STUDY: Rate of witnessing domestic violence higher among children who grow up with single parents. “These comparisons are adjusted for differences across groups in the age, sex, and race/ethnicity of the child, family income and poverty status, and the parent’s education level.”
NOT SURPRISING: Leaks Highlight Teardown of Immigration Enforcement. “Leaked internal training documents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal Border Patrol agents are now receiving guidelines instructing them that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are off limits to federal agents and are substantially immune to detention and deportation.”
UH-OH: Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings. The headline is followed by this: “Majority disagrees, says parents’ inability to marry denies them legal protections, stability.” But as long as there is no-fault divorce, there is no stability in marriage.
There are “two rights” that every child shares when they arrive in this world, Katy Faust wrote in her brief. “First, the right to live. Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.”
Dawn Stefanowicz said her gay father was so preoccupied with sex that when she was in high school and brought home a male classmate, both her father and his lover propositioned him for sex.
B.N. Klein said her mother and lesbian partner disdained heterosexual families completely, and she didn’t have a clue about the daily interactions of a husband and wife until she went into foster care.
Robert Oscar Lopez said his two lesbian mothers were conscientious about his upbringing, but he became so emotionally confused that he turned to gay prostitution as a teen and gay and bisexual relationships as an adult.
Earlier: “I had a very hard time understanding the nuances of transgenderism as an 8-year-old girl.”
MATT FORNEY on why the left supports radical Muslims.
Muslims and SJWs have the same fundamental mindset. Both groups are driven by their feelings, namely the idea that their feelings are the end-all-be-all of human existence. . . .
The attack on Charlie Hebdo, the worldwide demonstrations against the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons, and every other act of Islamist terror happened because Muslims felt offended on behalf of their prophet. Letting your emotions dictate your behavior is what women do, not men.
Indeed, so much of what is wrong with America and the West is due to society tolerating and encouraging the mindless emoting of women, gays, and other designated victim groups.
WILLFUL IGNORANCE: Why do women know so little about their fertility? Most of the article is the author’s attempt to rationalize her own ignorance. She waited until her forties to attempt conceiving and then, after suffering miscarriage after miscarriage, finally learned about female fertility as she underwent assisted reproduction and IVF. “Alas, it was too late for me. Sure, I’d gained all this knowledge about the speed of fertility decline but, at 43, I was getting too old to have a baby.” Nice sleuthing, Sherlock.
To save the reader time, I’ve excerpted the only section of the article worth reading. It explains how feminists have successfully fought against educating women about their fertility:
‘We feel that women should be able to talk to their ob/gyn about fertility,’ said Sandra Carson, ACOG’s [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] vice president for education. ‘We certainly want to remind women gently that, as they get older, fertility is compromised, but we don’t want to do it in such a way that they feel that it might interfere with their career plans or make them nervous about losing their fertility.’ In other words, there are no guidelines for talking to a woman about her fertility unless she herself brings it up.
All this talk of ‘gentle’ reminders and ‘appropriate’ counselling has a history – a political one. Back in 2001, the ASRM [American Society of Reproductive Medicine] devoted a six-figure sum to a fertility awareness campaign, whose goal was to show the effects of age, obesity, smoking and sexually transmitted diseases on fertility. Surprisingly, the US National Organization for Women (NOW) came out against it. ‘Certainly women are well aware of the so-called biological clock. And I don’t think that we need any more pressure to have kids,’ said Kim Gandy, then president of NOW. In a 2002 op-ed in USA Today, she wrote that NOW ‘commended’ doctors for ‘attempting’ to educate women about their health, but thought they were going about it the wrong way by making women feel ‘anxious about their bodies and guilty about their choices’.
Although the ASRM denies the backlash is connected, its spokesman Sean Tipton says the organisation has not done a fertility awareness campaign since.
In the end, lack of fertility education on the medical side and the unwillingness to explore it on the patient side seems to come down to the fear of offending women.
“Surprisingly, the US National Organization for Women (NOW) came out against it.” This would only be surprising to people who don’t understand contemporary American feminism.
GAMBIA COUP PLOTTERS: Model citizens at home in US, but ‘everybody has a breaking point’.
To those who knew him in Texas, Cherno Njie was a pillar of the community: a well-educated senior government worker turned rich and socially conscious property developer, a former school board member and a supporter of human rights and political progress in Africa.
To his alleged fellow insurgents in the Gambia he was codename “Dave”, a mastermind and financier behind a bungled plot to overthrow the president of the tiny west African country and install himself as the interim leader.
To the FBI he is a suspect charged with breaking a law dating back to 1794 called the Neutrality Act by conspiring to attempt a coup against a nation with which the US is at peace.
I wonder at the use of the phrase “model citizens” in the headline, when the people described were willfully breaking a federal law whose purpose is in part to prevent the nation from being dragged into foreign conflicts.
MARK PERRY: My top ten gender [sic] charts of the year for 2014.
At the highest level of math performance on the SAT test last year, there were 203 males achieving perfect scores for every 100 females. Maybe that explains why men are over-represented in highly quantitative degree programs and careers like computer science, engineering, chemistry and physics?
Despite the clear and convincing statistical evidence from the math SAT test results by gender, gender activists like Professor Janet Hyde at the University of Wisconsin continue to claim that “There just aren’t gender differences anymore in math performance.” The SAT math test results for 2014 and for every year since 1972 suggest otherwise and “beg to differ,” Professor Hyde.
‘FEMSTEERING,’ The Crippling Disability Endangering Our Roads.
WOMEN SURE LIKE TO WHINE: Time Posts Feminist Lament on ‘Everyday Sexism’ of Women’s Public Toilet Lines.
I can’t say that I’m too surprised. Feminists consistently whine about the most trivial offenses and inconveniences, whether it’s phony complaints about “street harassment,” grievances against “manspreading” on public transportation, the indignity of having to wrap Christmas presents, or even the terrible oppression inflicted on women by an “inappropriate” shirt worn by a famous scientist.
I’m not even going to bother dissecting and critiquing Soraya Chemaly’s article, as the absurdity speaks for itself.
THE CHARLIE HEBDO TERRORIST ATTACK Fires Shots At The Liberal Narrative.
Why are Muslims being treated with such deference while not even two months ago the entire media erupted in a rage ten times greater than what we’re seeing now against a college fraternity for an anonymous rape accusation at the University of Virginia that turned out to be a complex hoax? Has the Western world lost its mind?
Some context is in order. The Western elite, especially in Europe, got into power by pushing peace, harmony, equal opportunity, and multiculturalism, but beneath these feel-good concepts includes the blueprint for destruction of the very force that threatens their power: nationalism. Introducing massive numbers of Muslims, Mexicans, or destitute Somalian refugees into your nation reduces the likelihood that you will look to your neighbor and see someone like you, a brother-in-arms who can help you rise up against the cyclical inevitability of a corrupt government ruling over you.
CNN memo to staff: “We are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet.” I wonder if they have any internal memos where they mention “the Christ.”
For example, when they want Americans to meekly accept immigration, they give us these articles about a ‘dying Japan’ or a ‘Europe that can’t get up’. Immigration is presented as a solution, and while Japan accepts none and Europe can’t or won’t assimilate them, good old America just keeps on taking ‘em in, thus our economy is performing better than theirs.
But when the media wants to squash any sentiment against small government, or gun ownership, etc., they paint a picture of a wealthy Japan or EU with their minuscule murder rates, generous national health care systems, workers compensation, unemployment benefits, maternity leaves, etc., etc. Why the streets and infrastructure in those nations are gleaming, modern marvels compared to the crumbling structures in America. If only we’d tax ourselves like those guys.
But when stories like this are presented, Europe and Japan are definitely not portrayed as the weak, dying bastards they seem to be when it comes to immigration stories.
MANGAN: The Optimal Anti-Aging Strategy.
Here’s the equation for living a long time: fasting for a time followed by weightlifting + protein = longer life.
I’m dead serious about this. If you fast, you increase autophagy, which rids your cells of junk. But you must follow this by anabolism, and the best way to accomplish this, even if you’re old, is by lifting weights and eating enough protein.
Ideally, one wants to take protein around workouts, and whey protein has been shown to give the best anabolism bang for the buck. It causes amino acid levels to rise rapidly in the blood, which ensures maximum anabolism. Whey also has the additional benefit of being rich in cysteine, which is the rate-limiting factor in glutathione synthesis. Thus whey can increase levels of glutathione, and this is especially beneficial in older people. And you thought it was only good for bodybuilders.
CARDINAL BURKE: “The radical feminism which has assaulted the Church and society since the 1960s has left men very marginalized.”
Unfortunately, the radical feminist movement strongly influenced the Church, leading the Church to constantly address women’s issues at the expense of addressing critical issues important to men; the importance of the father, whether in the union of marriage or not; the importance of a father to children; the importance of fatherhood for priests; the critical impact of a manly character; the emphasis on the particular gifts that God gives to men for the good of the whole society. . . .
All of those virtuous characteristics of the male sex are very important for a child to observe as they grow up and mature. The healthy relationship with the father helps the child to prepare to move from the intimate love of the mother, building a discipline so that the child can avoid excessive self‑love. . . .
The crisis between man and woman has been made much worse by a complete collapse of catechesis in the Church. Young men grew up without proper instruction with regard to their faith and to the knowledge of their vocation. Young men were not being taught that they are made in the image of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These young men were not taught to know all those virtues that are necessary in order to be a man and to fulfill the particular gifts of being male.
Making things worse, there was a very fluffy, superficial kind of catechetical approach to the question of human sexuality and the nature of the marital relationship.
WONDER WHY: Associated Press censored Muhammad cartoons while selling ‘Piss Christ’ prints. “It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images.” Uh-huh.
CHARLES RANGEL: ‘I Was Never Moved Until I Saw Dead People That Looked Like Me’.
STUDY debunks the notion of “healthy obesity”.
University College London researchers tracked the health of 2,521 men and women between the ages of 39 and 62. They measured each participant’s body mass index (a calculation based on height and weight), cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and insulin resistance, and ranked them as either healthy or unhealthy and obese or non-obese.
About one-third of the obese people had no risk factors for chronic disease at the beginning of the study, and were ranked as healthy obese.
But over time, this group began to develop risk factors for chronic disease. After 10 years about 40 percent had become unhealthy obese, and by the 20-year mark 51 percent had fallen into the unhealthy category, the study found.
Healthy non-obese people also slipped into poor health over time, but at a slower rate. After two decades, 22 percent had become unhealthy but were still trim, and about 10 percent more had become either healthy or unhealthy obese.
INDIANA Joins Growing Number of States Pushing Civics Exam to Graduate High School. “I don’t know why our own young people—who are born citizens here, who go through our regular school system—shouldn’t know the same information [as people applying for citizenship.”
UK: A kebab-loving couple declared too fat to work are raking in £2k a month in welfare handouts from the British taxpayer. “The couple are part of the forty percent of British people who are either overweight or obese. They are also amongst the 5,500 people who claim benefits due to being too fat, a figure that has doubled in the last five years.”
IMMIGRATION IN CALIFORNIA according to an anonymous person involved in law enforcement:
I can say from my perspective that around 50% of the DUIs are hispanic, and of those, the majority are here illegally. We cannot ask them in court their legal status in the US, but it is fairly obvious. . . . We have DUI cases where the driver is carrying a Mexican driver’s license–not recognized in California–or presents a Mexican Counselor ID card to prove his identity.
Those ID cards, by the way, are obtainable for the asking, without proof of birth in Mexico or other evidence, so are virtually useless in determining ID–critical in finding out whether the subject has prior arrests, convictions, etc.–but are accepted in court and law enforcement.
DV is so common amongst Mexican-Americans and the illegals that we call it “Mexican foreplay”. Probably 60 to 70 percent of my DV cases involve Mexicans/Hispanics. The remaining cases are mostly white, often precipitated by drugs or alcohol. . . .
Things are changing about probation and parole–most cases will now go to county jail instead of away to state prison. And the county jails are overflowing, releasing prisoners every week per Federal court requirements.
Thus, we’ve seen the murder rate jump up again. And it is again mostly Mexican gangs doing the killing. I can read the reports on local murders and see the hispanic suspect names, the fact that the victim was hispanic, in the local park after dark (usually around midnight or up to 4am), and the age and know immediately that it was a gang event.
SELF-SELECTING OUT OF THE GENE POOL: Woman who is celebrating a decade of marriage to her two pet CATS says she has never been happier (and has no plans to find a human husband).
She has their initials tattooed on her right leg. . . .
‘Before you have a baby or adopt a child, you look on the internet to learn as much as possible. You read lots of books and attend support groups. That’s what I did as well before I adopted my cats.’ . . .
‘After my human boyfriend had left, Spider and Lugosi were still there for me, helping me get through the separation anxieties and feelings of sadness. I have loved and lived with a couple of partners before but I realised that my love for my fur babies is so much deeper than anything I have felt for a human.’ . . .
‘When I came across the website, I screamed: “Have my money and send me a certificate of our marriage!” . . .
‘If Lugosi and Spider died, I would never marry another cat,’ she explains. ‘They’re my first cats and no other cat in future can change that. If a man ever approaches me, I just tell them straight off: “Sorry, I’m married to my cats”.’ . . .
‘There is nothing perverse or disgusting about my union with my cats . . . It’s like gay or polyamorous marriage. As long as they’re happy, why should anybody criticise them?’
AN ANTHROPOLOGIST on cultural collapse.
When there is pressure for leaders to respond to problems or crises, they often simply intensify their efforts in their particular defined sphere of activity – even if that’s not relevant to the real problem. To do otherwise requires taking on entrenched practices and asserting power in areas where it often will not be well received. And leaders tend to see major crises more as threats to their own position rather than as systemic challenges for the societies that they govern or the institutions that they manage.
Frenzied grand constructions, wars and great rituals are among the common responses of ancient leaders to crises. These demonstrate powerful responses by the leaders (enhancing their threatened hold on power), but almost never really address the problems themselves. A cynic might characterize the giant U.S. stimulus bill of 2009 as such an effort.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Most European Muslims want sharia. “This according to a new survey WZB Berlin Social Science Center based on interviews with Muslims in six countries including Sweden.”
A FORMER MARINE on “Microaggressions”, “Trigger Warnings”, and the New Meaning of “Trauma”.
My sympathy for your suffering, whether that suffering was real or imaginary, ended when you demanded I change my life to avoid bringing up your bad memories. You don’t seem to have figured this out, but there is no “I must never be reminded of a negative experience” expectation in any culture anywhere on earth.
If your psyche is so fragile you fall apart when someone inadvertently reminds you of “trauma”, especially if that trauma consisted of you overreacting to a self-interpreted racial slur, you need therapy. You belong on a psychiatrist’s couch, not in college dictating what the rest of society can’t do, say or think. Get your own head right before you try to run other people’s lives. . . .
I must be old-fashioned, but I always thought coming to terms with pain was part of growing up. I’ve never expected anyone to not knock on my door because it reminds me of that terrifying morning decades ago. I’ve never blown up at anyone for startling me with a camera flash (I’ve never even mentioned it to anyone who did). I’ve never expected anyone to not talk about Iraq or Afghanistan around me, even though some memories still hurt. I don’t need trigger warnings because a book might remind me of a murder victim I’ve seen.
MARK PERRY: Acceptance rates at US medical schools in 2014 reveal ongoing discrimination against Asian-Americans and whites. “Even if factors other than GPA and MCAT scores (which are probably the two most important ones) are considered for admission to medical school, wouldn’t it still be very hard to conclude that admissions policies to medical schools are completely ‘race-neutral’ and completely free of any ‘racial profiling’ practices that favor blacks and Hispanics over Asians and whites?”
Earlier: U.S. medical schools urged to increase enrollment of illegal immigrants. “These schools are encouraged by law to discriminate in this way. See, for example, the following provisions of Obamacare.“
CRYBABIES: Atheists demand apology after university head says that secularism ‘threatens American democracy’.
“What will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they too need to voluntarily obey the laws?” asks Mr Christensen on the video. “Because if you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police.”
The decision to send the message to all students and staff at Troy – a public university founded in 1887 – angered atheist groups who challenged the notion that only God-fearing people can lead moral and law-abiding lives. . . .
The letter went on to challenge the assertion that religion is necessarily a bulwark against disorder, citing research by Prof Phil Zuckerman, the leading secularist at Pitzer College in Los Angeles, whose work has analysed why non-religious nations, like Sweden and Denmark, have lower crime rates.
First, there’s a big difference between a claim about the aggregate effects of religiosity (or its lack) on society and a claim about the particular effects of an individual’s religiosity on his own behavior. The video message seems (based on the account quoted above) to concern the former, while the response seems to concern the latter.
If they don’t accept this distinction, then maybe they ought to rethink the old, tired claim of their fellow evangelical atheists about religion being the primary cause of wars. After all, plenty of individual religious people don’t go to war. Isn’t it offensive to them to suggest that they’re causing war just by being religious?
(By the way, that old, tired claim is false, as Vox Day pointed out years ago.)
Second, these people might want to reconsider using Sweden and Denmark as examples, given how a massive influx of immigrants can so easily change crime rates: (more…)
FOR THE LADIES: Marriage-Killing Mistakes Women Make (Yes, You Too).
UK: Advertising Standards Agency censors “irresponsible and harmful” thigh-gap image on Urban Outfitters web site. “We considered that the model looked underweight in the picture. We understood that Urban Outfitters’ target market was young people and considered that using a noticeably underweight model was likely to impress upon that audience that the image was representative of the people who might wear Urban Outfitters’ clothing, and as being something to aspire to. We therefore concluded that the ad was irresponsible.”
The press obliges, with the phrases “super-skinny” and “shockingly thin” appearing in this article’s headline and lead sentence.
To put this into perspective, consider that nearly one-fourth of women in the UK are obese. Do you suppose that the ASA would ban “fat acceptance” ads that promote staying obese? Of course not.
Earlier: Warning women about being thin and not about being fat.
BOOK REVIEW: The Jewish Revolt against Rome.
Editor Mladen Popović has collected sixteen articles on the Judaean-Roman conflict. For example, Brian Schultz deals with the ideas about the eschatological war in the famous War Scroll and related texts and shows how the identification of the archenemy, the ‘Kittim’, shifted from Greeks to Romans. This conclusion is not very surprising but makes it clear how the study of the scrolls can be useful to military historians.
In this way, it is possible to offer more context to Josephus’ account. Werner Eck observes that the author of the Jewish War always blames members of the equestrian order and almost never suggests senatorial errors, which suggests that the book was read by senators. This in turn suggests that there were limits to Josephus’ fantasy. Pieter van der Horst tries to find out what was intrusive about the fourth philosophy and concludes that the refusal to pay taxes was indeed unheard of. Jodi Magness shows that Josephus’ account of the siege of Masada is quite accurate.
A MAN’S MIND – Poisoned By Fairy Tales. “What both books [John Eldredge’s Captivating and Wild at Heart] teach fit right into the fairy tale narrative of traditional feminism. Woman is the Queen, Princess, Beauty. Man is the Knight in her service, the one sent to rescue her and offer his strength to her. The one to battle all odds, slay the dragons, and generally sacrifice himself for her glory. The one so many do not see being played out repeatedly, again and again. The one that keeps showing up in numerous books, shows, and movies for a reason. It’s because society, steeped in traditional feminism, demands men and women to play these roles.”
ANOTHER DAY, Another Proposed Revenge-Porn Statute.
A prosecutor asked me recently whether I might be willing to work with legislators to write a revenge-porn statute that would pass First Amendment muster. I replied that I would, but that I didn’t think it could be done. . . .
Advocates of revenge porn criminalization have latched gleefully onto Eugene Volokh’s suggestion that “Historically and traditionally, such depictions would likely have been seen as unprotected obscenity” without considering the endgame of the parenthetical that follows: “(likely alongside many consensual depictions of nudity).”
The zealots—Mary Anne Franks and Danielle Citron chief among them—would throw out the baby (consensual depictions of nudity) with the bathwater (nonconsensual depictions of nudity). If the image is obscene when Jane takes it of Joe, it is obscene whether Joe has consented or not.
SCIENCE: Are companies selling fake peer reviews to help papers get published? “In the past, we have reported on a number of cases in which authors were able to submit their own peer reviews, using fake email addresses for recommended reviewers. But what seems to be happening now is that companies are offering manuscript preparation services that go as far as submitting fake peer reviews. And that, no surprise, worries publishers.”
AUSTIN RUSE defends his recent essay on the “New Homophiles.” (See “The New Homophiles: A Closer Look.”)
There is a group of Catholics who experience same-sex attraction. They accept the teachings of the Church on sexual morality. They do not act on their same-sex desires. . . .
You might think that their desires alone are enough for me to want them to simply disappear from the Church and from society.
You might think this if you read Damon Linker on my recent column about the New Homophiles. You might think so if you read the comments of blogger Mark Shea, who said my column was “appalling” and much worse. You might think so if you read the comments by Maggie Gallagher who said my column was “vile.”
But the thing is, I have never written a cross or even critical word about the men and women I describe above. These are men and women of the Catholic apostolate Courage. . . .
So, what’s the difference between the New Homophiles and Courage?
I’m not surprised by Shea’s response to Ruse, given what he has written in the past: (more…)
HISTORIC: Maryland’s first female Episcopal bishop admits to fatal hit-and-run. “Bishop Suffragan Heather Cook’s vehicle collided with Tom Palermo, 41 on Saturday and initially left the scene.” What was that vehicle thinking, colliding with a cyclist like that? If only the bishop had done something to stop it. Maybe she could have prevented it from leaving the scene.
BAIT-AND-SWITCH FEMINISM on the Patriarchy: “So, for example, we are told that the patriarchy causes male rape. We are told that if we want to fight male rape, the best way to do so is to work hard to promote feminist principles. But once feminism has been promoted, the particular feminists benefitting from that extra social capital may well be the ones to successfully lobbying national governments to keep male rape legal on the ground that if raping men was illegal, they might make false accusations which could hurt women.”
One can, as the author does, refer to this as a motte-and-bailey tactic:
[The motte and bailey is] a form of medieval castle, where there would be a field of desirable and economically productive land called a bailey, and a big ugly tower in the middle called the motte. If you were a medieval lord, you would do most of your economic activity in the bailey and get rich. If an enemy approached, you would retreat to the motte and rain down arrows on the enemy until they gave up and went away. Then you would go back to the bailey, which is the place you wanted to be all along.
So the motte-and-bailey doctrine is when you make a bold, controversial statement. Then when somebody challenges you, you claim you were just making an obvious, uncontroversial statement, so you are clearly right and they are silly for challenging you. Then when the argument is over you go back to making the bold, controversial statement.
UK: Branded bigots at the age of THREE: How thousands of children are being blacklisted by schools for using innocuous playground taunts such as ‘girl’ and ‘fat bucket of KFC’. “Thousands of pupils are being reported for so-called hate crimes after using innocuous words such as ‘Chinese boy’, ‘Somalian’ or ‘gay’.”
ONE CAN DREAM: What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2015?
Most of the works highlighted here are famous—that is why we included them. And if that fame meant that the work was still being exploited commercially 28 years after its publication, the rights holders would probably renew the copyright. (This is true for most of the works featured on this page, though even the shorter copyright term exceeds the commercial lifespan of a surprising percentage of successful works.) But we know from empirical studies that 85% of authors did not renew their copyrights (for books, the number is even higher—93% did not renew), since most works exhaust their commercial value very quickly.
That means that all of these examples from 1958 are only the tip of the iceberg. If the pre-1978 laws were still in effect, we could have seen 85% of the works published in 1986 enter the public domain on January 1, 2015. Imagine what that would mean to our archives, our libraries, our schools and our culture. Such works could be digitized, preserved, and made available for education, for research, for future creators. Instead, they will remain under copyright for decades to come, perhaps even into the next century.
Around 20,000 people in Britain have been investigated in the past three years for comments made online, with around 20 people a day being looked into by the forces of the law, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
The overused Orwellian cliché has finally become the reality: Big Brother in the form of an overzealous and under regulated police force really is watching you. As Police Scotland terrifyingly informed us this week, “Please be aware that we will continue to monitor comments on social media and any offensive comments will be investigated.”
Earlier: In the UK, no free speech.
JAPAN suffers lowest number of births on record as population shrinks. “[The] number of newborn babies last year fell to 1.001 million against 1.269m registered deaths in its population.”
PRIVILEGE: Unarmed White Man Killed by Alabama Police; No Protests, No Riots, No National Media.
Meanwhile, this other fellow couldn’t even say “I can’t breathe” because he was underwater and handcuffed. But he’s white so whatever.
REX MURPHY: “Am I ‘mansplaining’ here? I certainly hope so. Mansplaining is a bit of this year’s wombspeak, a coinage of great self-satisfaction and smugness which attempts to put down reconciling reality to facts, naming fables when they are fables, and contesting any of the dogmas of the enlightened sisterhood, as mere condescension from the other gender. It should be paired with ‘femsplaining’ which is of course pure unshampooed truth — as determined, of course, by when and if it works for the cause.”
Earlier: Explaining “Mansplaining.”
NARRATIO SUPER FACTIS: Vandals Of UVA’s Phi Kappa Psi House Unrepentant. “Asked whether he felt at all bad about attacking the wrong fraternity, he showed no remorse and justified the attack on the broader woes of ‘social injustice.'”
Earlier: Don’t let facts get in the way of the preferred narrative.
HEH: Indonesia wants to put Muslim asylum seekers on an island; blasts Australia for lack of welcome. “Here is a thought—let Indonesia give refuge to fellow Muslims.”
ANTHONY WATTS: Climate Craziness of the Week – AGW could trigger plants and soil in tipping point attack. “Yes, somehow, more plants growing due to increased CO2 will cause more carbon dioxide in a vicious cycle. Notice three things about this study: 1. The word ‘could’ 2. ‘modeling work’. 3. Lack of any paleo reference to such an event in Earth’s past during higher periods of CO2.”
Related: Look out, a soil model says more plants means massive carbon stores might be freed.
Note the politically-correct permitted phrasing . . . :
Although a greenhouse gas and pollutant, carbon dioxide also supports plant growth.
So after 500 million years of evolution of carbon based life-forms, carbon dioxide is first and foremost a greenhouse gas, secondly it’s a pollutant, but but… it does… “support” plant growth.
ADVENTURES IN EUPHEMISM: “We did see a lot of individuals that were not from the eastern area of the county,” says police chief about flash mob brawlers.
Monroeville Police Chief K. Douglas Cole told Channel 11 News that there were about 1,000 children and teens in the mall when up to six different fights took place. . . .
“We did see a lot of individuals that were not from the eastern area of the county, which is a little bit different,” said Cole.
So, how’d you know that they weren’t from your area? What clue gave that away?
Breitbart headline: Black Teen Girls Riot In Pittsburgh Mall, Force Closure. Video at the link.
There were reports across the country involving similar incidents at malls that same weekend, involving teenagers, teens, juveniles, and even youths: (more…)
CLASSY: PA Democrat AG Kathleen Kane Blames Female Rape Victim For Her Workplace Rape. “This is the second time this month that Democrat Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has appeared in the headlines. In the first example she was the cause of shutting down a bribery and corruption sting operation in Philadelphia because only Black Politicians were taking the bribes. In this example Kane is blaming the victim of workplace rape for not locking her door, the only problem is there were no door locks.”