israeli schools. [archive]
It tells the story of Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli, who was a leading rabbi of religious Zionism, by means of two children, Uri and Yael, who travel though time and meet Rabbi Yisraeli at various points in his life story in Israel and abroad.
One chapter tells about the period prior to the declaration of the state. “I deeply hope that we really do win but until that happens we shall have to pray a great deal and make a huge effort,” says one of the characters. “The Arabs will not sit quietly. … They will not agree to stop until Heaven forbid they wipe out every settlement and every Jewish dot on the map! You must know: The Arabs have a clear plan about how to attack every settlement, to conquer the place, to burn all the houses and Heaven forbid to throw us all into the sea.”
In another chapter there is a discussion of Jewish law on milking cows on the Sabbath. “When we were outside the land no one ever even thought about touching his cow on the Sabbath. They just called in the gentile neighbor and he did the work for us. But here, in our land, that’s not how it goes. The Arab gentiles live in villages of their own and we have no desire to have them here among us, and along the way they might also harm us or spy on us.”
Related: Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for ‘threatening Jewish identity’. [archive]
DIVERSITY MEANS FEWER STRAIGHT WHITE MEN: J.J. Abrams Takes Steps to Lift Diversity in Filmmaking. [archive]
Any lists of writers, directors, actors and others to be considered for a project should “be at the very least representative of the country we live in. Which roughly breaks down to: 50 percent women, 12 percent black, 18 percent Hispanic, 6 percent Asian.”
As the memo, which was sent to Peter Roth, the president of Warner Brothers, among others, noted, “greater numbers” of minority candidates were welcome, “as are candidates whose religious or sexual orientation could provide us with voices that are underrepresented.”
Steve Sailer: “But Not 98 Percent Gentile …”
Related: Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood—But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same. [archive]
Also related: Homosexuals hugely overrepresented on the big screen, but GLAAD says it’s still not enough. [archive] (more…)
NOT THE ONION: Episcopalian Priest Aborted Her Baby So She Could Finish Divinity School. [archive]
The latest pro-abortion story to be highlighted in the mainstream media [archive] is that of the Rev. Anne Fowler, an Episcopal priest from New England, who said her abortion allowed her to finish divinity school and become a priest.
Here is her story, according to an amicus brief [PDF] submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court.
AMERICA FIRST: Six reasons Trump would be disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East. “U.S. Jews” barely make an appearance in this analysis. Maybe the Israeli author is suggesting that Trump would be a “disaster” for them so long as they identify with Israel rather than the United States of America.
Trump’s new foreign policy approach is based on the United States making “good deals” and getting “paid back” for protection or intervention abroad. This would end the U.S. “getting screwed over” by having to do the rest of the world’s work for them. It’s several steps away from the familiar American traditions of neoconservative or liberal interventionist policy. As part of this U.S. Interests First approach, he has regularly called for letting Putin, Assad and ISIS fight it out in Syria.
How horrible. Under President Trump, fewer Americans will die fighting on behalf of Israeli interests.
Donald Trump has shown no ideological underpinnings, other than “making America great again,” that would ensure he would support Israel in tough times. . . . He feels no nostalgia for backing up strategic allies [i.e., nations on behalf of which America pledges to send men to their deaths] of half-a-century’s standing: “If somebody attacks Japan, we have to immediately go and start World War III, OK? If we get attacked, Japan doesn’t have to help us. Somehow, that doesn’t sound so fair. Does that sound good?” Trump said. Israel’s fate in terms of its military and strategic dependence on the U.S. would be subject to a kind of erratic opportunism.
“Opportunism” — meaning American foreign policy might actually be oriented toward what’s good for America.
Granted, this analysis appears in an Israeli newspaper. It only makes sense that Israelis would be concerned with their own interests. But what excuse do American politicians have? (more…)
January 14, 2011: German Jews Defend Muslims. [archive] “Jewish leaders see their position as a matter of Jewish self-interest . . . The former vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Michel Friedman, insisted that there could be ‘no more tolerance for this intolerance,’ adding, ‘We need bridge builders, not people who preach hate.'”
July 24, 2015: Jewish group slams right-wing asylum plan. [archive] “‘The recent statements from Minister-President Seehofer pose a danger, they foster a sentiment in the country that can provoke exactly these kinds of negative escalations,’ Schuster said. . . . ‘When I see some people today stirring up hatred against refugees, I ask myself how it is that the greater good of human dignity is still not actually anchored in their heads?'”
September 10, 2015: ‘We Jews understand the hardship the refugees are going through’ [archive] (“Op-Ed by Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany and vice-president of the World Jewish Congress, and Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, in ‘Die Welt'”). “The Jewish community, both in Germany and world-wide, welcomes this evolution towards an open society.”
September 11, 2015: In Germany, Syrian refugees seek out a Jewish welfare organization. [archive] “Although there are innumerable individual initiatives, the [Jewish] communities, largely not actively aiding the refugees, are keeping a very low profile with their aid efforts . . . But the ZWST [Central Board of Jewish Welfare in Germany] is already in the trenches, and has been for years.”
October 1, 2015: Attacks on Jews rise to five-year high in Germany – more than any country in Europe. [archive] (more…)
WALKING WHILE WHITE: Black gang of 30 ambushes six “White Lives Matter” demonstrators. [archive] A sign read “White Lives Do Matter Say No To Cultural Genocide.” At least one demonstrator came prepared: “Charles Edward Donner, 51, of San Francisco, was released without charge on Sunday. The police said Mr. Donner, initially arrested on suspicion of stabbing three protesters, had acted in self-defense. One of the injured was taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition, but on Sunday the police said his condition had been upgraded to stable.”
HEATHER MACDONALD: In Normalizing Single Motherhood, Rubio Echoes the Democratic Party’s Worldview. [archive] “Marco Rubio announced: ‘If tonight, you are that single mother, who has made it the purpose of your life to leave your children better off than yourself in the 21st century, we conservatives will fight for you.’ One might think that it is the role of a father to fight for the mother of his children. But Rubio is continuing his own and the Republican party’s trend of treating single mothers as a new and presumably permanent part of the political landscape, as if being a single mother were an inevitable and natural demographic category.”
Par for the course. From 2012: Ann Romney’s “War on Men”: Sexist Speech Says Women Care More Than Men, “Single Moms Hold Country Together”: [archive]
Here’s the text of Ann Romney’s horrifying speech . . . : [The Washington Post link is broken. NPR has a transcript here. Archive here.] . . .
It’s the moms of this nation — single, married, widowed — who really hold this country together. . . .
You are the best of America. You are the hope of America. There would not be an America without you.
Tonight, we salute you and sing your praises.
TRIGGERED: NY Times Columnist Ross Douthat Jokes About Assassination Attempt Ending Trump’s Campaign. [archive]
“Good news guys I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends,” Douthat tweeted last night.
The tweet links to a video clip from the 1983 movie The Dead Zone, which features a character played by Christopher Walken attempting to gun down a political figure played by Martin Sheen.
An archived version of the tweet (along with some early responses) is available here.
He later tweeted [archive], “A lot readers were offended by my Trump/”Dead Zone” joke from yesterday. I can see why, and I’ve deleted the tweet. Apologies.”
Reminder: Douthat is a pathetic dweeb [archive] who said that Trump is a “proto-fascist” for being a masculine patriot:
Trumpism . . . manifests at least seven of the hallmarks of fascism . . . They include: a cult of action, a celebration of aggressive masculinity, an intolerance of criticism, a fear of difference and outsiders, a pitch to the frustrations of the lower middle class, an intense nationalism and resentment at national humiliation, and a “popular elitism” that promises every citizen that they’re part of “the best people of the world.”
Does this sound like Trump? Well, yes, it rather does . . .
It seems fair to say that he’s closer to the “proto-fascist” zone on the political spectrum than either the average American conservative or his recent predecessors in right-wing populism.
TRUMP on Protester: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’. [archive]
The protester — the third one to interrupt him at the event and who Mr. Trump said had thrown punches at security guards — really drew the candidate’s ire. As the man was being escorted away, Mr. Trump repeatedly told the crowd that he wished for the “old days,” adding, “You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher.”
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya,” Mr. Trump added.
Mr. Trump has faced criticism over his response to protesters before. After a Black Lives Matter demonstrator was pushed to the ground at one of his events in November, Mr. Trump said in an interview after the episode that “maybe he should have been roughed up,” before later pulling back from his comments.
But on Monday night, he held nothing back, and the crowd of thousands met every one of his lines with whooping cheers.
BLACK LIES MATTER: Police: CDTA Bus Footage Shows No Hate Crime Occurred. [archive]
An emotional rally, tweets from presidential candidates and NFL players, all spurred by an alleged hate crime –one that police now say didn’t happen.
Police released bus footage from the morning of January 30. While the video is only part of the extensive amount of footage, police say at no point did a white male throw a punch or make a racial slur, as the women claimed.
Police say the three purported victims of the attack were actually the ones attacking, and that their story was false. Aria Agudio, Alexis Briggs and Asha Burwell were all charged with third-degree assault, while Agudio and Burwell face additional charges of falsely reporting an incident, as evidenced by 911 calls.
A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE: Ben Shapiro Escorted By Police From CSULA Due To Angry Protesters. [archive]
The Twitter feed of The College Fix claimed [archive] that at least some protesters said “racist go home”, as noted at Twitchy. [archive] Shapiro later tweeted [archive] (censored here for language), “Note to campus leftists: F*ck you and f*ck your fascism. #FightForLiberty”.
But Shapiro himself says that “racism is unacceptable,” and that racists should be run out of their jobs for crimethink: [archive]
“Of course there are legitimate racists and we should target them, We should find them and we should hurt their careers because racism is unacceptable.”
– Ben Shapiro
(Reminder: In 2012, Shapiro celebrated [archive] Pat Buchanan’s firing from MSNBC, and called him an anti-semite.)
If Shapiro wants to be consistent, he should take the protesters up on their accusation that he’s a racist. If they turn out to be correct (according to an equivalent of his standard for what constitutes anti-semitism), then he should be fired and removed from polite society. After all, racism is unacceptable.
REALIGNMENT: Trump: “We are building a new Republican Party.” [archive] “I’m bringing . . . Democrats over and I’m bringing independents over, and we’re building a much bigger, much stronger Republican Party.”
Related: Joshua Green: Donald Trump And Ted Cruz Driving GOP ‘Realignment’. [archive] “At the heart of the anger could be what were once referred to as Reagan Democrats and the anger is far from reserved to the Republican side.”
A ROUNDUP of Marco Rubio’s questionable financial dealings. [archive]
Rubio seems to dismiss many of these fact-based reports as attacks from his political rivals. This has arguably become a go-to campaign tactic for Sen. Rubio, who recently seemed to try to discredit [archive] ICE officer of 13 years and U.S. marine, Chris Crane, as a “conspiracy” theorist after Crane detailed [archive] Rubio’s history of treating law enforcement “like absolute trash.”
Indeed, during last October’s CNBC debate, Becky Quick pressed [archive] Rubio on whether his financial record suggests that he lacks the “maturity” to be President:
Senator Rubio, you, yourself, have said that you’ve had issues. You have a lack of bookkeeping skills. You accidentally intermingled campaign money with your personal money. You faced foreclosure on a second home that you bought. And just last year, you liquidated a $68,000 retirement fund. That’s something that cost you thousands of dollars in taxes and penalties. In terms of all of that, it raises the question whether you have the maturity and the wisdom to lead this $17 trillion economy. What do you think?
Rubio immediately dismissed the substance of Quick’s question.
PART OF THE PLAN: More than 130,000 migrants have ‘vanished’ in Germany – 13 per cent of arrivals in the last 14 months – the government reveals. [archive]
The numbers are calculated on accommodation slots across the country that were allocated and not taken up.
The head of Germany’s migration office, Frank-Jürgen Weise, also admitted that there are currently up to 400,000 people in the country whose identities are unknown to authorities.
Germany also said it enjoys little success in sending refugees back to EU states responsible for them – the ‘safe’ countries they first arrived in from their homelands.
GONNA BE YUGE: Bloomberg Analytics Research Shows Donald Trump Positioned To Win Every State in Super Tuesday. [archive]
The front-runner is stronger than both Cruz and Rubio on questions about authenticity, protecting against terrorism, ability to win a general election and having a positive vision for the future, while he’s weaker on questions about being a committed Christian and solid conservative.
“These voters rate Trump as the least conservative and the least committed Christian of the three top candidates, and yet he still leads,” said pollster Doug Usher, who led the survey. “He’s turning everything we thought we knew about Republican primary voters on its head.”
THE LYING PRESS: Left Media Migrant Rape Cover-Up: HuffPo, Indy, AND United Nations Claim Cologne Attackers ‘Not Refugees’, German Prosecutor: ‘Total Nonsense’. [archive]
The papers are thought to have made the error because they do not understand the migrant crisis – thinking that only Syrians and Iraqis count as migrants or refugees, when an overwhelming number of Algerians and Moroccans had been named amongst the Cologne suspects.
But thousands of Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, and dozens of other nationalities have arrived in Europe since the migrant crisis began in earnest in early 2015.
And news outlets weren’t the only ones to fall for the shoddy reporting of Mr. Bremer’s comments. The “news” was seized upon by open borders campaigners, broadcasters, and even government agencies.
VIDEO: Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester. [archive] Here’s the video link.
Related: Trump Gives Rallier Hero’s Welcome After Taking Protester’s Sign. [archive]
The protester was holding a sign with a pro-immigration message. Witnesses said Black tore the sign away, and that the protester took a swing at him. While the sign was ripped to shreds by the crowd, the two men grappled with each other until an off-duty sheriff’s deputy stepped in, the deputy said.
Law enforcement said the protester remained peaceful as he was led outside, though held up his middle fingers as he left. No one was injured or charged.
This mainstream press account leaves out the man’s foul language, just as Trump predicted in his remarks about the incident (see video link above).
CALLING A SPADE A SPADE: ‘Islamic Rape Of Europe’: Polish Magazine Splashes ‘White Europa’ Girl Groped By Migrant Hands. [archive]
While Poland is generally much more relaxed [archive] about expressing itself than the self censoring tendencies of western and northern Europe, the cover of the latest wSieci (The Network) conservative magazine [archive] has already prompted reaction just 24 hours after release, being beamed around the continent by social media.
Featuring a personification of Europa being pawed at by dark hands — what the German media would perhaps euphemistically term “southern” or “Mediterranean” — the headline decries the “Islamic Rape of Europe”.
Making perfectly clear the intention of the edition, the edition features articles titled ‘Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide?’ and ‘The Hell of Europe’. The news-stand blurb declares: “In the new issue of the weekly Network, a report about what the media and Brussels elite are hiding from the citizens of the European Union”.
ANN CORCORAN: Pope’s publicity stunt at Texas border timed to influence US election. [archive] “I’m never going to let readers forget that when the Pope went to the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013 to “welcome” the illegal aliens coming from the Middle East and North Africa, he gave permission for the invasion of Europe. How dare he do the same here in a Presidential election year!”
Related, from July 2013: Pope lectures on Lampedusa. [archive]
IF I HAD A SON: Marine Assaulted Outside McDonald’s By Group Of Blacks.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and recipient of the Bronze Star for valor, said he was dining at a McDonald’s in northwest D.C. when a group of black teenagers came up to him and allegedly began harassing him about the black lives matter movement. Marquez ignored them which prompted calls and shouts that he was a racist.
Marquez left the establishment after eating, but allegedly sustained a sudden blow to the back of his head outside the McDonald’s, which knocked him unconscious. When he woke up, his pants were ripped and wallet gone, which contained $400 in cash, three credit cards, his VA medical card, school identification, metro card and driver’s license. . . .
Credit card transactions reviewed by The DCNF reveal that the assailants charged over $115 on his various credit cards at a liquor store, Five Guys and Walmart.
CHRISTOPHER CANTWELL: Open Borders Isn’t Libertarian, It’s Global Communism. [archive]
“Borders” are the whole entire point of libertarianism. Borders are simply property lines defined by owners and recognized by other members of the society. They are the delineations from which justification of force is derived.
To assert that Nation States would cease to exist, or cease to enforce political boundaries, and that this would result in the equivalent of “open borders” as understood in modern political discourse, is insane. This is the equivalent of saying that in the absence of the State, highly desirable resources would remain unowned in perpetuity, and that all of mankind could exploit these resources simultaneously without conflict arising between any of them. One need not be a philosopher or economist to understand the problem here, only a layman’s understanding of basic physics.
Privatizing borders, like privatizing roads, simply removes the title to land from the Nation State, and places it in the hands of a private party. That party then sets the rules for the use of that property according to their best interests just like any other property owner would. He may opt to build a road, or he may opt to build a swimming pool, a home, or a shopping mall. In none of these instances could he be compelled to have massive waves of socialists, communists, and theocrats pouring across his land against his will, without ability to pay, and raping women and killing men along their way.
(UPDATE: This is the French edition. See the German edition here.)
September 11, 2015: French Jews Plan Coordinated Push To Help Syrian Refugees. [archive] “French Jewish groups, including Western Europe’s largest charity for Jews, signed a declaration of principles for coordinated efforts to provide relief for Syrian refugees.”
October 8, 2015: IsraAid helping Syrians off the boats in Greece. [archive] “Volunteers from Israeli aid agency IsraAid are helping Syrian refugees off the boats in Greece. . . . Yotam Polizer, regional director at IsraAID[:] . . . ‘It’s very Jewish, very Israeli, wanting to be the first there.'”
November 13, 2015: Paris is attacked. A later headline reads: Two of the Jihadis sneaked into Europe via Greece by posing as refugees. [archive] (See the earlier post, U.S. “Syrian” “Refugee” Timeline.)
January 22, 2016: Jews leave France in record numbers. [archive] “The number of French Jews moving to Israel has doubled — and doubled again — in the past five years. In 2013, less than 3,300 French Jews moved to Israel. Only two years earlier, that number stood at 1,900.” See also: [archive] “9,880 western European Jews immigrated to Israel in 2015 — the highest annual number ever. The figure is more than 10 percent over the previous year and over double the 2013 level. The vast majority, close to 8,000, came from France, where a rise in anti-Semitic attacks has shattered the sense of security of the world’s third-largest Jewish population.”
February 2, 2016: Poll: Most Frenchmen believe Jews responsible for rise in anti-Semitism. [archive] “Fully 60 percent of Frenchmen believe that Jews bear at least some responsibility for recent rises in anti-Semitism, according to a new poll by the Ipsos market research firm.”
Completely unrelated, from November 18, 2015: Jewish groups join call to accept Syrian refugees into US. [archive] “Among the Jewish groups signing are the Union for Reform Judaism, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the National Council for Jewish Women, the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee.”
NO, REALLY? ’15-year-old’ Somali accused of stabbing Swedish social worker to death at children’s refugee centre IS over 18, says Migration Agency. [archive]
Earlier: “A Somali identified as 15 (and who is six-foot tall) has been arrested for stabbing a young female social worker to death in a shelter where men as old as 24 claim to be minors.”
Also earlier: The “Refugee” “Children” of Sweden.
GOVERNMENT IS JUST A WORD FOR THE THINGS WE DO TOGETHER: Leaked report reveals scale of crisis in England’s mental health services: Damning confidential report reveals suicides are rising and 75% of those needing help are not receiving it. [archive]
A leaked report by a government taskforce has painted a devastating picture of England’s mental health services . . .
The study, overseen by Paul Farmer, chief executive of the mental health charity Mind, makes clear that the situation is dire despite promises of reform. “Many people struggle to get the right help at the right time, and evidence-based care is underfunded,” the draft report says. “The human cost is unacceptable and the financial cost is unaffordable.”
The taskforce’s study, A Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, publication of which was delayed for months by ministers, adds that controversial changes introduced in 2012 to the health service may even have made things worse by complicating the way treatment is delivered.
IN HOLLYWOOD, it’s hip to be anti-white: [archive] “Three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep told young actors at the Berlin film festival Sunday that Hollywood would never resolve the diversity row until studio boardrooms became less white and male.”
What if she had said “less Jewish”? But she wouldn’t: [archive] “The family’s original surname, Messerschmitz, was changed to Streep in the Netherlands by her Sephardic Jewish ancestors.” And she sure has a problem with supposed “anti-semites”: [archive] “Hollywood actress Meryl Streep blasted Walt Disney as an anti-Semitic misogynist in an unusually long and scathing speech at a film awards dinner.”
Related: Another Jew in Hollywood, J.J. Abrams, once said, [archive]
We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest f*cking room in the history of time. It’s just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color?
Related: “Am I the only one that noticed all the white guys in Star Wars: The Force Awakens were either bad guys or dead?!” [archive] Funny how that works.
YOU’RE ONE TO TALK: Cruz: President Trump would appoint liberals to the Supreme Court. [archive]
Trump shot back that Cruz “wanted John Roberts on the Supreme Court,” noting that the chief justice twice voted in favor of upholding President Obama’s namesake healthcare law, which is unpopular on the right.
“I did not nominate John Roberts, I would not nominate John Roberts,” Cruz retorted before suggesting that Trump was acting childish by interrupting him.
Of course Cruz did not nominate John Roberts, because Cruz wasn’t president at the time. And Cruz will not nominate John Roberts, because Roberts is already on the Supreme Court. But Trump is right that Cruz wanted Roberts on the Supreme Court.
See Ted Cruz in National Review, July 20, 2005: “The president announced his intention to nominate John Roberts to be a Supreme Court justice. . . . The Senate should confirm him swiftly.” [archive] (more…)
ACCORDING TO PLAN: DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties. [archive] “After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.”
Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database. . . .
As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad [archive] (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi [archive] (2011); Amine El Khalifi [archive], who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev [archive] who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen [archive] (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, [archive] who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015).
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: “Unaccompanied alien children,” reportedly members of MS-13 gang, murder American citizen. [archive]
Two Central American teens charged in the recent execution-style killing of a Massachusetts man came to the U.S. as unaccompanied alien children or UACs under President Obama’s “open-border free-for-all,” according to a Judicial Watch report. [archive]
The two 17-year-old boys also have ties to the notorious MS-13 gang, according to the Boston Herald. [archive] . . .
WND reported [archive] Wednesday that a new study by a Catholic organization found that nearly 80 percent of those coming from Honduras were not fleeing violence but merely seeking economic opportunities.
WND also reported [archive] last month that Obama was reclassifying the next wave of Central American migrants as “refugees.” This will give them a legal status that makes them eligible for a host of government welfare benefits.
The Obama administration has for months been employing a “catch and release” strategy for Central American children and families who show up at the southern border. More than 50 percent of those caught and released have not reported for their deportation hearings.
Related post at Refugee Resettlement Watch: Killers came in as ‘unaccompanied alien children’. [archive]
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Big rise in sex offence reports at Cologne Karneval. [archive] “The number of sexual offence complaints almost quadrupled at this year’s carnival celebrations in Cologne, German police said Wednesday, despite heightened security aimed at preventing a repeat of the mass assaults that marred the city’s New Year celebrations.”
ANTI-SEMITISM IS UNACCEPTABLE; NOT SO FOR ANTI-WHITE RACISM AND PEDOPHILIA: Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review: It’s Time for the NRA to Cut Ted Nugent Loose. [archive] Original title: “Ted Nugent’s Anti-Semitism Disgraces Gun-Rights Movement, NRA”.
Ted Nugent should resign from the board of the National Rifle Association. And if he does not, he should be pushed from his position.
This week, in the course of “defending” the right to keep and bear arms, Nugent enthusiastically shared a choice piece of anti-Semitic propaganda [archive]. Then, shamefully, he refused to acknowledge [archive] or to address his mistake. If Nugent wants to behave like a fool, that is, of course, his prerogative. But he must do so in quarantine, a long, long way from the rest of us.
Earlier, by Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review: On Salon’s Much-Maligned Pedophilia Piece: [archive]
Don’t followers of Jesus believe that everybody is born with impulses that lead them toward unacceptable behavior? And don’t they also believe that they are called to act chastely — that is, to avoid indulging those impulses and instead to seek a way to be freed from them? It was a while ago, I accept, but I cannot recollect any caveats being attached to these rules. Are we now to suppose that it does not apply when the propensity in question is sufficiently egregious? Is there a new-fangled carve-out for instincts that turn our stomach?
It seems that, according to Charles C.W. Cooke, self-professed pedophiles deserve heartfelt ruminations about Christian charity, while supposed “anti-semites” deserve condemnation and ostracism. Priorities! Since Nugent “refused to acknowledge or to address his mistake” of posting a naughty, suggestive meme on Facebook (the factual accuracy of which Cooke does not dispute, by the way), he’s evil and thus should be shunned, regardless of his clarifying note expressing solidarity with Jews.
Nugent reserved his ire for particular people whose names and faces appear in the image he posted. In his follow-up post, he stated, “The founder of Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership called me his 2nd Amendment/Freedom hero.” He does not make a sweeping statement about all Jews. This moderation on the part of Nugent is what Cooke calls “anti-Semitism, plain as day.”
Evidently, Cooke has no tolerance for criticism of any individual Jew that identifies him as a Jew. But the publication for which Cooke works, the flagship magazine of the Wuss Right, has no problem publishing critiques of working-class supporters of Donald Trump that identify them as white. Cooke’s colleague, Kevin Williamson, wrote recently, [archive] (more…)
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: ‘Algerian sex attacker shouted “Inshallah” – if Allah wills it – as he raped a 25-year-old German student – then asked her if she had enjoyed it’. [archive]
The man, identified only by his first name Rheda, is accused of following the student as she walked home from a nightclub at 5am in Hannover, Germany. . . .
The shocking details were revealed at the trial of the 37-year-old asylum seeker from Algeria who has denied rape. Prosecutors say DNA evidence links him to the crime. . . .
Her voice then broke as she added: ‘I never would have thought something like that could happen to me. I just couldn’t comprehend it. I thought I was going to die.’
There’s a Latin phrase that the fighting men of Europe can use in response to the “Inshallah” rapists: Deus vult. [archive]
NO, SENATOR CRUZ, Donald Trump does NOT want Single Payer health care. [archive]
As you read through chapter 8 of “Time To Get Tough” and you read through chapter 7 of “Crippled America” you will not find Mr. Trump calling for “Single Payer” health care coverage anywhere. In fact, in chapter 7 of “Crippled America” you will find that Mr. Trump specifically disavows his tepid and earlier support for a Single Payer system as one of the options he was considering as a person in the private sector more than 15 years ago.
He also calls for repeal and replace of Obamacare not “expansion of Obamacare” as Senator Cruz falsely states that he does.
Furthermore, in both books he calls for the following private sector reforms. Some of which are also called for under both Senator Cruz’s health care reform policy proposal and Dr. Ben Carson’s proposal. In addition to federal and state reforms. They are:
1.) Repeal of the McCarran Ferguson Act [archive] so health insurance can be sold across state lines.
2.) Expansion of Health Savings Accounts [archive] to promote price transparency & accountability.
3.) Tort (or Medical Malpractice Reform [archive])
4.) Reform of our health care social safety nets such as Medicaid.
5.) Mr. Trump has most recently added necessary reforms to be made [archive] to our broken Veteran’s Administration health care system specifically because it, like all other Single Payer systems is an unmitigated disaster!
Trump remarked [archive] recently, “How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?”
On a related note, Ann Coulter, on the sidebar of her site, responds to Cruz’s claim on February 10 that Trump “says we need to have full-on socialized medicine”–with specific reference to “the very last debate.” She provides debate transcripts wherein Trump discusses health care policy. Since there is no permanent link for this, I link an archive of the front page at anncoulter.com and reproduce the text: (more…)
NETANYAHU: We’ll Surround Israel With Fences ‘To Defend Ourselves Against Wild Beasts’. [archive]
Netanyahu added that the government is preparing a multi-year plan to surround all of Israel with security barriers, as well as a plan to close the breaches in the separation barrier between Israel and the West Bank.
“This thing costs many billions, and we’re working on a multi-year plan of prioritization so it would be spread out over years in order to gradually build it, but to complete it to defend the State of Israel,” Netanyahu added.
TOO LATE: Migrant-Raped 10 Year Old Boy’s Mother Says She Regrets Teaching Her Children to Welcome Migrants. [archive] My first thought: She’s probably a single mother. Correct:
Speaking to local media, single mother of five Dunja said that she had always taught her children to be hospitable towards migrants as she herself had fled to Austria from Serbia during the civil war of the 1990s, the Daily Mail has reported [archive].
However, when she discovered that her child had been raped by an Iraqi [archive] who had excused himself by claiming it was a “sexual emergency”, she regretted teaching her children to be trusting of strangers.
PRESCIENT TRUMP: Report: Mexico Remittances Total More Than Entire Mexican Oil Revenue. [archive] “Yes, you read that correctly. Immigrant remittances received by Mexico have surpassed Mexico’s $23.4 billion in oil earnings. This means the government of Mexico is more dependent than ever on the earnings of maids and gardeners in the U.S. to keep itself afloat. This is the leverage Donald Trump talks about [archive] to pressure Mexico to pay for the border wall.”
If you want to begin a mass plan to deal with illegals, start first by eliminating, or regulating, Money Transfer services to Mexico (western union etc) Watch how quickly the problem begins to self-correct.
But no-one wants to actually propose factual solutions because both sides of the political spectrum actually want illegal aliens to continue doing what they’ve always been allowed to do.
Related: From the Trump campaign: Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again. [archive]
Mexico continues to make billions on not only our bad trade deals but also relies heavily on the billions of dollars in remittances sent from illegal immigrants in the United States back to Mexico ($22 billion in 2013 alone [archive]). . . .
Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.
TRUMP Thumps Merkel On Migrant Madness: ‘It’s The End Of Europe’. [archive]
“I think Angela Merkel made a tragic mistake with the migrants,” Trump told French conservative weekly Valeurs Actuelles, which said it was the billionaire’s first in-depth campaign interview with European media.
“If you don’t treat the situation competently and firmly, yes, it’s the end of Europe. You could face real revolutions,” Trump was quoted as saying, according to the French translation.
Here’s the cover [archive] of the issue, which is dated February 17 and is set to hit newsstands February 11. Here’s the interview [archive] ($).
As Trump recently said in Salem, New Hampshire (video), “Germany is in turmoil. All of these countries are in turmoil. The crime, by the way, is through the roof. You’re going to have a revolution in Germany. Wait ’til you see what they do with Merkel. What she did is insane. It’s insane.”
Related: German Gun Ownership SKYROCKETS To 301,000 In Response To Migrant Crisis. [archive] (more…)
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: South Texas Town’s City Hall Shut Down by FBI.
The 14-page Federal Indictment (attached below) lists:
- Mayor Ricardo Lopez
- Mayor Pro-Tem Rogelio Mata
- City Manager/City Attorney James Jonas III
- City Councilman Roel Mata
- Former City Councilman Gilbert Urrabazo
- Ngoc Tri Nguyen, a businessman from Keller, Texas
The men are charged with bribery and conspiracy involving more than $10,000 in federal money from the Economic Development Commission, and at least $14,000 in bribes and “loans” to the elected officers. It also alleges that the city officials were soliciting bribes in exchange for votes in city contracts, including an 8-liner gambling room, being promoted by Mr. Nguyen. . . .
The sole city council member not in legal trouble is Joel Barajas, and he told KSAT-12 that the people of Crystal City are looking to move forward and they plan on reviewing the city charter for their next step.
ASSISTED SUICIDE: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society hires grassroots organizer to get American Jews’ minds right. How about getting Israeli Jews’ minds right?
Rabbi Rosenn’s job is to try to bring around the American Jewish community to support Muslim refugee admission to the US. The article says that some Jews (understandably!) got skittish after the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks.
And, then they have to counter the likes of us (bigots, racists and nativists).
REPORT: Anti-White Agenda Revealed at GitHub’s Diversity Team.
GitHub’s Social Impact Team, which is “in charge of figuring out how to use the product to tackle social issues” has also faced heavy criticism. Headed by diversity consultant Nicole Sanchez, the team’s previous achievements include working with the White House to fit “low-income homes” with free Wi-Fi around the country, but the team is now focused on diversifying the company’s workforce.
“It is very hard to even interview people who are ‘white,’” claimed an anonymous GitHub employee speaking to Tech Insider. It’s a claim that seems shocking but should come as no surprise considering Sanchez’s previous outspoken statements on diversity.
In February 2015, Sanchez wrote an article for USA Today entitled “More white women does not equal tech diversity,” and during a diversity training talk Sanchez even stated that technology was “not work for white folks to lead” and that “some of the biggest barriers to progress are white women.”
Danilo Campos, the technical director at GitHub’s Social Impact Team, is also no stranger to controversial comments about race.
“Don’t think we’ll succeed teaching white, male middle managers empathy and compassion anytime soon. So let’s limit their scope of damage,” wrote Campos in one tweet.
Diversity means hunting down the last white person.
DARWIN AWARD CONTENDER: Austria: American Girl Helps Homeless Muslim “Refugee”- He Follows Her Home And Rapes And Strangles Her To Death.
Being 23 years old and living amidst this “refugee” crisis, out of the goodness of her heart she wanted to help these “migrants,” many of whom were homeless and living near her. She would go out and give them food, drink, and little treats such as cigarettes.
One of the people she helped was a Gambian Muslim named Abdou. According to the reports, she had given him help on more than one occasion. In thanks for her kindness, he followed her home one evening broke into her apartment, and strangled her to death as he raped. The abuse was so horrible that her mangled corpse was left covered in her own blood and vomit on her bed.
To make things worse, it has come out that after police arrested him, they realize they already knew him. He was on the run from police for raping an underage girl–which was why he was homeless.
SCHLAFLY Unloads On Rubio: ‘He Betrayed Us All’.
“He said he was against amnesty and against the establishment. And once he got in, right away, he became an agent of the establishment. And now, of course, he’s big for amnesty and letting all the illegal immigrants in. He betrayed us a number of times on that issue.”
Schlafly said she was startled at the magnitude of Rubio’s “betrayal” on amnesty.
“It was so public,” she said.
“He’s a lackey for the establishment now,” she said. “There’s no question they’re picking up as Plan B – or maybe Plan C in this election cycle, or whatever we’re on now – but he certainly is an establishment agent.” . . .
“Immigration right now is the biggest issue. All you need to do is look at Europe, and you can see that,” she said. “But there are other issues like trade where Rubio has aligned with the establishment against the American worker.”