TIME FOR ANOTHER ROUND of mass health insurance cancellations — after the election.

The administration is waiting until after the Nov. 4 elections to say what 2015 holds for the millions of Americans with noncompliant individual health insurance. It won’t even comment on what’s ahead in the 32 states where the federal government runs the insurance exchange programs. . . .

Nevertheless, most evidence indicates millions of Americans with individual policies are likely to lose them in coming months — this time for good. . . .

And this may not be the biggest coming tempest over the ACA. Although there is a crazy quilt of exceptions and loopholes, businesses with more than 100 employees generally have to be compliant beginning Jan. 1, offering broad coverage to at least 70 percent of workers. These companies employ more than 75 million people in the U.S. No one disputes that the vast majority of the coverage they now offer is noncompliant.

So barring some new unilateral rewrite of the law, tens of millions of people are either going to have much costlier company-provided health insurance in 2015 or are going to have to use government insurance exchanges to get coverage as businesses abandon the costly benefit and pay token fines instead.