LAWLESSNESS: Gangs of Moroccan “street children” make Sweden’s main station a no go zone. A police officer is quoted as saying, “These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards. They grope girls between their legs and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this. I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.”

Swedish men have responded to the lack of police protection. A slanted headline from the Daily Mail reads, “Mobs of ‘hundreds’ of masked men rampage through Stockholm central station beating up refugee children.” (UPDATE: Is there any truth to this claim?) And the police who couldn’t be bothered to protect the Swedes came out in force to defend the Moroccan gangs. (UPDATE: False? Stockholm “Attack:” Invented by Controlled Media.)

Note that “refugee” “children” are often neither refugees—especially in the case of these Moroccans—nor children: “Why would men between 20 and 30 years of age choose to pose as children and be put in foster homes and schools for teenagers? The answer is that ‘children’ get their applications fast-tracked, and 75% receive permanent residency status in Sweden.” Moreover, “Child migrants . . . receive immediate housing and cash hand-outs.”

Immigration policy doesn’t discourage fraud in this area: “It recently emerged that the Immigration Service urged its administrators to accept as a ‘child’ everyone who looked under the age of 40.” Indeed, rampant fraud is likely, if Sweden’s neighbor provides any indication: “In Norway, teeth x-rays revealed that 9 out of 10 unaccompanied refugee children are above the age of 18. Sometimes they are as much as 10 years older.”

In any event, these “children” commit serious crimes, and yet they forego serious punishment, often due to their supposed age. A North African, identified as 16, was found guilty of partaking in a gang-rape of a Swedish woman and sentenced to spend nine months in a low-security juvenile detention center, from which he promptly escaped. The authorities say they know nothing of his identity beyond fingerprints.

More recently, a Somali identified as 15 (and who is six-foot tall) has been arrested for stabbing a young female social worker to death in a shelter where men as old as 24 claim to be minors. Probably due to the public outcry about the brutality of the crime, he is actually being held in prison rather than a detention center.

This case is referenced in a flyer said to have been handed out at the train station by the Swedish vigilantes, a photo of which is available here. A transcription and translation follow, with links added for context:




Att Sverige inte är som det en gång var kan ingen ha missat vid det här laget, och i princip varje dag tvingas vi numera vakna upp till nya mord, rån, våldtäkter och andra övergrepp. Vi har tvingats genomlida otaliga fall av den typens grova brottslighet där förövarna dessutom mer eller mindre slipper undan straff genom att hävda att de är under 15 år.

That Sweden is not as it once was, no one can have missed by now, and basically every day, we wake up to new murders, robberies, rapes, and other abuses. We have been forced to endure countless crimes of this type where perpetrators often escape punishment by claiming that they are under 15.

Runt om i landet strömmar det in rapporter om at polisen inte längre mäktar med att förebygga och utreda den brottslighet som drabbar det svenska folket. I vissa fall, som t.ex. det senaste mordet på en kvinna, anställd på ett hem för så kallade “ensamkommande flyktingbarn” i Mölndal, går det så långt att rikspolischen väljer att visa större sympati för gärningsmannen än offret.

Around the country, reports are flooding in about how the police no longer have the stamina to prevent and investigate the crimes that affect the Swedish people. In some cases, such as the recent murder of a woman, an employee of a home [refugee center] for so-called “unaccompanied refugee children” in Mölndal, it goes so far that our National Chief of Police chooses to show greater sympathy for the perpetrator than for the victim.

Den typens respektiösa beteende är numera så djupt inrotat i våra ryggradslösa politiker, vårt svaga rättsväsende och vår ljugande media att ingenting längre förvänar oss. Men vi vägrar att acceptera de upprepade overfallen och trakasserierna mot svenska kvinnor. Vi vägrar att acceptera raserandet av vårt en gång så trygga samhälle.

This type of disrespectful behavior is now so deeply ingrained in our spineless politicians, our weak judicial system, and our lying media that nothing surprises us anymore. But we refuse to accept the repeated attacks on and harassment of Swedish women. We refuse to accept the destruction of our once safe society.

När vår politiska ledning och polis visar större sympati för mördare än deras offer finns det inte längre några ursäkter att låta det ske utan protester. När de svenska gatorna inte längre är trygga att vistas på för vanliga svenskar är det vår PLIKT att åtgärda problemen.

When our political leaders and police show greater sympathy for murderers than their victims, there is no longer any excuse to let that happen without protest. When Swedish streets are no longer safe to frequent for ordinary Swedes, it is our DUTY to fix the problems.


Idag samlades därför 200 svenska män för att markera mot de nordafrikanska “gatubarnen” som härjar runt om huvudstadens centralstation. Polisen har med all tydlighet visat att man saknar medel för att stävja dessas framfart och vi ser numera ingen annan utväg än att själva dela ut straffen de förtjänar.

Therefore, today 200 Swedish gathered to stand against the North African “street children” that ravage the capital’s central train station. The police have clearly shown that they lack the means to prevent their rampage, and we now see no other alternative than dealing out ourselves the punishments they deserve.

Rättsväsendet har lämnat walk over och samhällskontraktet är därmed brutet – därför är det nu varje svensk mans plikt att försvara våra allmänna utrymmen mot den importerade kriminaliteten.

The judicial system has given a walkover [i.e., a win by forfeit] and the social contract is thus broken – therefore, it is now every Swedish man’s duty to defend our public areas against the imported criminality.

Vi som samlades idag var varken din politiker, din journalist eller din polis. Vi är däremot din pappa, din bror, din make, din kollega, din vän och din granne. Svenska män och kvinnor förtjänar trygghet i sin vardag och vi uppmanar därför alla andra som också ser problemen att följa i våra fotspår, både i Stockholm och på andra platser runt om i landet. För en bättre framtid tillsammans.

We who gathered here today are not your politicians, or your journalists, or your police. We are your father, your brother, your husband, your colleague, your friend, and your neighbor. Swedish men and women deserve security in their everyday lives, and we therefore call on all others who see the problems to follow in our footsteps, both in Stockholm and in other places around the country. For a better future together.