CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Toronto man wearing “Infidel” patch stabbed for allegedly offending Muslims.

The jacket he wore on the day of the stabbing had a patch on its front that reads “Infidel” in English and in Arabic (كافر).

At one point of that evening, he went out to bring in an amplifier from his wife’s car. At the entrance to the bar, three unfamiliar males stopped him. One of them, a white 6′ 4 male with dark hair and many tattoos on his body, presented himself as a Muslim, confronted him and inquired about the “Infidel” patch. After explaining to them that he is a Christian who collects patches, he felt intimidated as the three started closing in on him while his back was facing the entrance door with no way to escape.

He was told: “You offended my friend” and then the shortest guy, who stood suspiciously quiet and abstained from engaging in conversation with him, pulled a knife from his friend’s jacket and started stabbing him repeatedly in the abdomen.

The victim was taken by surprise from the unexpected hostile behavior of the three strangers, of whom two had a Mideastern appearance (one with Quebecois accent).

PRIORITIES: Administration Seeks Protection of Refugees’ LGBT Spouses. “Buried in the State Department’s annual report to Congress [PDF] on refugee program admissions for fiscal year 2016, the government announced that it will allow an already qualified refugee to apply to bring their same-sex partner to the United States even if they are not legally married.”

DEMOGRAPHIC DISPLACEMENT: “A German town with a population of just 102 will be compelled to take in 750 refugees.” But wait, there’s hope:

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident and devout Christian, said that he felt sympathy for the refugees, but that he feared the sheer number of people dumped with little warning in places like this could stoke a dangerous backlash and offer “an ideal platform for the far right.”

“I get stomachaches from fear of what is going to happen — not just here but in the whole of Germany,” he said.

DEMOGRAPHIC DISPLACEMENT: The “Refugee” “Children” of Sweden.

Case workers at the Migration board have said that asylum seekers from Syria and Eritrea ger their application granted in nearly 100% of the cases, yet 72% of applicants from Eritrea lack passports and for Syria the number is 98%. They simply don’t know if the person is who they say they are, and they don’t really care either because the order from higher ups is basically to accept as many as possible in as short of a time span as possible.

When case workers at the Migration board turn on their workcomputer a message pops up to remind them of the boards vision: “We view migration as a positive force, something that contributes to making our country richer both financially and culturally.” . . .

In Norway, teeth x-rays revealed that 9 out of 10 unaccompanied refugee children are above the age of 18. Sometimes they are as much as 10 years older.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Orban Accuses Soros of Stoking Refugee Wave to Weaken Europe.

Soros said in an e-mailed statement that a six-point plan published by his foundation helps “uphold European values” while Orban’s actions “undermine those values.”

“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” he said in the statement. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national border as the obstacle.”

“European values,” according to Soros, include national suicide.

HEATHER MACDONALD: The Decriminalization Delusion. “America doesn’t have an incarceration problem—it has a crime problem.”

Some high-profile figures on the right are joining the chorus on the left for deincarceration and decriminalization. Newt Gingrich is pairing with left-wing activist Van Jones, and the Koch brothers have teamed up with the ACLU, for example, to call for lowered prison counts and less law enforcement. Republican leaders on Capitol Hill support reducing or eliminating mandatory sentences for federal drug-trafficking crimes, in the name of racial equity.

At the state and city levels, hardly a single criminal-justice practice exists that is not under fire for oppressing blacks. Traffic monitoring, antitheft statutes, drug patrols, public-order policing, trespass arrests, pedestrian stops, bail, warrant enforcement, fines for absconding from court, parole revocations, probation oversight, sentences for repeat felony offenders—all have been criticized as part of a de facto system for locking away black men and destroying black communities.

There may be good reasons for radically reducing the prison census and the enforcement of criminal laws. But so far, the arguments advanced in favor of that agenda have been as deceptive as the claim that prisons are filled with casual drug users.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: 76-Year-Old Connecticut Principal Promoting “Coexistence” Murdered By Muslim Terrorists.

RED FLAGS, EVERYWHERE: Hooking Up When You’re an Anti-Rape Activist.

She animatedly tells a story about a recent Tinder rendezvous: “One time, I agreed to meet with this guy at 8 or 9 at night. Before we met, I said to him, ‘This is the work I do, I know the chief of police … so, don’t try and get creepy; I know all my rights.’ And five minutes later, he was like, ‘Actually, I’m really not OK with how you just assume I’m a bad guy. And I get very bad vibes from that, so we shouldn’t hang out anymore.’”

“I was in a rage. He was a total f*ckboy about consent,” she said.

Give this man an award. Bravo.

EDUCATIONREALIST: “The Spring Valley High School incident is yet another case of a teenager treating a cop like a teacher.” “This is, as always, a terrible idea.”

The question is not what should the cop have done, but why did the administrator call the cop? And what would you have had the administrator do instead? Don’t focus on that single incident, because teachers, administrators, and cops don’t have that luxury. They have to handle it in such a way so that defiance doesn’t become a regular routine, that students customarily obey their teachers, maybe with some backtalk, maybe with ample opportunities to walk a bad mistake back. Ultimately, though, students have to comply. If a school backs away from that line, defiance gets contagious. It’s one thing for new, inept teachers to have trouble controlling their students, quite another for an entire school to give up. . . .

Schools that fail to establish order are those like Normandy High School, with out of control violence, open defiance of teachers and administrators, and students in constant danger of assault. Students should have the opportunity to learn, even if they aren’t mastering material at the rate our policy wonks would allow. Schools that can’t enable that are genuine failures.

Related: Don’t Treat A Cop Like A Teacher. “Kids who live in poverty receive profoundly mixed messages about adults in authority. Angry, sometimes violent, adolescents attend high schools and are rarely if ever killed on campus for being a threat. Yet at the wrong time, in the wrong situation, these young men can be killed by police officers, supposedly for threatening the officers lives, more likely for being defiant and violent in ways not dramatically different from their high school behavior. Thus my observation, ‘One might say Michael Brown is dead because he was foolish enough to treat a cop like a teacher.'”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Germany’s secret service warns the country ‘is importing Islamic extremism, anti-Semitism, other people’s ethnic conflicts and a different understanding of society’. “Security sources also fear the integration of migrants ‘is no longer possible’ because so many already live in isolated communities.”

INTERESTING: ‘The Red Pill’ Filmmaker Started To Doubt Her Feminist Beliefs… Now Her Movie Is At Risk.

Jaye describes her latest project, The Red Pill, as “a fly-on-the-wall film about men’s rights activists.” But, she says, at some point during filming the process morphed into her journey through ideologies opposing feminism. What makes the film unique is that it will document her “chipping away at long held beliefs, as my worldview changed within the first month,” a process captured, she says, through video diaries which will be included in the film. . . .

Jaye intends her movie to include a “where am I now” section to discuss how the film-making process has changed her personally.

The underlying suggestion . . . is that she has come to sympathise with the men’s movement and jettisoned a lot of received feminist wisdom.

As a result, Jaye has seen her funding dry up. One observer told Breitbart that grants and funding have been withdrawn and institutional support revoked.

Jaye is concerned about funding the film with angel investors, who she says often want creative control: “We weren’t finding executive producers who wanted to take a balanced approach, we found people who wanted to make a feminist film.”

The second option was funding via grants. Jaye says, “I started to see the bias towards women’s films and against men’s. There are no categories for men’s films though there are several for women and minorities. I submitted the film to human rights categories, and was rejected by all of them.”

UM: Black Louisville Judge Dismisses Entire Jury Because They’re White.

In April Louisville Judge Olu Stevens gave two armed robbers and home invaders a light sentence because he felt their three year-old baby victim was being racist.

The family said their little girl reportedly feared black people after the armed attack. . . .

Now this…

Earlier: Black Judge Heaps Scorn On Three-Year-Old Racist.

KATIE MCHUGH: Report Dismantles False Choice Of Amnesty Or Instantaneous Mass Deportations.

CIS demonstrates that immigration controls are already in place — what’s absent is the will to discuss them, let alone enforce them. . . .

The political class likes to conjure up scary images of a massive police state or boxcars stuffed with immigrants to distract Americans from asking why immigration laws on the books aren’t being enforced. “If we rule out SWAT teams and boxcars, how then do we locate, and incentivize to leave, millions of illegal workers who are ‘reluctant returnees?’” CIS asks. “The answer is simpler than many politicians and journalists would have us think.”

The CIS report is here.

DOG BITES MAN: Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border.

Chris Ferrell, director of investigations and research for Judicial Watch, told WND the federal government has repeatedly denied that any dangerous foreign nationals were crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. . . .

Ferrell said the only reason news leaked out about the 54 asylum seekers from terrorist nations was because of the hunger strike, which caused a leftist advocacy group to bring the case to the attention of a local TV station. There is no telling how many more from dangerous countries are being held by ICE and how many have been released into U.S. cities and towns.

“Evidently, it’s not just a matter of a nationality or ethnicity as to whether ICE releases one of these people. There appears to be some other test or qualification that’s not entirely clear,” Ferrell said. “It’s unclear what the objective status is for allowing them in. I’ve seen several documentaries that conclude it’s impossible for Christians from the Middle East to get into the U.S.”

INVADE THE WORLD, INVITE THE WORLD: 1965 Immigration Law co-sponsor Eugene McCarthy’s awakening to the threat of immigration.

According to McCarthy, discriminating against non-Europeans in immigration via the existing national origin quota system was viewed as “repugnant,” and Congress sought to replace it with a system which placed all nations on an equal footing. This view, shared by McCarthy at the time and not repudiated in his book, ignores the reality that certain nationalities are, by virtue of their language and culture, more easily assimilated into American life.

McCarthy notes that Congress, not desiring an increase in overall immigration levels, capped immigration from the western hemisphere (Latin America and the Caribbean) at 120,000 per year, while a cap of 165,000 per year was placed on immigration from the rest of the world. At this rate, immigration from the western hemisphere should not have been more than six million over the past fifty years. Yet the Hispanic population of America now exceeds 50 million.

So what went wrong? According to McCarthy, the caps were eroded away continuously on an ad hoc basis to adapt to immigration pressures that often were the result of American foreign policy. Cubans were given a welcome mat almost immediately, Vietnamese and other refugees from the failed Vietnam War were allowed in, as were people disrupted by Central American wars pursued by president Reagan.

IT’S CALLED “THE INTERNET”: Academics have found a way to access insanely expensive research papers—for free.

Those who willingly share papers are, in most cases, breaking copyright laws. But Kuszewski says it’s an important act of “civil disobedience,” adding “it’s not an aggressive act but it’s just a way of saying things need to change.”

Quartz reached out to academic publisher Elsevier and will update this post with any response.

MEN ARE BETTER AT EVERYTHING: Caitlyn Jenner Named ‘Woman Of The Year’.

TOTALITARIAN: Why Homosexual Marriage Matters For Straight Men.

Masculine and straight behavior will be more aggressively modified through social shaming and re-education in schools, where young boys will be enthusiastically taught the superiority of homosexual lifestyles and the shameful privilege of heterosexuals, especially concerning the types of relationships that lead to nuclear, stable families. In addition, straight men will be forced under the barrel of the state’s gun to pay taxes for the AIDS drugs of gays, their impulsive sex changes, their mental and medical treatments resulting from sleeping with hundreds of partners, and also the salaries of politicians that continue to vote against traditional family values and basic morality standards. . . .

Within all the work, school, or co-ed social groups you’re a member of, denigrating the nuclear family or masculinity will not get you ostracized or fired. You can make a comment about “toxic masculinity” at work and not get written up by human resources. You can make fun of “lame pick up artists” in your co-ed social circle and get pats on the back. But what happens if you say that homosexuals are degenerates who are spreading HIV to the general population? What happens if you say gay marriage is state-sponsored anal sex? What happens if you say that children should be raised in a nuclear family? You already know the answer. . . .

The man who claims that “gay marriage doesn’t affect me” is like the child who doesn’t understand that eating ice cream every day is a bad idea that will put his future health in jeopardy. It is already affecting your freedom of speech and soon it will affect your sex life and employment.

MANGAN: How aerobic exercise causes fat gain and muscle loss.

As humans get older, they lose muscle at a predictable rate if they don’t do anything about it. Between ages 50 and 70, most people will have lost 30% of their muscle mass, and then another 20% or so to age 80, a full half of all muscle being lost by that age. . . .

Two things can help prevent muscle loss with aging: a higher fraction of protein in the diet, and strength training. (High doses of testosterone, anabolic steroids, or growth hormone work too.)

Click the link to read more. There’s too much to excerpt here.

The important lesson here: if you want to lose fat and do so by dieting, resistance training (weightlifting, strength training) should always accompany your efforts, or you stand to lose muscle.

Aerobic exercise, especially when combined with dieting, can lead to muscle loss, resulting in lower metabolic rate and worse health, not to mention an increased risk of sarcopenia. Some studies have found that losing fat as measured by waist size results in lower mortality, but a decline in body mass index (BMI) raises mortality risk. (3) The explanation here is that losing fat is good, losing muscle is bad. Very bad.

Basically, the mainstream health and fitness establishment was wrong again, like they were with low-fat eating.

Related: Jason Fung: The Myth about Exercise.

THE WHISPERS: Why are women more likely to initiate divorce than men?

The key bits: our expectations for marriage, or, more specifically, women’s expectations, have grown dramatically — men are no longer simply supposed to be good providers, but to provide emotional support, to be fun to be with, to meet a long wish list of traits. . . .

Whenever there’s a difference identified between men and women, it’s always interpreted, in the media, as reflecting favorably upon women, or explained by an injustice perpetrated against them – because in this article we’re meant to understand that when a woman divorces a man, it’s always to be understood as the man’s fault for being a bad husband, leaving all the housework to her, for instance. Reverse the situation, of course, and it’s also the man’s fault, for failing to stay true to his commitment.

Here’s the paper itself [PDF].

Earlier: ROCD: A clinical case of the Whispers.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: High-protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) and heavy resistance training together improve body composition in healthy trained men and women. “The consumption of a high protein diet (>4 g/kg/d) in trained men and women who did not alter their exercise program has been previously shown to have no significant effect on body composition. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to determine if a high protein diet in conjunction with a periodized heavy resistance training program would affect indices of body composition, performance and health.”

STEVE SAILER: Video of George W. Bush Calling for Laxer Scrutiny of Arabs 11 Months Before 9/11. “With Jeb Bush and Donald Trump arguing over whether George W. Bush failed to stop 9/11, it’s worth going to the videotape (47:28) of the second Presidential debate of 2000. On 10/11/2000, the Texas governor denounced heightened scrutiny of Arab airline passengers by airport security.”

BLUEPRINT: The NRA will fall. It’s inevitable. Just look at the demographics.

Polls show that whites tend to favor gun rights over gun control by a significant margin (57 percent to 40 percent). Yet whites, who comprise 63 percent of the population today, won’t be in the majority for long. Racial minorities are soon to be a majority, and they are the nation’s strongest supporters of strict gun laws.

An overwhelming majority of African Americans say that gun control is more important than gun rights (72 percent to 24 percent). While the African American population shows signs of slow growth, other racial minority groups are growing more rapidly — and report even greater support for gun control.

The fastest-growing minority group in America is Latinos.

So, let’s get this straight:

  1. Identify the people who care most about liberty.
  2. Replace them through immigration and other policies.
  3. Restrict liberty.

If your first thought is that Hispanics are “natural conservatives,” see “A Message to Republican Primary Voters.”

RICHARD B. SPENCER: “Is National Review just trolling us?” “The article itself is behind a paywall. Its author, Theodore Johnson, who is Black, has also argued that, in lieu of reparations, Black voters should receive five-thirds of a vote (a reversal of the legendary ‘three-fifths clause’ in the Constitution).”

MINNESOTA: Governor to fellow citizens: If you don’t like mass immigration, leave. With commentary by Steve Sailer:

“If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever.

Gov. Dayton did not provide a list of such states. Even Bernie Sanders’ Vermont is well above that level.

“It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington,” Dayton said.

Anderson suspects many of the issues of racial intolerance in St. Cloud have stemmed from those outside the community.

“A lot of the tensions that we have in the community are stirred up by people who aren’t stakeholders. They’re not from here. They don’t care what happens here. And they are usually incorrect,” Anderson said.

Outside agitators!

Earlier: Germany: Governor to fellow citizens: If you don’t like mass immigration, leave.

GERMANY: Governor to fellow citizens: If you don’t like mass immigration, leave.

(translation for pertinent text)
@(:31) “it´s so great that this country(GERMANY) has values and these values make it really worth it to live in our country(for the refugees)” He continues, “We need to stand up for these basic values and anyone decides not to STAND UP FOR THESE VALUES has the right to leave the country/state if they are not in agreement – it the freedom of every German….(Audience boos….Audience member, “I can´t believe it – piss off/get outta here!)

Mr. Lübcke trys to continue, “We have freedom, we have a democratic system, the majority”-inaudible he continues. Audience member, “What democracy!?” . . .

Translation from PI News (thanks to Shar)

A MESSAGE to Republican Primary Voters.

Hispanics will kill the Republican Party and turn the US into Mexico

While Americans oppose gun control 53 to 45 overall, Hispanics support gun control 62% to 36%. More Hispanics means fewer gun rights.

While Americans support a smaller government by 48% to 41%, Hispanics support a bigger government 75% to 19%.

In the 2012 elections, Hispanics voted democrat 68% to 30%. In the 2010 midterms they voted democrat 60% to 38%, and in the 2014 midterms they voted democrat 62% to 36%.

Hispanics have also been trending slightly more [D]emocrat since 1972 . . .

Republicans have fallen for the myth of Hispanics as “natural conservatives” . . .

If Hispanics come in and turn Texas blue, all of the stolid conservative policies of, say, a Chris Christie or Scott Walker will be OVER because the democrats will roll everything back.

If Rand Paul became president, sure, he would cut spending and taxes and make America better for a little while. But because he wouldn’t build the wall, wouldn’t deport, and wouldn’t end anchor-babies, in 10 years everything he did would be wiped out by the Democrats, who would now win every election because Texas, Colorado, Nevada and Florida are all blue states.

For this reason, nothing else matters if the immigration issue is lost.

GRAB THE POPCORN: Sweden Close to Collapse.

Right now, the Swedish government is borrowing money abroad to pay for immigration. But that amount is not enough. . . .

High-ranking politicians and officials are . . . saying the situation is extremely grim. . . . Immigration Service Director General Anders Danielsson explained that “within the framework of the system we all know, we are now approaching the end of the road.” . . . Until now, Swedes have perpetually been told that we live in a rich country that has no problem handling all asylum seekers who want to come here. . . .

There is now talk of 180,000 asylum seekers coming to Sweden in 2015. That number is more than twice as many as the year before. If half of them are granted asylum, and they each bring over three relatives, we are talking about 270,000 new immigrants to Sweden — within one year. Over 8000 people arrived just last week, 1,716 of whom were so-called “unaccompanied refugee children.” . . .

That there is an exchange of populations going on, should be clear in any sober assessment. The Swedish economist Tino Sanandaji (of Iranian-Kurdish descent, and therefore tougher than most Swedes, who, if they criticize the immigration policy, are immediately accused of racism) writes on his blog that Swedes could soon be in the minority in their own country.

NEVER ENOUGH: UK: Gender Fluidity Promoted To Children As Young As Three, Educators Still Want To Go Further.

Children as young as three are being taught about transgender[sic] issues and encouraged to discuss feelings of transgender[sic]ism, Members of Parliament have been told by a pro-trans organisation, but it wants the government to be more proactive on promoting trans issues in school as it says the number of very young children “transitioning” is “increasing rapidly”.

Totally natural, of course.

Educators working with older children have also requested more resources to teach children about transgender[sic]ism on the basis that young people are much more “gender fluid” than their predecessors. One educator has told MPs that, with minimal expenditure, there has been “a significant rise” in number of students at her college who identify as trans. She believes that the same results could be replicated elsewhere were the government to grant funding.

We need more money to “educate” them so that they can find out that they were really “trans” all along.

MORE, PLEASE: White teacher files suit accusing NY school district of racial discrimination.

Newsday reports Lynne Albuquerque, a science teacher in the Hempstead Public Schools district, claims “the school district took no disciplinary action after a student threatened her with sexual assault and discriminated against her because she was white.”

The student and school administrators at the center of Albuquerque’s accusations are black.

JOBS AMERICANS WON’T DO: DHS urges employers to hire foreign students, offers $10,000 bonus.

In pushing to allow more foreign students into the so-called “optional practical training program,” DHS said that it will help businesses and colleges by keeping those foreign students in the U.S. following their American-taught science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, curriculum.

But the Center for Immigration Studies said it will punish American STEM students competing for those same jobs. And, they added, in adjusting how the foreign students are categorized as employees, they get out of paying payroll taxes used to help fund programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Currently, the program urges companies to hire STEM students for a year. CIS said firms are paid up to $10,000 to participate. The new proposal, said CIS, is to add on another year and $2,000 in bonuses.

HMM: Washington Post: “Teen” Robbers Plague Capitol Hill, But We Can’t Tell You What They Look Like.

The capital’s paper of record gave readers a story about teens and robberies on Capitol Hill, but doesn’t say what the suspects look like. Readers learn that “[d]escriptions of the assailants in each case were scanty but similar.”

So what are the descriptions? The Post doesn’t elaborate.

ACE: Hungary: Our Border Fence Stopped The Flow of Illegals.

They approved the building of this fence in June, and only began building it in July. It cost $106 million to build the 175 mile long fence.

With this feat of extreme engineering, Hungary becomes the most technologically advanced country in the history of humankind, for building something (quickly) that it’s just impossible to build.

GOOD NEWS, EVERYBODY: Linux SJW assault turned back. “Led by the meritocratic example of Linus Torvalds, the Linux development community successfully defeated an attempt by an SJW entryst to impose ‘civility and professionalism’ i.e. a weaponized code of conduct, on the community.”

Some commenters at Vox Day’s blog post have called attention to the SJW entryist’s own words about her work. Here’s one example, from her blog (bold by VD commenter “Salt”):

The thing is, reaching the goal of a diverse community is a step-by-step process. There are no shortcuts. Each step has to be complete before the next level of cultural change is effective. It’s also worth noting that each step along the way benefits all community members, not just diverse contributors.

Here’s another quotation, pointed out by commenter “BunE22” (with mild censoring on my part):

Go look at Dreamwidth, the open source Livejournal fork. It has a good code of conduct, so developers are civil to each other. They encourage all patch submissions, and take the time to work with people who don’t understand their community rules.

The result: 75% of their developers are women. If you give a flying f*ck about diversity, and want to attract women to your open source project, your developers need to be civil, and not verbally abuse each other.

Sarah Sharp

REVERSE REVERSE RACISM: Place renaming risks continued erasure of Black Quebeckers. Want to change some place names to accommodate blacks? Too bad, because now you’re erasing them from history!

Quebec’s Toponymy Commission announced on Sep. 25 that the English term “nigger” and French term “nègre,” used in 11 natural place names in the province, are pejorative and must be changed. Although this is correct and important, conspicuously missing from the statement is information about the steps the commission will take moving forward.

Also absent is direct language about the primary role that Black Quebec scholars, researchers, and community organizers will have in the renaming process. At the end of its statement, the commission suggests that the designation of the new names “mette en valeur l’importance du rôle joué par l’ensemble de la communauté québécoise,” meaning it will highlight the important role played by the entire Quebec community.

This is both dangerous and inappropriate given the longstanding and steadfast invisibility of Black Quebecker history and curricula in schools and universities. This history of absence means that that only a handful of community members and university scholars in the province have a strong grasp of the history and culture of Black Quebec.

UK: Man has ears cut off to look like a parrot.

The animal lover – who has 110 tattoos, 50 piercings and a split tongue – has now had both his ears removed by a surgeon in a six hour operation.

Eccentric Mr Richards has given his severed ears to a friend who “will appreciate them” and is now planning to find a surgeon prepared to turn his nose into a beak. . . .

“I’ve done it because I want to look like my parrots as much as possible.” . . .

Marc Pacifico, a consultant plastic surgeon and member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, slammed the surgery.

He said: “I am absolutely horrified to learn that someone has voluntarily put themselves forward for this to be done and possibly more so that he found somebody to actually carry it out.”

WELFARE: Who’s on It, Who’s Not?

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published a new report called “Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households.” The report’s principle finding is that fully 51 percent of immigrant households receive some form of welfare, compared to an already worrisomely high 30 percent of American native households. The new study is based on the most accurate data available, the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). It also reports stark racial differences in the use of welfare programs. . . .

The percentage of immigrants using some form of welfare varies enormously according to the part of the world from which they come. Rates are highest for households from Central America and Mexico (73 percent), the Caribbean (51 percent), and Africa (48 percent). Those from East Asia (32 percent), Europe (26 percent), and South Asia (17 percent) have the lowest rates. . . .

For each of the four welfare categories presented above, the black and Hispanic rates are at least double the white rates. Native Asians appear to use welfare at slightly lower rates than whites, but their SIPP sample size is too small to be certain. Asian immigrants, who are not included in the charts above, exceed native white welfare rates by about 25 percent (see table A3 in the CIS report). The US has three times as many immigrant Asian households as native Asian households. . . .

According to data in the CIS report, there are 39.88 million households in the US receiving some sort of means-tested welfare. Of those households, just 19.66 million–or 49 percent–are either native or immigrant whites (Middle Eastern immigrants are classified as “whites”). That means the majority of US households on welfare are now non-white.

HUNGARY: Prime Minister Orban: “Spiritually, Islam was never part of Europe. It’s the rulebook of another world.”

Mr Orban also attacked France and Germany for refusing to countenance “any doubts” over a multicultural society. “We in Hungary decide what we want or don’t want. We don’t want that,” he said. . . .

“Not everyone is entitled to a life in Germany or a life in Hungary. That’s only for those who have worked for it,” he said.

INTERESTING: Police Killings of Blacks: What the Data Say.

Having more encounters with police officers, even with officers entirely free of racial bias, can create a greater risk of a fatal shooting.

Arrest data let us measure this possibility. For the entire country, 28.9 percent of arrestees were African-American. This number is not very different from the 31.8 percent of police-shooting victims who were African-Americans. If police discrimination were a big factor in the actual killings, we would have expected a larger gap between the arrest rate and the police-killing rate. . . .

If the major problem is then that African-Americans have so many more encounters with police, we must ask why. Of course, with this as well, police prejudice may be playing a role. After all, police officers decide whom to stop or arrest.

But this is too large a problem to pin on individual officers.

First, the police are at least in part guided by suspect descriptions. And the descriptions provided by victims already show a large racial gap: Nearly 30 percent of reported offenders were black. So if the police simply stopped suspects at a rate matching these descriptions, African-Americans would be encountering police at a rate close to both the arrest and the killing rates.

Second, the choice of where to police is mostly not up to individual officers. And police officers tend to be most active in poor neighborhoods, and African-Americans disproportionately live in poverty.

SOULLESS FEMINISM: Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists assaults praying men, tries to burn Cathedral.

A horrific and surreal scene unfolded Monday night outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata in Argentina as hordes of women, many of them masked and half naked, violently assaulted a group of young men who stood outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata praying and standing watch.

Such violence is becoming the norm for the annual March for Women in the Pope’s native land of Argentina, although this year’s violence seemed to be the most extreme yet, with the women turning their violence against the police, and even attempting to set the Cathedral on fire.

The women tore down the outer gate of the cathedral and hurled glass bottles and feces at the young men standing guard. When they attempted to burn down the Cathedral the police began taking measures to disperse the hordes.

The local group Argentinos Alerta, which helped to organize the peaceful vigil in anticipation of the attack, issued a statement in which they thanked the police for dispatching forces to the Cathedral. The group noted that it was the first time that the police had made an effort to defend church property.

This seems to be a regular occurrence. See the earlier post, Civilization Vs. The Barbarians. It would stop if the authorities or churchgoers actually cracked down on the attackers with any seriousness.

Related: Feminism As Barbarism.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Germany: ‘It Makes Me Very Sad’ Says Open Borders Activist Brutally Stabbed By Migrant Gang.

The student didn’t think the motivation was robbery, as nothing was taken after the stabbing. Explaining he campaigned for the rights of refugees, he explained: “it makes me very sad that I was attacked by precisely this group”.

Despite the apparently random violent attack by the migrants, the activist was adamant the stabbing shouldn’t be used for political ends.

DOG BITES MAN: The Myth Of Integration: Muslims In Europe Getting More Radical With Time, Not Less. “Radical” here is a euphemism for “Muslim”:

Research in the European microcosm nation of Denmark has found three-quarters of Muslims in the country register on an important measure for radicalisation – more now than a decade ago.

Whereas 10 years ago Muslims in Denmark could have been considered to be comparatively moderate, today a poll by newspaper Jyllands-Posten finds attitudes have hardened – and the younger the Muslim, the more likely they are to hold hard-line views.

In a series of polls released by the paper over the course of this week, it has been revealed that Muslims are now more likely to take the word of the Quran literally, and that the teaching of the Islamic holy book should be implemented directly. In 2006 the number of people who agreed with the statement “the Quran’s instructions should be followed completely” was 62 per cent – today it has grown to 77 per cent; a strong majority.

If Muslims magically “integretated” or “assimilated” into Europe, the Reconquista would not have been seen as necessary.

MALE STANDARDS MAKE THE NEWS: No Hymen No Diamond trending on social media.

The Facebook account notes, “If they weren’t good enough for the one they gave it to, why would they be good enough for you?”

Many object the page and consider it immoral, sexist, and an affront to feminists.

Here it is, the No Hymen No Diamond page on Facebook.

Related: ‘No hymen, no diamond’: Male activist Facebook group mocked for demanding that women are virgins before they get married.

ANTI-WHITE: De Blasio Removes Paintings Of Founding Fathers, Replaces Them With More “Diverse” Artwork. “The Yellow Parlor, where guests of New York’s mayor have been entertained for centuries, will now showcase a tomahawk given by colonialists to the chief warrior of the Iroquois in 1797, pictures of abolitionist Frederick Douglass and former slave Pierre Toussaint and a proof of sale for a slave named Maria.”

PUNCHING TO THE RIGHT: Anti-Trump Pro-Abort Questioner Not Just Bush Plant, But RINO Ayotte Staffer.

As Trump’s campaign manager noted, Batchelder has been a public supporter of Jeb (which is surprising enough, as I was beginning to wonder if they even existed.) According to her LinkedIn profile, Batchelder is actually an intern at Jeb Bush for President 2016. And her profile picture is her posing with none other than Senator John McCain.

What incredible about this is that the thrust of Batchelder’s question was about Trump not being sufficiently supportive of women’s freedom to do what they want “with their bodies,” aka abortion. But Jeb Bush and Batchelder’s other boss, Senator Kelly Ayotte, are both supposedly pro-life, as are most Republican women.

This just shows that the Republican Establishment can’t even conceive of launching an attack that doesn’t come from the Left. The GOP Establishment always operates within the Left’s rhetorical frame, which is why it never actually accomplishes anything except its own enrichment.

STEVE GODDARD: 50% Of Reported Global Warming Is Due To Post 1999 Data Tampering.

THANKS, GUYS: US Conference of Catholic Bishops want 100,000 Syrians admitted to US this year.

A Catholic reader directed my attention to the Bishops’ website, here.

Our reader, Mark, says he received an e-mail with a link to this site, which among other things, urges faithful Catholics to write a letter to Obama to try and persuade him to admit 100,000 Syrians PLUS another 100,000 refugees in one year.

The Bishops surely are not telling local priests and parishioners that they are raking in millions of dollars of cold hard cash from federal taxpayers for refugee resettlement activities. And, they aren’t telling them that they are NOT advocating to save the persecuted Christians of Syria through this program.

IT’S ALMOST AS IF THEY WERE SAVAGES: Mexican site reveals sacrifice of Spanish conquistadors, cannibalism.

Some place the number of people in the group as high as 550. Cortes had been forced to leave the convoy on its own while trying to rescue his troops from an uprising in what is now Mexico City.

Members of the captured convoy were held prisoner in door-less cells, where they were fed over six months. Little by little, the town sacrificed, and apparently ate, the horses, men and women. . . .

The skeletons of the captured Europeans were torn apart and bore cut marks indicating the meat was removed from the bones. . . .

Fifty women and about 10 children are estimated to have been in the convoy, and all were killed. . . .

“This seems to be even more spectacular information about an important event of the Conquest … about which we have very little historical documentation,” wrote University of Florida archaeologist Susan Gillespie, who was not involved in the project. “It does add new dimensions to the acts of resistance of the indigenous people.”

“Acts of resistance”!

STUDY: Chorionicity and Heritability Estimates from Twin Studies: The Prenatal Environment of Twins and Their Resemblance Across a Large Number of Traits. “There are three types of monozygotic (MZ) twins. MZ twins can either share one chorion and one amnion, each twin can have its own amnion, or MZ twins can—like dizygotic twins—each have their own chorion and amnion. Sharing the same chorion may create a more similar/dissimilar prenatal environment and bias heritability estimates, but most twin studies do not distinguish between these three types of MZ twin pairs. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of chorion sharing on the similarity within MZ twin pairs for a large number of traits. . . . We conclude that the influence on the MZ twin correlation of the intra-uterine prenatal environment, as measured by sharing a chorion type, is small and limited to a few phenotypes. This implies that the assumption of equal prenatal environment of mono- and DC MZ twins, which characterizes the classical twin design, is largely tenable.”

JUSTIN RAIMONDO: Trump Against the War Party.

Clinton, for her part, told a Boston television station:

“I personally would be advocating now for a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air, to try to provide some way to take stock of what’s happening, to try to stem the flow of refugees.”

This puts her in synch with the most irresponsible of the Republican candidates, such as Marco Rubio, who wants “a safe zone that includes a no-fly zone.” . . .

Against this chorus of voices calling for the US to step into the Syrian breach, Donald Trump dissents, telling appalled interviewers he supports the Russians “bombing the hell out of ISIS.” Oh, but they’re going after “our” rebels, his CNN interlocutor averred, to which Trump answered “that he tends to believe Russia’s goal is to go after ISIS and that the US shouldn’t strive to be the ‘policeman of the world’”:

“I hear they are hitting both. If Russia wants to go in and if Russia wants to fight – in particular ISIS, and they do and one of the reasons they do is because they don’t want ISIS coming into their country and that’s going to be the next step. So that’s why they’re there. I think they will be fighting ISIS.”

And while Assad is “a bad guy,” Trump said, the US-backed rebels who want to overthrow him are an unknown quantity: (more…)