CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: New Jersey: ‘Stacking’ prompts Morristown man to sell his house.

Illegal immigrants are living 30 to a house in his neighborhood.

Bruen says that they’re creating a fire hazard the town will take no action on.

“There’s been about five fires on Speedwell Avenue within the last two years,” Bruen said, blaming it on “stacking”, “Too many people in one house puts a burden on the physical structure of the house.”

Follow-up: Protesters gather outside home of man protesting ‘stacking’.

Morristown Latinos are furious with Speedwell Avenue homeowner Gregg Bruen, whom they call a racist.

“We’re against racism, and he’s representing everything that’s not okay,” one protester said. . . .

[Bruen said,] “Well, actually, I’m moving. My life has been threatened 25 times. But no, I’ve already prepared my exit. I wouldn’t have put up a single sign if didn’t have my exit planned.”