THE CHARLIE HEBDO TERRORIST ATTACK Fires Shots At The Liberal Narrative.

Why are Muslims being treated with such deference while not even two months ago the entire media erupted in a rage ten times greater than what we’re seeing now against a college fraternity for an anonymous rape accusation at the University of Virginia that turned out to be a complex hoax? Has the Western world lost its mind?

Some context is in order. The Western elite, especially in Europe, got into power by pushing peace, harmony, equal opportunity, and multiculturalism, but beneath these feel-good concepts includes the blueprint for destruction of the very force that threatens their power: nationalism. Introducing massive numbers of Muslims, Mexicans, or destitute Somalian refugees into your nation reduces the likelihood that you will look to your neighbor and see someone like you, a brother-in-arms who can help you rise up against the cyclical inevitability of a corrupt government ruling over you.