IF YOU LIKE YOUR PLAN: Anthem canceling 30,000 individual health policies for Hoosiers.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is canceling the policies of about 30,000 Hoosiers and asking them to switch over to new health plans that comply with Obamacare’s rules.

That change could cause some customers’ premiums to spike while at the same time limiting their choices of hospitals and doctors.

WHO’S WHO: CAIR publishes list of American “Islamophobes”.

HOW TO QUESTION a woman’s past.

Airlines won’t hire pilots with checkered pasts, banks won’t give loans to people that are unemployed or have sh*tty credit, and DMVs won’t issue driver’s licenses to people with vehicular manslaughter charges on their records. If all of these entities exercise strong judgment in their practices, then why would it be any different for a man and the women he dates?

The answer is simple: there is no f*cking difference, and don’t let anyone—especially a woman—ever try to convince you otherwise.

This is part one, dealing with Directly Asking. “In part two of this article, I will talk about the easier approaches: Appearing Non-Judgmental and Clandestine Measures.”

THE FRAMING PROJECT: Duped by Innocence Project, Milwaukee man now free.

“In my opinion, Northwestern, Protess and Ciolino framed Simon so that they could secure the release of (Anthony) Porter and make him into the poster boy for the anti-death penalty movement,” [attorney Terry Ekl] said.

Identified by several eye witnesses, Porter was sentenced to death for the fatal shooting of Jerry Hillard and Marilyn Green at a south side Chicago park in 1982. He was just two days from a lethal chemical injection when he was freed in February 1999 following Simon’s confession.

Then-Gov. George Ryan imposed a moratorium on the death penalty in 2000, and Illinois abolished capital punishment in 2011.

But that neat and clean narrative unraveled with the discovery of how the confession by Simon was obtained.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Shocking hotel footage captures moment girl aged 13 is lured into room to be raped by paedophile.

Supt Matt Fenwick said: “She has properly been groomed and she believes they love her. We know she is a victim, but she doesn’t know she is a victim. She is definitely not in victim mode.

He said paedophile targets like her “find it an exciting thing to do. They are mixing with older men. They perceive they are having a good time.

And when you’re interviewing her, she’s protecting these people. She doesn’t want to get into trouble”. He said she insisted she had not slept with any men.

His words strike at the heart of the Rotherham abuse scandal in which 1,400 children were groomed and abused by Asian gangs over 16 years.

And Rotherham is where the 13-year-old’s nightmare began after she ran away from her home in Sheffield.

Related: UK: Teachers told: sex at 13 ‘is normal part of growing up’.

Schools are being told that children should be able to have consensual sex at the age of 13 as part of government-backed guidance, it emerged today.

The guidelines – which can be used as part of sex education lessons – say that having sexual relationships when children reach their teens represents a “safe and healthy” part of growing up.

They have been produced by a national charity as part of a plan endorsed by the Department for Education to improve standards of advice given to pupils.

ROD DREHER: The Orthodox Trojan Horse.

Conservatives within Orthodoxy can point to the freefall of the Catholics after Vatican II as a warning against naive optimism in allowing for modernization in a world where (to quote Marx) everything that is solid melts into air. They may also look to the Episcopalians, where the jettisoning of tradition and the refashioning of their faith according to the values of secular modernity has coincided with the church’s steady collapse.

But Orthodoxy does not exist in a vacuum. It is a church made of up human beings who live in time, and it should not expect to avoid the controversies shaping the broader culture. In the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), there is awareness of a liberal vs. conservative culture clash between the old-line Orthodox in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states, where Orthodoxy is historically and numerically stronger, but in decline; and the convert-heavy Orthodoxy in the South and West, which is the only place the OCA is growing. The key issue, as it always is: homosexuality. . . .

The truth that Orthodox Christianity offered a respite from the culture wars ripping apart other American churches is fast becoming non-viable.

If it becomes non-viable, then it was never a truth. On the contrary, it instead is discovered to have been a falsehood all along. Orthodox Christianity seemed to side-step the culture war not because of any peculiar quality it possessed, but because it wasn’t deemed to be important enough to undermine.

MINNESOTA: Minneapolis schools need permission to suspend minority students.

Minneapolis public school officials are making dramatic changes to their suspension policy by requiring the superintendent’s office to sign off before students of color can be sent home.

The change comes amid intensifying scrutiny of the way Minneapolis public schools treat minority students and in the wake of new data showing black students are 10 times more likely to be sent home than white students.

Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson said she wants to “disrupt that in any way that I can.”

IF I HAD A SON, he would look like one of the seven or eight youths who approached a St. Louis attorney on his way home from work.

They all appeared to be teenagers, wearing khaki pants and black shirts.

The teens asked him for money, and when the victim said he didn’t have any, they punched him, knocking him unconscious. Police say they stole his cell phone and money.

A friend of the victim says he suffered a broken nose, two broken eye sockets, and several missing teeth.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gangs. “The no-go areas heavily coincide with the map of the 186 ‘exclusion areas’ aka. crowded, predominantly Muslim immigrant ghettos, where education is low, employment is lower and the only local business thriving is drug dealing.”

JOURNALISM: “Reporter” Nancy Cordes Pushing Out Daily Kos Propaganda Under Aegis of CBSNews.

ROBERT STACY MCCAIN: ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac.

See, this is the thing with young feminist writer types nowadays. They can’t go to Podunk State University. No, they must attend one of those private schools where annual tuition is at or near the median U.S. household income. This is the only way to become that glorious being, The Writer. And, probably because as girls dreaming of becoming The Writer, they watched a sitcom or movie about the lives of quirky bachelorettes in Brooklyn, they simply must live there after graduation.

Well, you may ask, what does The Writer write about?

Herself, of course! Do these elite colleges offer a major in Solipsism Studies nowadays? Because Ms. Stokes’s oeuvre is typical of the genre — menstruation, her sex dreams, things that make her cry.

MONEY HOLE: World’s largest solar plant applying for federal grant to pay off federal loan.

Related: The Onion video: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

KNOWING WHEN YOU AREN’T WANTED: “After Tuesday, I don’t know that I can call myself a liberal anymore.”

I guess I’m not a liberal anymore because Bustle, The Verge, Salon, Polygon, Kotaku, Gamasutra, The Mary Sue, The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and others spent the last 2 months telling me I’m no longer wanted as an unashamed, voting liberal. They did this based on my primary hobby [i.e., video games] and the Y chromosome I was born with. They did this after some of them told me I was dead or needed to die for the crime of holding my primary hobby as a part of my identity. . . .

I’d never voted full ticket—not in 20 years of participating in my civic duty. I did on Tuesday. I’ve often considered or voted for third party candidates when at the polls over the last 20 years. Tuesday I did not. Over the past 20 years, I’d spent between 2 and 6 weeks studying candidates and ballot measures to be as informed as possible. This election cycle, I was finished in hours. On this day, I stand before you to say that I did my part to hand the Legislative branch of the American government to the Republicans.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Man Attacks Students’ Traditional Marriage Rally At Johns Hopkins Univ.

In the two-minute video, the man – whose face was blurred in the edited video – says “we are going to beat the living shit out of you” as a student says “insults are not arguments, sir.”

Then the man gets physical as students in the background begin to repeatedly chant “aggressor” and one student tells him: “Step away, step away, sir. We’re here totally peacefully,” the video shows.

“I’m not,” the man replied.

John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action, said the police are still investigating the incident.

“As far as I know, no arrest has been made,” he said Friday in an email to The College Fix. “I’m hoping they find the attacker and that restitution is made for the damaged camera.”

It seems that such incidents are not unheard of when it comes to this group, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. A brief Google search brought up these links:

SWEDEN: 8,000 unaccompanied refugee children expected next year. “The Migration Board has had difficulties finding municipalities here willing to house the child refugees. But since the beginning of the year they’ve had the power to force them to do so, and so far 1,000 have been placed without approval by the local authorities.”

It’s really easy to invade Western nations these days.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Meta-study: Vitamin D supplementation boosts muscle strength.

“Vitamin D3 supplementation improves upper and lower limb muscle strength in a healthy, adult, athletic and non-athletic population between the ages of 18 and 40”, the Brits write. “Nevertheless, the evidence was based on a restricted total number of included studies, suggesting that further, randomized controlled trials should establish optimal dosing regimen, control for gender differences and consider effects in larger athletic populations. There is a need for further investigation into muscular power and endurance with vitamin D supplementation.”

“Research has suggested that it may be necessary to increase serum concentrations above the optimal concentrations (>50 nmol/L (20 ng/ml)) of vitamin D in order to suitably improve muscle strength. Although all of the studies used managed to increase their subjects serum levels to adequate concentrations, none reported ‘optimal’ levels.”

FRANCE: French suicide: ‘Racist’ author taps into malaise.

He’s a journalist, author and TV personality whose new book “Le Suicide Français – Ces quarante années qui ont défait la France” (The French suicide – the 40 years that defeated France) has been selling an average of 15,000 copies per day, since it was released on October 1st. . . .

In the book Zemmour argues the May 1968 student rebellion set France on a path to failure and impotence, which is now being exacerbated by immigration.

Though he is Jewish and born to immigrant parents from Algeria, Zemmour says one of France’s fatal errors in the past 40 years was the 1974 immigration law that allowed for immigrants to bring over their close family members. . . .

In a country where the anti-EU, anti-immigrant National Front party has won historic election victories this year, Zemmour’s far-right ideas are tapping into the zeitgeist of the moment.

His book decries the ‘halalization’ of France, which is characterized by the creation of “Islamic republics in certain neighborhoods in France.”

He also charges that masculinity, as he has in previous books, has been undermined in France to great negative effect. He believes French society has become too feminine.

“'(There is) sexual hopelessness among young, white men in comparison with their Arab and black competitors…Virility is valued in African and Arab-Muslim families. White men have been symbolically castrated.”

ACE: Salon Writer: Stating That Greg Abbott Won the Women’s Vote in Texas is Racist Because He Didn’t Win Black Women’s or Hispanic Women’s Votes. Being racist is so mundane now. I wonder whether drinking Dr. Pepper is racist yet. I’m sure someone at Salon can make an argument for that.

GERMANY: Seven million dollar hotel for migrants; Somalis ungrateful for German hospitality.

He shows a doctor’s note from when he arrived in Cologne. It confirms that he suffered from tuberculosis, hepatitis B and post-traumatic stress disorder. It also states that because of illnesses, his living conditions should be improved.

But nothing has changed. Months later, he still shares a room with three others. Four metal bed frames with thin mattresses line the wall. Another stands upright in the corner, in case someone else needs to sleep here, although there is barely any floor space left. The communal bathrooms are at the end of the hallway.

It must be really rough to bring diseases into a country and not be treated like a king.

VOX DAY on feminists’ internal inconsistencies.

Women are MORE LIKELY than men to want a male boss. As ever, feminism is riven by its internal inconsistencies. If women don’t want female bosses, then how can any true feminist support the idea that there should be more of them? Surely feminism can’t be about forcing things they don’t want on women.

To the Game-aware, there is no dichotomy. Women are intra-sex competitive and both the female boss and the female underling see the other as her rival for male attention in the office. Furthermore, it is more difficult for a female worker to secure her position under a female superior than under a male one.

Related: The real “war” is among women, not on them.

The President’s speechwriters may not be aware that “Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms” is one part of the interminable “War Among Women” Triduum.The other two parts consist of “Natural Childbirth vs. Epidural/C-section” and “Breast vs. Bottle feeding.”

And the war women inflict upon each other over these three debates brings out more vitriol than any you’ll see during any political campaign. . . .

Beneficiaries of this War Among Women are doulas, midwives, Drs. Phil and Laura, publishing companies yearning for the next iterations of the “What to Expect” best-sellers, morning news programs, the crows on The View — an endless list of profiteers who thrive when mothers’ heightened insecurities breed contempt for one another.

MAYBE: Does Vitamin C do anything for cold and flu? “Though the literature makes it appear that we haven’t fully explored this idea just yet, perhaps periodic administration of 1 gram or less of vitamin C multiple times per day may compensate for states of increased oxidation that may deplete the body’s small stores of the vitamin, such as during a bout of the cold or flu.”

HAS SWEDEN actually decreased prostitution by punishing johns?

Reports published by the National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) in 2000, 2004 and 2007 failed to bring up any concrete evidence that the law was working as hoped. In fact, the 2007 report [PDF] claimed that street-based sex work, which had decreased at first, was going back up, and that sex workers and their clients were now communicating with each other by phone, or online.

And the figures on demand for sex work were countered by the NBHW. They said that it was “difficult to discern any clear trend”. It would also be worth asking whether the study took the new situation into account when they did the second part of their survey: after all, they were asking individuals to admit that they were breaking the law.

I wonder if what makes all of this so difficult to measure is that contemporary dating is too much like prostitution.

WILLIAM M. BRIGGS critiques the “Sex With 21 Women Lowers Risk Of Prostate Cancer” study.

Yet the authors had no awareness that people could have lied—misremembered, maybe, but not lied. The arbitrary cuts were never acknowledged as arbitrary. The huge number of tests hunting for wee p-values were not mentioned. They did admit that only 63% of those without cancer agreed to participate, but 86% of those with cancer did. And since we’re talking about differences between these groups, this large difference might be meaningful.

And they never realized that statistical models aren’t causal.

JUDICIAL WATCH: IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails.

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails. And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

The IRS admitted to Judge Sullivan that the agency failed to “submit declarations about any of the foregoing items because it had no reason to believe that they were sources from which to recover information lost as a result of Lerner’s hard drive failure.” [Emphasis added]

DO AS I SAY: “Stop the Violence” activists beat a colleague until he’s unconscious. “Nikole Ardeno and Emanuel Velez, both 30, accused their former roommate of stealing their property, and allegedly punched and kicked him in the street until he had seizures. Arrested moments later, Ardeno was still wearing the same ‘Stop the Violence’ T-shirt she had on the night before when she coordinated a march protesting two recent shootings, Washington Police Chief Chris Luppino said.”

USEFUL: The Most Powerful Tool in your Gym Bag.

Not only will your workout journal keep you on the straight and narrow during your lifting career it can also save you from wasting months or even years of your training life. During one phase of strength training for several months trying a new program I had begun to get progressively weaker. I couldn’t understand why weights that I had used 6 months earlier now seemed to be getting heavier and heavier with each workout.

I was sleeping enough. I was eating enough. I was resting enough between workouts. Sure my stress levels were a little higher than normal but nothing seemed to be adding up. I was definitely getting weaker as each week passed and even worse – I had no idea why. It wasn’t until I looked at one of my notebooks that I realized working with weights at or above 90% of my one rep max can lead to accommodation and a sort of deconditioning. Weights at that level for weeks on end had had the reverse effect that I wanted. I put in a quick google search and came to the work of Louis Simmons and his theories on power lifting based primarily on the work of the Soviets in their Olympic weight lifting and his own personal experience as a competitive power lifter. This was the first big epiphany I had about how important keeping a notebook really was. Without being able to go back and physically reread all of my own notes I would never have stumbled upon that pattern.

USEFUL: How To Sleep To Win. This bit on napping is interesting:

In the book, Dr. Maas states that if you are getting an adequate amount of sleep at night you may not need to nap in the afternoon. However, if you need or want to nap in the afternoon he makes two recommendations: nap for 20 minutes or nap for 90 minutes.

His rationale is that the shorter nap (20 minutes) takes you through the first two stages of the sleep cycle (excluding the REM stage), while the longer nap (90 minutes) takes you through the entire five stage sleep cycle (including the REM stage). As a result, in both cases you are not waking up while still in REM sleep.

You know that crappy feeling you get sometimes when you wake up from a nap in the afternoon?

That’s a result of you waking up in the middle of the REM stage of the sleep cycle.

So if you truly want your naps to be re-energizing then stick to either 20 minutes or 90 minutes at a time.

Related: What Every Man Should Know About Sleep.

ACT OF LOVE: List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS.

EVERYONE IN, NO ONE OUT: Lesbian group wants UN to label sexual orientation counseling ‘torture’.

Earlier: Challenging the binary: The evidence shows that most “unsure” adolescents become exclusively heterosexual.

NPR: Who Studies What? Men, Women And College Majors.

Earlier: Mark Perry: Chart: 10 most conferred bachelor’s degrees by sex.

STEVE SAILER: Honor Tolkien or Single Mums? Birmingham (UK) Decides.

The city of Birmingham UK could have chosen to put a statue of Birmingham’s own J.R.R. Tolkien in front of Birmingham’s expensive new library. But what did Tolkien ever do to encourage reading?

Instead, they decided to honor a couple of hot babe sisters whose main accomplishment is getting themselves pregnant out of wedlock, because what says Cool Britannia more than single mums?

RACISM NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO: Student Group Says UNC’s Student-Athlete Fraud Is Actually a Result of White Supremacist, Heteropatriarchal Capitalism. “This report is only the most recent example of the onslaught of continued assault and commodification of bodies of color that is integral to the inception and continued practice of our institutional bureaucracy.”

IS SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Biased Against Republicans?

When Inbar and Lammers contacted S.P.S.P. [Society for Personality and Social Psychology] members a second time, six months later, they found that the second element of Haidt’s assertion—that the climate in social psychology was harsh for conservative thinkers—was on point. This time, after revealing their general political leanings, the participants were asked about the environment in the field: How hostile did they think it was? Did they feel free to express their political ideas? As the degree of conservatism rose, so, too, did the hostility that people experienced. Conservatives really were significantly more afraid to speak out. Meanwhile, the liberals thought that tolerance was high for everyone. The more liberal they were, the less they thought discrimination of any sort would take place.

As a final step, the team asked each person a series of questions to see how willing she would personally be to do something that could be considered discrimination against a conservative. Here, an interesting disconnect emerged between self-perception—does my field discriminate?—and theoretical responses about behaviors. Over all, close to nineteen per cent reported that they would have a bias against a conservative-leaning paper; twenty-four per cent, against a conservative-leaning grant application; fourteen per cent, against inviting a conservative to a symposium; and thirty-seven and a half per cent, against choosing a conservative as a future colleague. They persisted in saying that no discrimination existed, yet their theoretical behaviors belied that idealized reality.

ARE ANTI-DEPRESSANT DRUGS The Reason Why Many American Women Are So Fat? “There is also the troubling possibility that, in some cases, the causal arrow points in the opposite direction—obesity may exacerbate an existing tendency toward depression, creating a vicious cycle that is depriving the American man of dateable women.”

ACT OF LOVE: Obama’s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic, Evidence Shows.

The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence.

The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.

The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.

I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

WOMAN PLEADS GUILTY to Turning Home into “Yes We Can” Strip Club-Brothel. “She forced her teenage son to give up his bedroom and act as bartender.”

ISIS gives tips on how to be a good jihadi wife.

A recent post on al-Zora Media’s Twitter account describes a recipe for a simple snack made out of dates, flour and butter.

“This is a quick recipe that can be served to the mujahideen with coffee or can be eaten at any time with water, especially during breaks in battles,” the description reads.

“They contain significant calories and will extend the power and strength of the mujahideen, Allah willing.”

SCIENCE! Former NIH lab director faked findings in three papers. “Ahvazi has agreed to have any of his federally-funded research supervised for two years, and not to serve on NIH peer review committees for the same length of time.”

STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash. You’re five minutes too late and suddenly, instead of being praised for making a “hard decision,” you’re charged with murder!

VOX DAY: SJWs and the mask of sanity.

They inevitably attempt to sell their irrationality beneath a mask of seeming reason and common sense. Because they are intrinsically parasitical, they need to obtain acquiescence, if not full mental buy-in, from people in the organizations they are invading. They seek submission, eventually, but they will settle for tolerance. The pattern is clear: Step one: tolerance. Step two: compliance. Step Three: submission.

Therefore, the correct answer is always no. “Wouldn’t it only make sense if….” No. “Can’t we just….” No. “Wouldn’t it be fair to….” No. “You have to admit….” No. “If you would just apologize…” No.

“No” strips the mask of sanity from their faces and reveals the angry, shrieking madness underneath. Never forget, they cannot win without your compliance. So do not, under ANY circumstances, comply.

SUBSIDIZING MADNESS: Transexual demands £10,000 NHS sex change op is reversed complaining ‘it’s exhausting being a woman’.

Chelsea, who lives on welfare benefits, told Closer magazine she [sic] finds dressing and acting as a girl “exhausting” and feels she [sic] has never been accepted as a real woman.

She [sic] wants a breast reduction on the NHS and painful gender reassignment surgery to give her [sic] back a penis at a total cost of £14,000. . . .

Chelsea, originally from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, but now living in London, said: “I have always longed to be a woman, but no amount of surgery can give me an actual female body and I feel like I am living a lie.

“It is exhausting putting on make-up and wearing heels all the time. Even then I don’t feel I look like a proper woman.

“I suffered from depression and anxiety as a result of the hormones too. . . .

“I don’t feel bad about the NHS paying for the surgery as I don’t consider it a choice.

“I need to have these operations for the sake of my mental health. I am lucky enough to live in a country where there is free health care.”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Muslim child sex exploitation “now normal in parts of Greater Manchester”. “This report doesn’t mention it (which in itself is telling), but 75%, and probably more (since it is so politically unacceptable to report such things), of these rape and sexual exploitation gangs are ‘Asian,’ which is British Newspeak for ‘Muslim.’ Despite the continuing horror of these revelations, the British continue to take this with equanimity, for to resist it would be ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic.'”

The “75%” link is about another location, so that figure might not apply here. But given the lack of demographic information in the report (not to mention other details, such as sweeping matters under the rug just like in Rotherham), chances are that the molestations in Greater Manchester are primarily at the hands of Muslim men.

PATHETIC: Ebola doctor ‘lied’ about NYC travels.

Dr. Craig Spencer at first told officials that he isolated himself in his Harlem apartment — and didn’t admit he rode the subways, dined out and went bowling until cops looked at his MetroCard the sources said.

“He told the authorities that he self-quarantined. Detectives then reviewed his credit-card statement and MetroCard and found that he went over here, over there, up and down and all around,” a source said.

RIDING WHILE WHITE In Baltimore. “The victims, Christopher Fisher, his girlfriend Kristina Gibson, and their 9 year-old son Logan, were all violently beaten and pepper sprayed by the group after they exited the bus at their stop. Murphy kept the bus waiting during the assault and then allowed the mob back onto the bus and drove away, leaving the victims behind on the sidewalk.”

PEOPLE OPPOSE ANONYMITY Because They Can’t Think For Themselves.

Anonymity forces you to evaluate a writer only on [his] work, which is precisely why so many oppose it. The people against online anonymity are intellectually lazy. They want to be able to tell what they think of an idea based on who is telling them to think that way. . . . Knowing an author only by [his] words forces readers to think abstractly, to think for themselves, and they hate it.

Social justice warriors and feminists hate anonymity because they do not believe in objective truth. They believe it matters more who makes a certain statement than what is being said. The same words that are okay for a black lesbian to say, might be offensive if a white heterosexual male says them.

GOOD TO KNOW: Five-year-olds can see through your bravado (that is, if they know you’ve been wrong before).

The bluster strategy has a weakness. If you’ve lied or been inaccurate in the past, then your bravado is likely to be ineffective. The child, especially if aged 5 and upwards, will see through your confident facade and focus instead on your reputation for being wrong. . . .

The four-year-olds were often swayed by the woman who had bravado, even though they’d just seen her get her facts wrong . . . With each extra month of wisdom, however, there was a clear developmental trajectory in the sample, so that the older children were far more likely to trust the hesitant woman with a history of being right, than the confident woman with a record for being wrong.

This isn’t the first time that researchers have investigated children’s sensitivity to the confidence and past accuracy of speakers. But it’s actually only the second study ever to look at what happens when these cues collide. “Around the time of their fifth birthday children appropriately grant greater weight to someone’s prior reliability over that person’s current level of confidence,” the researchers said. “This form of emerging skepticism will serve them well as they navigate through a world selecting ‘better’ from ‘worse’ sources of information.”

UH-HUH: Police Won’t Say If Alleged Killers Of 9-Year-Old Girl Are Illegal Aliens.

UK: 75-year-old man charged with “racially aggravated harassment” for saying “I’m not Muslim” at airport security check. “A security guard accused him of racism and called the police, saying he was upset by the remark.”

NEWS YOU CAN USE: New study finds that antioxidants hamper exercise adaptation. “Our results show that vitamin C and E supplements blunted the endurance training‐induced increase of mitochondrial proteins (COX4), which is important for improving muscular endurance.”

TIME FOR ANOTHER ROUND of mass health insurance cancellations — after the election.

The administration is waiting until after the Nov. 4 elections to say what 2015 holds for the millions of Americans with noncompliant individual health insurance. It won’t even comment on what’s ahead in the 32 states where the federal government runs the insurance exchange programs. . . .

Nevertheless, most evidence indicates millions of Americans with individual policies are likely to lose them in coming months — this time for good. . . .

And this may not be the biggest coming tempest over the ACA. Although there is a crazy quilt of exceptions and loopholes, businesses with more than 100 employees generally have to be compliant beginning Jan. 1, offering broad coverage to at least 70 percent of workers. These companies employ more than 75 million people in the U.S. No one disputes that the vast majority of the coverage they now offer is noncompliant.

So barring some new unilateral rewrite of the law, tens of millions of people are either going to have much costlier company-provided health insurance in 2015 or are going to have to use government insurance exchanges to get coverage as businesses abandon the costly benefit and pay token fines instead.