UH-OH: Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings. The headline is followed by this: “Majority disagrees, says parents’ inability to marry denies them legal protections, stability.” But as long as there is no-fault divorce, there is no stability in marriage.

There are “two rights” that every child shares when they arrive in this world, Katy Faust wrote in her brief. “First, the right to live. Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.”

Dawn Stefanowicz said her gay father was so preoccupied with sex that when she was in high school and brought home a male classmate, both her father and his lover propositioned him for sex.

B.N. Klein said her mother and lesbian partner disdained heterosexual families completely, and she didn’t have a clue about the daily interactions of a husband and wife until she went into foster care.

Robert Oscar Lopez said his two lesbian mothers were conscientious about his upbringing, but he became so emotionally confused that he turned to gay prostitution as a teen and gay and bisexual relationships as an adult.

Earlier: “I had a very hard time understanding the nuances of transgenderism as an 8-year-old girl.”