BRIAN HALL: There Is No Diversity Crisis In Tech. “Editor’s Note: We are reposting this story by Brian Hall with his permission after he got the copyright to it back from Forbes. It had previously been up on their website for about 24 hours and then got pulled for mysterious reasons with ‘violating terms’ cited but no more description.”
The article was originally here, but all that is left is this message: “The piece previously at this URL, titled ‘There Is No Diversity Crisis In Silicon Valley,’ published on 10/5/2015, was deemed to have violated our Terms of Service and was removed.”
Hall later wrote, “I am quite certain that they will tell you that my poking holes into the ‘diversity crisis’ narrative had nothing to do with their removing the post.”
GERMANY: Public souring on openness to flood of migrants.
And with no end in sight to the influx of refugees, the mood is worsening by the day. If the inflow remains as high as it has been in the past few weeks, according to expert forecasts, some 1 million people will have arrived in Germany by the end of the year — a greater number than ever before in the country’s history. . . .
A poll by Infratest Dimap for German public broadcaster ARD last Friday showed that the percentage of Germans who are “scared” about the number of refugees entering the country has increased from 38 percent in September to 51 percent today. The same poll also showed Merkel’s approval rating had dropped by nine points to 54 percent, her lowest in nearly four years.
MARK KRIKORIAN: The Results Are In: Obama Never Intended to Enforce Immigration Laws. “Using preliminary numbers, the Associated Press reports that deportations are down to the lowest level in nearly a decade. As you can see from the graphic, deportations (or, strictly speaking, removals attributed to ICE rather than to the Border Patrol) grew significantly under Bush (as they had under Clinton), initially plateaued under Obama, and are now collapsing.”
FEMININITY FOR BOYS ONLY: We had twin boys – but at 18 months old one wanted to become a girl’: Father of transgender six-year-old on family’s battle to accept Joe becoming Lily.
Matt described how Lily showed signs of being transgender from 18-months-old and is now living as a girl. . . .
‘Mum and dad used to take them down to the shops to pick a magazine. Olly would get Thomas The Tank Engine, or more “boy” magazines. She [sic] picked something pink with fairies.
‘From the age of two she [sic] was drawn towards pink toys and babies. She [sic] asked for baby dolls and wanted girly fancy dress while Olly had a Batman outfit.’
And Matt explained that Lily’s ‘girlie’ behaviour continued when she [sic] went to nursery. . . .
‘We had a bit of a challenge getting friends and family to buying the Christmas and birthday presents she [sic] wanted.
‘My brother did say things like “Do I have to buy her [sic] a princess fancy dress outfit, can’t I buy her [sic] Lego?” . . .
In September, the Tavistock and Portman centre[, which specialises in “gender dysphoria,”] advised the parents that if she [sic] is still on the same path by the age of 11 or 12, hormone blockers will be prescribed which will stop the onset of male puberty.
There is the option of taking female hormones at age 16, and at 18 Lily can decide whether or not she [sic] will have surgery.
Just remember, when girls prefer fairies to trains and dresses to legos, that’s the result of patriarchal conditioning. But when boys do that, it’s totally natural, and so are the hormones and surgical procedures used to stunt his development and mutilate their bodies.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: France-Italy Border: ‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’.
A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”
Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: German Police Chief: Delinquent Muslim Migrants Don’t Integrate, Generally Disrespect Western Cultures. “Tania Kambouri, who has written of her experiences in her role as a police chief in a new book, said that there is a “taboo” around multiculturalism and those coming from Islamic countries, though she was keen to stress that her comments were not racially motivated, according to Die Welt.”
BUT OF COURSE: World’s First Lesbian Bishop Calls For Church To Remove Crosses, To Install Muslim Prayer Space. “Eva Brunne, who was made the world’s first openly lesbian bishop by the church of Sweden in 2009, and has a young son with her wife and fellow lesbian priest Gunilla Linden, made the suggestion to make those of other faiths more welcome.”
PRIORITIES: Obama’s gun law enforcement at work: sell 55 illegal guns, get one year probation. “In Milwaukee, where this story takes place, the feckless ATF did another gun walking operation that featured epic incompetency and lots of felons with perfectly good firearms.”
That internal link leads to this 2014 post: Surprise outcome. Incompetent ATF accepts incompetence as the norm:
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which broke the case last year:
Members of both parties in Congress have been calling for accountability since the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported problems in Operation Fearless in early 2013.
The investigation found agents used a brain-damaged man with a low IQ to promote the operation and then arrested him; allowed armed felons to leave the store; arrested four of the wrong people; paid such high prices for guns that people bought guns from stores and sold them to agents for a profit; and failed to secure the store, resulting in the operation being burglarized.
Special Agent Michael Aalto, the lead undercover agent, had his guns stolen, including a machine gun, which has not been recovered.
Not surprisingly, Operation Fearless was not limited to Milwaukee. It mirrored similar operations in Albuquerque, NM, Pensacola, FL, Portland, OR, Wichita, KS, and other cities.
HEARTISTE: Study: Diversity + Proximity = War.
An April 2015 research paper concludes that the Heartiste formulation
is a fact, is true, is empirically sound, and is an accurate description of the way the world actually works, (instead of the way various open borders ‘toids insist the world works through the haze of their equalist acid trip).
The Nature of Conflict
. . . The analysis establishes the significant contribution of genetic diversity to the intensity of social unrest and to the incidence of intragroup factional conflict. These findings arguably reflect the contribution of genetic diversity to the degree of fractionalization and polarization across ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups in the national population . . .
Not that this will change any hearts and minds that most need changing. What’s a little (or a lot of) ethnic and racial civil conflict as long as Bryan Caplan gets to whore for status among his spergitarian SWPL buddies and live in a $450,000 median home price bubble?
The PDF of this paper is here.
Earlier: Diversity or community: Choose one. This post links to a 2013 post of Heartiste’s on the same subject, where he writes: (more…)
ADDRESSING THE BIRTH DEARTH: New ad tells Danes to ‘do it for mom!’.
Spies Travel still wants Danes to have more sex. The creators of the viral hit ‘Do it for Denmark’ that encouraged Danes to have more babies are back with a new plea. This time the travel agency is appealing more to guilt than patriotism by telling Danes they should ‘Do it for Mom!’.
In a video released on Wednesday, Spies introduced a promotion meant to get older parents to contribute to their adult children’s sexy getaways so that they can get a grandchild in return.
Here’s a link to the “Do It For Mom” ad. And here’s the original “Do It For Denmark” ad.
Earlier: Do It For Denmark.
HERE WE GO: Psychologist blinds woman with drain cleaner – because she wanted to be disabled. “Jewel has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a condition in which able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled.”
DEBUNKING the Myth that Most Mass Murderers are White.
I examined every mass murder that has occurred in the US since 2006, courtesy of USA Today. After going through the nearly 300 instances of mass murder, I was hardly surprised to find that the claim that whites were most likely to commit mass murder was completely false.
(Note: A mass murder is an incident in which at least 4 people are murdered over a short period time) . . .
Whites are actually significantly underrepresented among mass murderers and blacks are significantly overrepresented! . . .
It should also be noted that most of the unsolved cases occurred in urban ghettos so the percentage of mass murderers that are black is probably even higher.
Related: Are Most Mass Murderers Really White? (This refers to mass shootings as well, despite saying “mass murders” and “mass killings.”) (more…)
MAUREEN MULLARKEY: “This pontificate makes an idol of The Poor.”
This pontificate makes an idol of The Poor, an abstraction by which it justifies its own rancor toward the developed world. It gives evidence of a mind fed on tracts by statist ideolaters who muddle distinction between the material and the transcendent. Worse, it squanders the moral authority of the Church on an unholy alliance with corrupt or rent-seeking regimes that relinquish their own responsibility for the conditions of those they govern. It is an ominous confederacy that denies moral agency to all but the West.
Does there exist anything more Western than a self-flagellating urge to indict the West? A guilty son of the European stock that was once the pride and driving force of Buenos Aires, Francis resents the West’s affluence, scorns its freedom, curses it. . . .
I cannot not help but wonder if this week-long showcase of misdirected sermonizing, and often ambiguous pieties, signaled the de-Christianization of the Catholic Church. Were we witnessing the descent of Catholicism into one more “ism,” an ideology using language onto which an audience could project its own meaning? After Cuba, the non-stop showboating, pageantry, and preachments in the wrong places took on the look of a Faustian bargain between the Vatican and cynical brokers of worldly prestige—an exchange of truth (including that of the gradual but ongoing diminishment of poverty) for power.
R.R. Reno at First Things didn’t care for Mullarkey’s post, and announced his decision to discontinue hosting her blog: (more…)
WHOOPS: Merkel Caught On Hot Mic Requesting “Refugee” Censorship On Facebook. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: WaPo: Unhinged Murderous Migrant Was ‘Handsome’ Man After A ‘New Beginning’. “The Washington Post has published an article showing strong sympathy for a European migrant who murdered two innocent people with a knife, describing him as a ‘handsome man’ in search of a ‘new beginning’ before he was unfortunately sidetracked into mass murder.”
PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF: Vatican City turns away journalist posing as Syrian refugee. “A six minute video was produced by Italian TV channel LA7 and shows a journalist of Arabic origin, who had grown his beard and nails, posing as a Syrian refugee in Rome. He requested help from several priests and Vatican officials but was turned away on each attempt.”
JAYMAN: Clannishness – the Series: Zigzag Lightning in the Brain.
Northwestern Europeans brought about the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions and continue to be at the forefront of discovery today. . . .
Why is this case? . . . As we’ve seen previously (e.g., Demography is Destiny, American Nations Edition), societal differences are driven by biological differences between people. . . .
Average IQ is part of the story, but far from all of it. Particularly, despite having roughly the same average IQ, Eastern Europeans and East Asians underperform relative to Northwestern Europeans (and their offshoots). This isn’t even entirely of matter of lack of “manpower”, as this map of the number of researchers per million shows . . .
Even among the Northwestern countries, the more Germanic countries stand ahead of the rest. Northwestern Europe, particularly the Germanic countries, have long been centers of development and progress. . . .
How did this penchant for abstraction come about among NW Europeans? I suspect that part of it has to do with the rise of high-trust and social atomization (i.e., individualism) in NW European societies. As clannishness disappeared, and as people were no longer bound to their families or clans (and indeed, we were free to interact with non-relative in cooperative ventures), people became more free to engage in intellectually stimulating thought. Mental space previously devoted understand one’s place in society and keep ahead of schemers now could be used on more abstract pursuits. Indeed, perhaps this was favored in the NW Euro way of life. I will discuss the evolution of NW Euro traits further in future entries in this series.
THE JOBS AMERICANS WON’T DO . . . ANYMORE: Temporary Visas to Import Talent Help Copycats Take Jobs Abroad.
When Congress designed temporary work visa programs, the idea was to bring in foreigners with specialized, hard-to-find skills who would help American companies grow, creating jobs to expand the economy. Now, though, some companies are bringing in workers on those visas to help move jobs out of the country.
For four weeks this spring, a young woman from India on a temporary visa sat elbow to elbow with an American accountant in a snug cubicle at the headquarters of Toys “R” Us here. The woman, an employee of a giant outsourcing company in India hired by Toys “R” Us, studied and recorded the accountant’s every keystroke, taking screen shots of her computer and detailed notes on how she issued payments for toys sold in the company’s megastores.
“She just pulled up a chair in front of my computer,” said the accountant, 49, who had worked for the company for than 15 years. “She shadowed me everywhere, even to the ladies’ room.”
By late June, eight workers from the outsourcing company, Tata Consultancy Services, or TCS, had produced intricate manuals for the jobs of 67 people, mainly in accounting. They then returned to India to train TCS workers to take over and perform those jobs there. The Toys “R” Us employees in New Jersey, many of whom had been at the company more than a decade, were laid off.
PRIORITIES: 5 People That National Review Hates More Than Admitted Pedophile Todd Nickerson.
The magazine’s most enduring achievement has been shaping conservatism into controlled opposition, rolling over to the left on every issue save for Israel and corporate tax cuts.
The continuing ascent of Donald Trump in the presidential race and the ongoing meltdown of movement conservatives and GOP cucksultants shows that National Review and other, similar outlets have lost their gatekeeping power.
HERE WE GO: Gender [sic] Identity Specialists warn of “ever increasing tide” of Transwoman[sic] Sex Offenders. “Testimony admitted by the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists to the Transgender Equality Inquiry in the UK Parliament took a surprise turn when members sounded the alarm over what they warned is an ‘ever increasing tide’ of transwoman criminal sex offenders. They outline how sex-offending transwomen whom they describe as ‘pretend transsexuals’ adopt a transgender[sic] identity for various nefarious purposes, often involving increased access to vulnerable women and child victims.”
What’s the difference between a “transsexual” and a “pretend transsexual”? The qualification today for being a “transsexual” is identifying as one, so identification makes reality.
The entire report is worth reading.
“Another persistent source of difficulty is that NHS rules require patient files too be kept for at least thirty years whilst the GRA (Gender Recognition Act of 2010) requires us to destroy any records which link the patient’s old identity with the new identity. It isn’t clear which legislation takes precedence”
My, that is convenient for predators who would prefer to have official records of their past erased
Earlier: Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ in order to assault women in shelter.
STUDY: Genetic transmission of reading ability. “Word-reading fluency scores of 1100 participants from 431 families (with twins, siblings and their parents) were analyzed to estimate genetic and environmental sources of variance, and to test the presence of assortative mating and cultural transmission. Results show that variation in reading ability is mainly caused by additive and non-additive genetic factors (64%).”
BOOK REVIEW: SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, by Vox Day.
Mr. Beale also proposes a long-term plan for SJW-proofing our society. I found this the most intriguing part of the book. It displays a level of sociological insight and gravitas that is quite different from the light, snarky tone found in other parts of the book and promoted on the book’s cartoonish cover. The author analyzes the deep rot that the SJWs have caused our institutions, explains how we have made ourselves vulnerable to their control, and tells what we can do to end this vulnerability. His suggestions are too extensive to summarize here, but inter alia, we are enjoined to: Build alternative institutions (e.g., home school your children, create alternatives to SJW-infested Wikipedia); defund and destroy their propaganda centers (e.g., ignore their entertainment media); deny them employment; keep them out of your organizations. . . .
The Kindle book is cheap but Mr. Beale has considerately made this fight-back section available for free. You can go to his website here, and download the SJW Attack Survival Guide PDF on the right.
Here’s a direct link to that PDF.
A NEW MARKET in fake, anatomical bulges for girls who think they’re boys. Original headline: “More than just undies: The smallest details are the most important for parents of transgender[sic] kids.”
Jake’s problem gradually arose after he [sic] socially transitioned into a boy. Ellie became aware that he [sic] was packing socks into his [sic] underwear.
“They were moving around. They were chaffing. They were too big a lot of the time. He [sic] asked me repeatedly to do something about it and I didn’t know what to do about it at all. I had no idea,” she says.
“The problem I hit almost immediately is that you can’t get anything realistic in a kids’ size in Australia at all,” Ellie continues.
The company Ellie and Jake ended up purchasing from is TranZwear, based in San Francisco, California. It stocks underpants, packers and stand-to-pees for female to male transgender[sic] children aged three upwards.
The business owner, Den Kirkwood-Tucker, explains via email that he [sic] operates a “community-based shop” and works carefully with each family to take into account the child’s “age and where they are in their transition.”
A link to the TranZwear site is available in the article, but excluded here. Screen shots are available in a post at GenderTrender.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Rape and child abuse ‘are rife in German refugee camps’: Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are ‘seen as fair game’ in overcrowded migrant centres. “The warnings came after German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this month announced there was ‘no limit’ to the numbers of migrants her country would take.”
GOOD QUESTION: The scientific report guiding the US dietary guidelines: is it scientific?
In its 2015 report the committee stated that . . . for more than 70% of the topics, . . . it relied on systematic reviews by external professional associations, almost exclusively the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC), or conducted an hoc examination of the scientific literature without well defined systematic criteria for how studies or outside review papers were identified, selected, or evaluated. . . .
Potential conflicts of interest include, for instance, decades of support from vegetable oil manufacturers, whose products the AHA has long promoted for cardiovascular health. This reliance on industry backed groups clearly undermines the credibility of the government report. . . .
Papers on saturated fats published since 2010 were covered by the committee’s ad hoc review, which did not use a systematic method to select or evaluate studies. . . . Three meta-analyses concluded that saturated fats did not increase cardiovascular mortality, but the committee downplays these findings. And two other included meta-analyses had mixed results . . . Despite this conflicting evidence, however, the committee’s report concludes that the evidence linking consumption of saturated fats to cardiovascular disease is “strong.” . . .
Another important topic that was insufficiently reviewed is the efficacy of low carbohydrate diets. . . .
Because the guidelines have obviously not led to better health, . . . there has been a need to find new strategies to tackle nutrition related diseases. . . . The committee’s most significant shift, which began in 2010, . . . has been to redouble its efforts towards emphasizing a plant based diet. This can be seen in a number of ways in the 2015 report, none of which is supported by strong evidence.
MANGAN: New book, “Muscle Up”, coming soon.
[A]erobic exercisers believe that their aerobic exercise is both necessary and sufficient for health, when it is neither. It is not necessary, because strength training has a substantial aerobic component, and it is not sufficient, because aerobic exercise has a poor record at fat loss and does nothing for or even accelerates sarcopenia, the loss of muscle with age. . . .
Strength training has a much better record at fat loss, particularly as it pertains to waist circumference, which is a much better measure of health risk than Body Mass Index (BMI). Even with a “normal” BMI, a larger waist circumference means higher risk of illness and mortality.
As for sarcopenia – muscle loss with age – it appears that strength training could all but abolish it. Even people in their 90s – even hip fracture patients – greatly benefit from resistance training, as I document in the book.
A MESSAGE TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS: “Nothing else matters if the immigration issue is lost.”
While Americans oppose gun control 53 to 45 overall, Hispanics support gun control 62% to 36%. More Hispanics means fewer gun rights.
While Americans support a smaller government by 48% to 41%, Hispanics support a bigger government 75% to 19%.
In the 2012 elections, Hispanics voted democrat 68% to 30%. In the 2010 midterms they voted democrat 60% to 38%, and in the 2014 midterms they voted democrat 62% to 36%.
Hispanics have also been trending slightly more democrat since 1972 . . .
On Obamacare, Americans disapprove [PDF] 53% to 41%, while Hispanics are split 47% to 47%.
Hispanics are also more likely to support hate speech laws [PDF] 50% to 24%, while white Americans slightly oppose hate speech laws 41% to 37%.
Republicans have fallen for the myth of Hispanics as “natural conservatives” . . .
If Rand Paul became president, sure, he would cut spending and taxes and make America better for a little while. But because he wouldn’t build the wall, wouldn’t deport, and wouldn’t end anchor-babies, in 10 years everything he did would be wiped out by the Democrats, who would now win every election because Texas, Colorado, Nevada and Florida are all blue states.
THE NEW TOLERANCE: CAIR’s Islamists Eject Breitbart From Their Anti-Carson Press Conference.
Ibrahim Hooper . . . threatened to eject the Breitbart reporter from any future conferences, and admitted in front of multiple TV cameras that he had ejected the reporter from a prior press conference.
Speakers at the event included CAIR’s co-founder Nihad Awad and several others. “We believe in a conversation,” Awad said. “What unites us as Americans is…. our Constitution,” he claimed.
At the end of the statements, Awad’s spokesman announced that Breitbart’s reporter he would not be allowed to ask questions during the short question and answer period.
Immediately after the question and answer session, Hooper intervened again to stop a conversation about Islam between Breitbart and one of the speakers.
“He is just one of the hate-mongers,” Hooper said.
STEVE SAILER: The Only Solution Is for America and Europe to Import Lots More Afghans and Not be Prejudiced Against Their Vibrantly Diverse Culture of Pedophilia. “In the big picture, the only solution within our Grand Strategy of Invade the World, Invite the World is to have everybody in Afghanistan move to Europe and America, which will help expose intolerant nativist bigots who can’t put [up] with diverse cultural practices.”
Sailer links to a 2006 post of his, where he described how the Taliban (unlike those in charge of the United States military, evidently) had a policy against pederasty:
One of the precipitating events of the Taliban’s rise to power in the mid-1990s was a small civil war between two non-Taliban warlords over a young boy they both fancied. A Taliban squad rescued the boy, which helped their reputation.
When the Taliban came to power, they implemented reforms to prevent this sort of thing, much to the amusement of Andrew Sullivan, who chortled in 2001:
THE TALIBAN’S DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL: All the rest of NATO may have given up on policing their militaries for homosexuals, but the United States can rest easy knowing that one military that still supports U.S. policy is the Taliban. Any consorting with beardless young men in the army is strictly forbidden. This story from the Daily Telegraph tells of a weird and fastidious obsession.
Uh, Andrew? Please tell us you didn’t realize that “consorting with beardless young men in the army” is a euphemism for an old Afghan custom.
Whether Sullivan realized it or not, he was describing an aspect of “gay culture.”
Earlier: U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys.
YOU WILL COMPLY: An Executive Order Promoting Behavioral Science.
What began as a nudge, is now a full-on push.
Obama’s order directed Executive departments and agencies to identify and develop strategies for improvements to policies, programs and operations based on the lessons of behavioral science, citing the benefits of integrating these lessons: “Where Federal policies have been designed to reflect behavioral science insights, they have substantially improved outcomes for the individuals, families, communities, and businesses those policies serve.” . . .
As the Executive Order is carried out, we will see more evidence of behavioral science at work leading, hopefully, to a greater implementation in halls, offices and classrooms across America.
CHRIS MARTIN: How Ideology Has Hindered Sociological Insight, summarized.
Earlier this year, I published a paper on the problems that sociology faces because of ideological homogeneity. You can read the full paper at The American Sociologist or get an ungated copy here. Here’s a summary of the some points that I make. . . .
There are three paths leading from ideological homogeneity to disciplinary stagnation. First, ideologically similar people have similar taboos . . .
This issue has been a huge problem in the area of stereotype research, and Lee Jussim has written extensively about it.
Second, people rely on limited data for their scientific conclusions, because ideologically inclined people are more likely to collect and recall evidence that support their position. Consider the issue of White privilege. . . .
To my knowledge, only one sociologist–Arthur Sakamoto–has tried to call attention to these inconsistencies. . . .
Third, there is limited empathic understanding of the ideological outgroup.
Read the rest for the details.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: New Jersey: ‘Stacking’ prompts Morristown man to sell his house.
Illegal immigrants are living 30 to a house in his neighborhood.
Bruen says that they’re creating a fire hazard the town will take no action on.
“There’s been about five fires on Speedwell Avenue within the last two years,” Bruen said, blaming it on “stacking”, “Too many people in one house puts a burden on the physical structure of the house.”
Follow-up: Protesters gather outside home of man protesting ‘stacking’.
Morristown Latinos are furious with Speedwell Avenue homeowner Gregg Bruen, whom they call a racist.
“We’re against racism, and he’s representing everything that’s not okay,” one protester said. . . .
[Bruen said,] “Well, actually, I’m moving. My life has been threatened 25 times. But no, I’ve already prepared my exit. I wouldn’t have put up a single sign if didn’t have my exit planned.”
REPORT: One month of Islam in Sweden: June 2015.
Zeliha Dagli, who labels herself a secular feminist, wrote in an article in the newspaper Aftonbladet that she fled Turkey 30 years ago, but now wants to seek asylum “again” — in Sweden. Dagli lives in Husby, the Stockholm suburb . . .
She writes that her everyday life is being more and more influenced by suburban fundamentalists:
“I want a safe haven and I want to be able to drink a glass of beer with my friends Lars, Hassan, Maria, Osman, Ayse and others. I want to go to the Senior Citizens Association and listen to jazz and dance the twist. I want to grow vegetables in the garden and wear short pants, and go to the bathhouse in a bikini. In my neighborhood, I want to escape the judgmental looks of men staring at me. I want to bring home whomever I like, but I can’t do these things today because my rights are limited and controlled in my neighborhood. These bearded ‘shadows’ frighten me.”
In a televised debate, Mona Sahlin, Sweden’s “national coordinator of the struggle against violent extremists,” was forced to admit that the situation in the suburbs is a “disaster for Sweden.” Ironically, Sahlin herself has been instrumental in laying the groundwork for contempt against Swedish culture, by saying in reply to a question about what Swedish culture is:
“I’ve been asked that a lot, but I can’t put my finger on what Swedish culture might be. I think that might be the reason many Swedes envy the immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and ‘corny’ things like that.”[1]
MULTICULTURALISM: U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys.
“My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.” . . .
The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records. . . .
“The reason we were here is because we heard the terrible things the Taliban were doing to people, how they were taking away human rights,” said Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain who beat up an American-backed militia commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave. “But we were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did — that was something village elders voiced to me.” . . .
After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military.
Four years later, the Army is also trying to forcibly retire Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces member who joined Captain Quinn in beating up the commander. . . .
The American policy of nonintervention was intended to maintain good relations with the Afghan police and militia units the United States has trained to fight the Taliban. It also reflected a reluctance to impose cultural values in a country where pederasty is rife, particularly among powerful men, for whom being surrounded by young teenagers can be a mark of social status.
POLAND: Lech Poznan fans boycott Europa League match over refugee pledge.
Lech Poznan supporters carried out their threat to boycott Thursday’s Europa League match against Belenenses in protest at Uefa’s decision to donate €1 from each ticket sold to the cause of refugees.
The game, which finished goalless, was played in front of a crowd of around 3,000 at the Inea Stadium, where the club’s average attendance last season was 20,054. A banner reading “Stop Islamization” was hung at one of the entrances.
The boycott had been planned several days in advance, and was announced by one of the team’s ultras societies last week. A flag at a previous home game had read “This is obvious and simple for us, we do not want refugees in Poland”.
AMERICA, then and now. And tomorrow.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Promises of free willing young blonde girls attract Arabs to Sweden.
On the sites where smugglers go out with information, Sweden is singled out as the best country to go to: You get asylum quickly and you can soon get a family reunion.
On the sites, the migrants are also promised a tax-funded life of luxury. They are told that they must stay in luxury hotels until the government has found a free accommodation to them. Then they can sit back and let the Swedish taxpayers bear all their costs of living.
There is also sexual content in the advertisements, according to Dala-Demokraten [link]. Among other things, the Arabs are promised their own free young willing blond Swedish girlfriend if they manage to illegally get all the way to the promised land in northern Europe.
Related: Sweden: Rape Capital of the West.
In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.
If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.
Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries. According to a survey from 2010, Sweden, with 53.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants, is surpassed only by tiny Lesotho in Southern Africa, with 91.6 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants.
JASON RICHWINE: Famous Study Showing Immigration Doesn’t Depress Wages Contradicted.
There is perhaps no economic study more often cited by immigration advocates than economist David Card’s 1990 analysis of the “Mariel boatlift.” [PDF] . . . Card was surprisingly unable to detect any wage impact at all. . . .
George Borjas has a new working paper that directly contradicts Card’s findings. (Disclosure: Borjas was my advisor in graduate school, and we have remained in touch since then.) Drawing on past research showing that low-skill immigrants compete primarily with the least educated natives, Borjas found that the wage for high-school dropouts in Miami had declined by almost 40 percent relative to a control group of cities five years after the boatlift. The wage change in Miami was more negative than 99 percent of wage changes in every other major city over similar time intervals.
Although Borjas mentions it only in passing, his new findings also cast doubt on two other common claims made by immigration advocates. The first is that immigrants compete only with other immigrants in the labor force, leaving native wages unaffected. . . . Borjas intentionally focused on non-Hispanic residents of Miami, who were mostly native-born. They are the group that experienced the wage declines noted above.
The second claim is that high-school dropouts and high-school graduates might be “substitutes” in the labor market . . . Borjas showed that the wages of high school dropouts and graduates in Miami diverged sharply after the boatlift, implying they are not substitutes at all. It’s the dropouts who feel the pain.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic.
In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter in Bayernkaserne, a former military base in Munich, are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis, according to women’s rights groups. Although the facility has separate dorm rooms for women, the doors cannot be locked and men control access to the sanitary facilities.
Approximately 80% of the refugees/migrants at the shelter are male, according to Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk), which reports that the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten euros. A social worker described the facility this way: “We are the biggest brothel in Munich.”
Police insist they have no proof that the rapes are taking place, although a police raid on the facility found that guards hired to provide security at the site were trafficking drugs and weapons and were turning a blind eye to the prostitution.
GOOD FOR THEM: Japan to allow military role overseas in historic move. “The government says that the changes in defence policy are vital to meet new military challenges such as those posed from a rising China.”
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Video: Migrant Kurds and Turks Battle on the Streets of Switzerland.
Two are thought to have died, with twenty injured. . . .
The violence follows Thursday’s blody clashes in Frankfurt, Germany between Kurds and Turks, which descended into a riot, and further reports of violent clashes between the two ethnic groups in Hannover today.
Import tribes, get tribalism.
GADDAFI warned us:
Libyan leader Moammer Khadafy played the race card Monday, warning Europe that if he falls they will be deluged by hordes of illegal African immigrants.
“There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to cross to France and Italy, and Libya plays a role in security in the Mediterranean,” he told the France 24 television station.
“Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean,” Khadafy’s son, Seif, added. “You will see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door.”
One correction for the post linked above: The second block quotation is not from the day Gaddafi was killed, but from months earlier.
STEPHEN BASKERVILLE: The Pointless Campaign to “Save Marriage”.
Until now our strategy has been to hire lawyers to fight our battles for us. We pay the Family Research Council or Alliance Defending Freedom to oppose same-sex “marriage,” and then the rest of us, thinking we have done our duty, go home and watch television. Meanwhile, government officials forcibly dissolve marriages and seize children all around us—in our own communities, congregations, and families—causing very concrete misery for those closest to us: children’s lives ruined by growing up fatherless; fathers incarcerated without trial; productive households bled dry and enslaved to feed the burgeoning welfare apparat. Likewise, national defenses are weakened by sexualized militaries and trumped-up accusations against our fighting men, while our universities become expensive orgies whose hook-up culture generates more accusations, suits and counter-suits. Throughout all this, the churches (meaning all of us) avert their eyes and hold their tongues.
And then, on top of it all, our paid advocates predictably lose the battle over same-sex “marriage.”
Pretending to stand for God on the grand political stages while remaining silent as government functionaries destroy our neighbors right next to us is not righteousness; it is self-righteous posturing. It reflects a weak understanding of Christian obligation and a debased concept of citizenship. It cannot sustain our faith or our freedom.
WELL, NOW: WSJ Admits There IS A Cost To Massive Migration Across Insecure Borders.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board said Monday a massive influx of migrants will burden Europe’s lackluster economy and strain its welfare state — a surprising admission from a paper that has ridiculed U.S. politicians concerned about the economic costs of unhindered immigration. . . .
When Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said immigration policy should prioritize the needs of American workers, the board took a shot at his economic intelligence, arguing “the addition of new workers into a market, especially skilled workers, can increase the productivity of companies in a way that expands the supply of work for everybody.”
And when Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took the position that too much immigration is depressing American wages, the board called him “nativist.”
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Aylesbury child sex ring: Six jailed for total of 82 years over horrific schoolgirl abuse.
An Old Bailey jury found Vikram Singh, Asif Hussain, Arshad Jani, Mohammed Imran, Akbari Khan and Taimoor Khan guilty in July.
Both victims came from troubled backgrounds and wanted to feel grown-up when they were befriended by the men, who groomed them by showering them with inexpensive gifts such as alcohol, DVDs, food and occasionally drugs.
While aged just 12 or 13, one of the vulnerable girls, known in the trial as A, was passed between 60 mainly Asian [“Asian”] men for sex after being conditioned into thinking it was normal behaviour, jurors were told.
Related: David Cameron: Britain will accept 20,000 refugees.
CLEVER: (Don’t) Embrace the NAP! The libertarian “non-aggression principle” runs into trouble with open borders, as described by this parody of the song from Disney’s Aladdin, “Prince Ali.”
IF I HAD A SON, he would look like Jamarion.
Jamarion Lawhorn was found guilty Friday of first-degree murder in the killing of Connor Verkerke on a Kentwood playground.
Lawhorn, 13, was charged as an adult with stabbing the 9-year-old last August. He is the youngest convicted murderer in Kent County history.
MICROAGGRESSION, MEET MACROAGGRESSION: The inoffensive everyday phrases used by reporter Alison Parker that earned her a death sentence because Flanagan deemed them ‘racist’.
‘We would say stuff like, “The reporter’s out in the field.” And he would look at us and say, “What are you saying, cotton fields? That’s racist”.’
‘We’d be like, “What?’ We all know what that means, but he took it as cotton fields, and therefore we’re all racists.’ . . .
In a sometimes-rambling account of his time at WDBJ Flanagan accused co-workers of racially harassing him by placing the watermelon around the office.
‘The watermelon would appear, then disappear, then appear and disappear, then appear and disappear again only to appear again,’ he wrote in a May 2014 letter to presiding Judge Francis Burkart.
‘This was not an innocent incident. The watermelon was placed in a strategic location.’
DIVERSITY! “Wrong Hood, B*tch!” – Couple Stomps on Girl for Being in Wrong Neighborhood (Video). “This happened on Milwaukee’s north side. Someone was there to capture the assault on video and posted it online.”