BOOK REVIEW: SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, by Vox Day.
Mr. Beale also proposes a long-term plan for SJW-proofing our society. I found this the most intriguing part of the book. It displays a level of sociological insight and gravitas that is quite different from the light, snarky tone found in other parts of the book and promoted on the book’s cartoonish cover. The author analyzes the deep rot that the SJWs have caused our institutions, explains how we have made ourselves vulnerable to their control, and tells what we can do to end this vulnerability. His suggestions are too extensive to summarize here, but inter alia, we are enjoined to: Build alternative institutions (e.g., home school your children, create alternatives to SJW-infested Wikipedia); defund and destroy their propaganda centers (e.g., ignore their entertainment media); deny them employment; keep them out of your organizations. . . .
The Kindle book is cheap but Mr. Beale has considerately made this fight-back section available for free. You can go to his website here, and download the SJW Attack Survival Guide PDF on the right.
Here’s a direct link to that PDF.