UK: Advertising Standards Agency censors “irresponsible and harmful” thigh-gap image on Urban Outfitters web site. “We considered that the model looked underweight in the picture. We understood that Urban Outfitters’ target market was young people and considered that using a noticeably underweight model was likely to impress upon that audience that the image was representative of the people who might wear Urban Outfitters’ clothing, and as being something to aspire to. We therefore concluded that the ad was irresponsible.”
The press obliges, with the phrases “super-skinny” and “shockingly thin” appearing in this article’s headline and lead sentence.
To put this into perspective, consider that nearly one-fourth of women in the UK are obese. Do you suppose that the ASA would ban “fat acceptance” ads that promote staying obese? Of course not.
Earlier: Warning women about being thin and not about being fat.