FRANCE: French suicide: ‘Racist’ author taps into malaise.

He’s a journalist, author and TV personality whose new book “Le Suicide Français – Ces quarante années qui ont défait la France” (The French suicide – the 40 years that defeated France) has been selling an average of 15,000 copies per day, since it was released on October 1st. . . .

In the book Zemmour argues the May 1968 student rebellion set France on a path to failure and impotence, which is now being exacerbated by immigration.

Though he is Jewish and born to immigrant parents from Algeria, Zemmour says one of France’s fatal errors in the past 40 years was the 1974 immigration law that allowed for immigrants to bring over their close family members. . . .

In a country where the anti-EU, anti-immigrant National Front party has won historic election victories this year, Zemmour’s far-right ideas are tapping into the zeitgeist of the moment.

His book decries the ‘halalization’ of France, which is characterized by the creation of “Islamic republics in certain neighborhoods in France.”

He also charges that masculinity, as he has in previous books, has been undermined in France to great negative effect. He believes French society has become too feminine.

“'(There is) sexual hopelessness among young, white men in comparison with their Arab and black competitors…Virility is valued in African and Arab-Muslim families. White men have been symbolically castrated.”