IN HOLLYWOOD, it’s hip to be anti-white: [archive] “Three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep told young actors at the Berlin film festival Sunday that Hollywood would never resolve the diversity row until studio boardrooms became less white and male.”
What if she had said “less Jewish”? But she wouldn’t: [archive] “The family’s original surname, Messerschmitz, was changed to Streep in the Netherlands by her Sephardic Jewish ancestors.” And she sure has a problem with supposed “anti-semites”: [archive] “Hollywood actress Meryl Streep blasted Walt Disney as an anti-Semitic misogynist in an unusually long and scathing speech at a film awards dinner.”
Related: Another Jew in Hollywood, J.J. Abrams, once said, [archive]
We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest f*cking room in the history of time. It’s just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color?
Related: “Am I the only one that noticed all the white guys in Star Wars: The Force Awakens were either bad guys or dead?!” [archive] Funny how that works.