IT’S COME TO THIS: Washington Post ‘fact-checks’ SNL’s parody of Obama.CNN did it in 2010, now the lapdog Washington Post scrambled to clarify what Saturday Night Live got right and what it got wrong while poking fun at Obama’s executive action on immigration.”


Black skin privilege has created an optical illusion, persuading progressives that white-on-black attacks are commonplace events, rather than the other way around. In fact, there are five times as many black attacks on whites as the reverse. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which relies on crime victims to identify their assailants, 320,082 whites were victims of black violence in 2010, the latest year for which statistics are available, while 62,593 blacks were victims of white violence. But these raw statistics understate the pattern. In 2010, the white and black populations in the United States were 197 million and 38 million, respectively. In other words, blacks committed acts of interracial violence at a rate 25 times higher than whites (849 per 100,000 versus 32 per 100,000).

This pattern has been among the most consistent findings of criminal-justice research for many years and for a wide variety of crimes. Nationwide there were an estimated 67,755 black-on-white aggravated assaults in 2010, as compared to with just 1,748 white-on-black crimes of the same description. In other words, blacks committed acts of interracial aggravated assault at a rate 200 times higher than whites (181 per 100,000 population versus 0.9 per 100,000).

The physical threat to African Americans from whites is actually minimal compared to the epidemic of black violence against whites. The National Crime Victimization Survey reported approximately 13,000 black-on-white rapes in the United States in 2010, and 39,000 black-on-white robberies, both violent crimes against persons. By contrast, the numbers of white-on-black rapes and robberies reported in the same surveys were so infinitesimal that whites were estimated to have accounted for 0% of all rapes and robberies committed against black victims in the United States.

Footnotes at the link.

THE LATIN AMERICAN EXODUS: Catholics become Protestants in Droves.

What happened exactly in the 1960s? . . .

It is always affirmed by those who say that the collapse in almost all Catholic indicators that followed the Second Vatican Council was a coincidence that the 1960s and 1970s were an era of strong secularization and that the collapse would have happened anyway.

Well, that would explain the collapse in Western Europe, North America, and Australia. But in Latin America (where the current pope studied to be a priest during the 1960s, being ordained in December 1969), what happened instead during the same period was an intense religious revival. But instead of it being channeled through the traditional structures of Catholic life, these same traditional structures were being dismantled by the Latin American hierarchy inebriated with the spirit of aggiornamento, and Latin Americans, who just wanted pure religious life, converted in droves to Protestantism, the only “space” in which they could find signs of the Christian message.

ACT OF LOVE: Flood of illegal immigrants pour into NYC public schools.

The city’s per-pupil spending in the 2012-2013 academic year averaged $20,749, which would bring the total for the migrant kids to $48.7 million.

But the costs could soar, because the youths — many of them victims of poverty and abuse — will need state-mandated English-language instruction, free or reduced-price lunch, and a range of other services, including psychological counseling, medical and dental. . . .

Parent leaders worry the ­influx will strain school budgets.

“Unless the mayor, governor or president announces that funds will be made available immediately, our already-struggling schools will have to provide more,” said Sam Pirozzolo, vice president of the New York City Parents Union.

“NYC public schools are already failing to meet the needs of the students they have — 70 percent cannot read, write and do math at grade level. How can they handle thousands of new students competing for the same services without things getting worse?”

SWELL IDEA: Syrian Christians: ‘Help us to stay – stop arming terrorists’.

During the past four years of Syria’s war, its Christian population has largely stayed put, despite the war destroying much of the surrounding province of Deraa.

In the last two weeks however, men from the al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra and other rebel groups have captured the nearby towns of Nawa and al-Sheikh Maskin, bringing the frontline to less than two miles away. They are now trying to assault Izraa.

Some of the rebels were vetted by the CIA as “moderate Muslims” and subsequently trained and armed in Jordan, as part of a US-led program to bolster a non-sectarian opposition to President Bashar-Assad.

But past experience has rendered such distinctions irrelevant to Izraa’s Christians. After all, in Syria – and on this frontline – the “moderates” continue to work in alliance with Nusra. And the conquest of other Christian villages by the opposition has shown that more moderate factions frequently do little to stop the jihadists imposing their will.

“It’s simple,” said Father Elias Hanout, 38, who led the prayers at Sunday’s service. “If the West wants Syria to remain a country for Christian people, then help us to stay here; stop arming terrorists.”

ILYA SOMIN: Are there limits to executive discretion in enforcing federal law? “Executive discretion has grown dangerously broad – not because of Obama’s most recent action, but because the enormously broad scope of federal law creates a situation where almost everyone has violated the law at some point, and only a small fraction of offenders can be prosecuted. The president thereby inevitably has broad discretion in deciding which ones to go after.”

Big government is arbitrary government.

Related: The constitutional limits of prosecutorial discretion.

ROBERT RECTOR: How the War on Poverty Has Hurt American Marriage Rates.

The means-tested welfare system actively penalizes low-income parents who do marry. . . . The mother can maximize welfare by remaining unmarried and keeping the father’s income “off the books.”

For example, a single mother with two children who earns $15,000 per year would generally receive around $5,200 per year of food stamp benefits. However, if she marries a father with the same earnings level, her food stamps would be cut to zero.

A single mother receiving benefits from Section 8 or public housing would receive a subsidy worth on average around $11,000 per year if she was not employed, but if she marries a man earning $20,000 per year, these benefits would be cut nearly in half. . . .

Overall, the federal government operates more than 80 means-tested welfare programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care and social services to poor and low-income individuals. Each program contains marriage penalties similar to those described above. Low-income families generally receive benefits from several programs at the same time.

The marriage penalties from multiple programs when added together can provide substantial financial disincentives to marriage. For example, if a single mother who earns $20,000 per year marries a man who earns the same amount, the couple will typically lose about $12,000 a year in welfare benefits. In effect, the welfare system makes it economically irrational for most low-income couples to marry.

WILLIAM M. BRIGGS on that new “gay gene” study: “This appears to be a theory in search of facts; that is, some folks start with the theory that SSA [same-sex attraction] is genetic and work backwards. Women who mate with SSA men, it is suggested, are more fecund: they pump out more babies. What we have is a balancing act. Is it because the women who ‘go for’ SSA men are more fertile, or is it the male gametes from SSA men are causing greater fecundity? And how much more fertile must these women be (by whatever cause) to match the rate of baby making seen in women who mate with non-SSA men?”

STUDY: Effects of Step-Wise Increases in Dietary Carbohydrate on Circulating Saturated Fatty Acids and Palmitoleic Acid in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome.

Recent meta-analyses have found no association between heart disease and dietary saturated fat; however, higher proportions of plasma saturated fatty acids (SFA) predict greater risk for developing type-2 diabetes and heart disease. These observations suggest a disconnect between dietary saturated fat and plasma SFA, but few controlled feeding studies have specifically examined how varying saturated fat intake across a broad range affects circulating SFA levels.

Sixteen adults with metabolic syndrome (age 44.9±9.9 yr, BMI 37.9±6.3 kg/m2) were fed six 3-wk diets that progressively increased carbohydrate (from 47 to 346 g/day) with concomitant decreases in total and saturated fat. . . .

The results show that dietary and plasma saturated fat are not related, and that increasing dietary carbohydrate across a range of intakes promotes incremental increases in plasma palmitoleic acid, a biomarker consistently associated with adverse health outcomes.

NEWTOWN KILLER had brain damage caused by his anorexia.

More details are coming out about the mental health of Lanza, how his parents declined help, and how he was so extremely anorexic that it caused brain damage. . . .

According to the report, Lanza was 6 feet tall and weighed just 112 pounds. No medication was mentioned.

Here’s another nail in the coffin of the “crisis of masculinity” thesis, which runs thus:

He needed a template, a blueprint, a script he couldn’t author. He found it in the insane militarism of American political culture—that’s why he dressed up like a commando [that is, in black] and stormed an elementary school as if it were a fortified bunker [didn’t he just waltz in?]. He played his part.

The unabashed hyper-masculine militarism he performed was . . . a hysterical reaction formation [?] against the “pleasure economy” we have created but denied . . . [blah blah etc.]

Yes, the killer wanted to play a masculine role, which explains why he adopted “moral” veganism to the point of brain-damaging malnutrition and why he had pro-pedophilia and homoerotic fantasy material on his computer. A real masculine type, that one. He sure played his part.

DALROCK: Confusing make-believe with reality; why feminists obsess over Barbie.

No matter how many times Wakeman tried to return to the feminist narrative, her nieces always steered back to traditional girl areas of focus:

Elly’s Barbie then started “doing” my Barbie’s hair. I tried again. “Maybe one day, she’ll run for office,” I mused. “She could be a senator. She could sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

“I like her gown,” Mackenzie replied. . . .

Ironically Wakeman lives in the very world her nieces wanted to play in, she was just too busy playing make-believe to see it. In the real world Wakeman is a staff writer for a gossip site, not a senator or a doctor. The first five main categories in The Frisky’s banner are:


Had Wakeman only played Barbie the way she has played her real life and not her make-believe life, her nieces would have been delighted.

There’s more:

It turns out that Wakeman has recently left her post at The Frisky, and moved instead to

I don’t think that blogging about hair and skin care and beauty will be be easy by any means, but I’m pretty sure it won’t make me cry!

STUDY: “We find causal evidence that Viagra’s introduction increased gonorrhea rates in older men by 15%–28%.”

SUCKERS: Woman arrested for neglect receives $114,000 in donations, blows it on designer clothes instead of trust for children as specified in plea deal, and will now be charged with neglect.

Taylor received $114,000 in donations after people saw her teary mugshot when she was arrested on March 20th — after leaving her two sons in her hot car for about 45 minutes while she interviewed for a job.

Civil rights activitst Rev. Jarrett Maupin, who led the charge to support Taylor following her arrest — now says he’s done.

He says after helping to broker the “deal of a lifetime” with prosectuors — where there would be no charges if Taylor attended drug and parenting classes and put some of the money given to her into a trust for her children, Taylor has not followed through. . . .

“She didn’t go to the interviews, didn’t return calls, wasn’t interested in the kind of jobs we were able to bring to the table for her. This was someone who had no job at all,” Maupin said. . . .

Taylor missed the deadline for putting the $40,000 into a trust fund for her children. . . .

“The money is gone. It’s been spent. It’s been wasted on designer clothes, Michael Kors. We want to see the bank statements because we see her in designer jeans, and we understand that she paid for studio time for her baby daddy’s rap career. I am flabbergasted by that,” Maupin said.

Flabbergasted by what? Was there anything that this woman had done previously to suggest that she was a responsible person?

If anyone says that Americans aren’t generous, point them to this article. They’re generous to a fault.

INSTANT FRIENDZONE: A GUIDE. They’re Not All That Bad: 5 Rare Types Of Men You’d Be Lucky To Meet. The gold is in the comments:

You’ve met all 5 and friendzone them each and every time.

I was this guy ! I still caught her in bed with. 2 large black men :(

Don’t worry. “This guy” can find a woman, but she’s likely to be the sloppy seconds of the jerk you’re not supposed to be. Another comment reads,

I, unfortunately had the shallow man for 18 years, only to find the love of my life who posesses all of these qualities. You have blessed my life Greg Moore

PATRIARCHY STRIKES AGAIN: Study: Job authority increases depression symptoms in women, decreases them in men.

“Women with job authority—the ability to hire, fire, and influence pay—have significantly more symptoms of depression than women without this power,” said Tetyana Pudrovska, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and the lead author of the study. “In contrast, men with job authority have fewer symptoms of depression than men without such power.”

Titled, “Gender, Job Authority, and Depression,” the study, which appears in the December issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, considers more than 1,300 middle-aged men and 1,500 middle-aged women, who graduated from high schools in Wisconsin. . . .

“What’s striking is that women with job authority in our study are advantaged in terms of most characteristics that are strong predictors of positive mental health,” said Pudrovska. “These women have more education, higher incomes, more prestigious occupations, and higher levels of job satisfaction and autonomy than women without job authority. Yet, they have worse mental health than lower-status women.”

Of course, discrimination is identified as the cause. And, like clockwork, the researcher says that “we need to address gender [sic] discrimination, hostility, and prejudice against women leaders to reduce the psychological costs and increase the psychological rewards of higher-status jobs for women.”

But women, moreso than men, prefer male bosses. If anything, this call for addressing discrimination against women is yet another case of feminism running up against the preferences of women.

NOT THAT THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT: Cops: Scout Leader Gave Boys Booze, Porn Before Sex Assaults.

A former Boy Scout troop leader accused of sexually assaulting young boys gave them alcohol and pornography and ordered them not to tell, threatening at least one victim with a handgun, according to police.

Police said David Kress, 52, of Thompson, Connecticut, sexually assaulted at least half a dozen boys ages 11 to 16 over a period of 20 years while leading Boy Scout Troop 66.

OREGON: Lane County grand jury indicts prominent gay rights activist Terrence Bean in 2013 case involving a 15-year-old boy.

Bean, 66, a prominent gay rights activist and major Democratic Party fundraiser, was arrested at his home in Southwest Portland and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center at 10:12 a.m.

The indictment charges Bean with two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and one count of third-degree sex abuse, a misdemeanor, police said.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

ONTARIO: Campus security investigate undesirable male’s unwanted social interaction with female students. From the linked article:

Update: UW Police Services (UWPS) confirmed that the two incidents involving a tall, Asian, male suspect who approached two female students on campus were cases of an individual being “socially awkward.”

Dan Anderson, director of UWPS, said, “The student, after we interviewed him and realized what he had been doing from his perspective, has not committed any offence… His intent was not malicious.”

STEVEN MOSHER: Who’s Behind the UN Sterilization Campaign Lacing Tetanus Vaccine With Drug to Cause Miscarriages?

In each case the campaigns were dogged by controversy. Local doctors raised questions about why it was necessary to give a series of five vaccinations against tetanus at six-month intervals rather than the usual two or three. They also observed that women who had been vaccinated miscarried in large numbers or were unable to conceive at all. Finally, tests carried out by Catholic doctors in Peru and the Philippines showed that the World Health Organization (WHO) vaccines were tainted with beta-HCG, results that the WHO brushed off as accidental contamination.

Now the same UN agencies are back, carrying out the same kind of vaccination program on the young women of Kenya. But this time the Kenyan Catholic Medical Association, and the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops are calling them out.

UPDATE: Perhaps it’s not true, even though it’s plausible.

USEFUL: Build A Better Back, part 2 of an ongoing series. This sounds like a promising idea: “Start your session with a Bicep lift and treat it like arm day. Same weight, reps, and sets as usual, lift til failure. Then you move on to your back lifts like normal. Without much help from your biceps, you force your back to do almost all of the work.”

DIVERSITY! ISIS’ international death squad: Jihadist executioners in beheading video include two Britons, two Frenchmen and a German.

STUDY: The pill affects women’s satisfaction with their relationships.

Researchers warn that contraceptives can have an unexpected influence on what women look for in a partner. . . .

The researchers followed 118 newlywed couples over four years, with the women completing regular surveys on their level of satisfaction with their relationship and their use of contraceptives. The researchers, whose work is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, also used “trained observers” to rate the men’s facial attractiveness.

They found that women who had been using the pill when they met their husbands and later stopped taking the contraceptives saw a change in how they rated their relationship. Those with attractive husbands became more satisfied while those with less attractive husbands became less satisfied. . . .

Women who changed their use of the pill reported that their relationship became less sexually satisfying regardless of what their partner looked like. . . .

The findings mirror previous research that has indicated that hormonal contraceptives interfere with women’s preference for male body odour and can influence how sexually satisfying they find a relationship.

Gee, I wonder if this has anything to do with divorce.

ACT OF LOVE: CDC: Twelve Deaths Linked to Polio-Like EV-D68.

From mid-August to November 12, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 1,116 people in 47 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. That’s the same count CDC gave the previous week, indicating a slowdown in spread of the virus.

The respiratory illness can cause paralysis. The outbreak is likely more widespread than reported since some states are not lab testing all respiratory illnesses to confirm.

Earlier: Obama’s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic, Evidence Shows.

ACT OF LOVE: Omaha Hospital Spent $1M on Two Ebola Patients. “And it’s not clear who will pay the bill.” We will, of course.

ACT OF LOVE: Bedbugs Could Spread Deadly, Heart-Damaging Chagas Disease.

Chagas disease transmission isn’t a significant problem in the U.S.—the few cases seen in the States are mostly brought in by travelers returning from Latin America.

In the past few years, however, bedbug populations have skyrocketed in the U.S. If these insects could spread the disease, and, says Levy, “it would be a disaster.… If Chagas starts to spread, we wouldn’t know it, due to the slow nature of the disease.”

DELICATE FLOWERS: “Alternative events for students who might be too traumatized, triggered or attacked by listening to McElroy’s arguments have been arranged.”

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Muscular strength associated with lower cancer mortality.

In this study, they looked at 8,677 men, age 20 to 82, whom they followed over a period of over two decades. . . .

They found that the highest third of the group in muscle strength had about 40% lower cancer mortality than the lowest third in muscle strength. They also found, as expected, that higher body mass index, as well as higher percent body fat, were both associated with much higher rates of death through cancer; the obese had a cancer death rate almost double that of men with a normal BMI.

But here’s the real kicker: after adjusting for muscular strength, the associations of cancer with body mass index and body fat disappeared. . . .

This is of course association; it was not a randomized clinical trial. But the association of muscular strength with lower cancer mortality is striking, and especially the fact that it is a better marker than body fat or BMI.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Ferguson Activists Discuss Plans to Target White Areas (Video). From the transcript: “I wanna advocate that we go on South Florissant because the people on South Florissant don’t look like me. The people on West Florissant look like me and they’re with it. So… I really don’t have anything to protest on West Florissant.”

HEH: Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters: 60 percent of site’s 226,838 comments attributed to fewer than 100 unique profiles.

LESSON: HAVE MORE FAKE CLASSES. UNC should get death penalty in academic fraud case, but it won’t.

From the comments: “So, UConn get a year out of the NCAAs because their kids fail real classes, but UNC will probably get nothing for passing kids thru fake classes…and the NCAA now wants to talk to Syracuse about Fab Melo who was suspended for the NCAAs for failing classes.”

SWEDISH MP TELLS PARLIAMENT, “You Have Caused a Catastrophe for Sweden.”

Swedish social trust is not something that came about as a result of the welfare society and the Social Democrats, if that’s what you think. It has been intact for a thousand years, and you have in one generation begun to dismantle it according to research which shows that social trust is decreasing. International research shows the exact same pattern if you had cared enough to read it. Robert Putnam’s conclusion was that people “turn into turtles” in multicultural societies; the common trust, the sense of community, the solidarity and citizens engagement in society declines. . . .

In our schools, . . . it is the widespread hostility towards Swedes which is the single largest problem, when people are victimized in their own country because they are Swedes by immigrant groups. There are already countless anti-racist and anti-Islamophobia programs in this country. If there anything that needs to be done, it is to make an effort against hostility towards Swedes and against these immigrant groups who come here with a hatred for the country they have migrated to and the people who created it.

Earlier: Diversity or community: choose one.

CHARLES MURRAY: Our Futile Efforts to Boost Children’s IQ. “How can parenting and socioeconomic status play such minor roles in determining IQ, when scholars on all sides of the nature-nurture debate agree that somewhere around half of the variation in IQ is environmental? The short answer is that the environment that affects IQ doesn’t consist of the advantages that most people have in mind — parents who talk a lot to their toddlers, many books in in the house for the older children, high-quality schools and the like. Instead, studies over the past two decades have consistently found that an amorphous thing called the ‘nonshared’ environment accounts for most (in many studies, nearly all) of the environmentally grounded variation. Scholars are still trying to figure out what features of the nonshared environment are important. Peers? Events in the womb? Accidents? We can be sure only of this: The nonshared environment does not lend itself to policy interventions intended to affect education, parenting, income or family structure.”

GOOD TO KNOW: Walmart Now Price-Matches Online Retailers In Its Stores, Including Amazon And

ACT OF LOVE: Who Could Have Predicted A Huge Spike In Violence At Reform School Once 40 Illegal Alien Kids Arrived?

NORWAY deports record number of immigrants.

The National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets Utlendingsenhet – PU) deported 824 people in October, which is a new record.

The previous record was set in September, the month prior, when 763 people were deported, reported Dagsavisen. . . .

Kristin Kvigne, head of PU, said to Dagsavisen: “This month helps us reach our goal for this year.” . . .

Kvigne said it was important to view the high number of deportations made by PU in the context of falling crime rates across the country.

STEVE SAILER: Female Secret Service Bodyguard Not as Awesome at Hand to Hand Combat as You Might Expect from Watching TV. “‘After attempting twice to physically take Gonzalez down but failing to do so because of the size disparity between the two, the officer then attempted to draw her baton but accidentally grabbed her flashlight instead,’ the report said. ‘The officer threw down her flashlight, drew her firearm, and continued to give Gonzalez commands that he ignored.'”

Grrl power.

Earlier: Savage Boards Naval Destroyer Guarded by a Woman — and Kills Sailor.

And: Secret Service Requires Female Agents to Meet Lower Physical Strength Standards Than Male Agents.

GERMANY: Greens say sorry for past paedophilia ties.

An election platform from the Alternative Green Initiative List (AGIL), the Green party’s predecessor, took on the interests of paedophiles by suggesting that sex with minors should be decriminalised, providing the sex was free from violence or the threat of violence.

The document was brought to light during the election of 2013, as it was one of the party’s key candidates, Jürgen Tritten, then a student running for city hall, who had cosigned it. . . .

In their early days, the Greens sought out support by catering to minority interest groups as part of a “leftist liberalism” policy with roots in the 1960s.

Earlier: UK: The ‘right’ to sleep with children was one ‘civil liberty’ that NCCL [National Council for Civil Liberties] supported. “The Seventies was an era of sudden sexual emancipation. To some on the Left, sex with children was just another boundary to be swept away.”

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Reversing cognitive decline. “There’s a fascinating new paper in the journal Aging by Dale E. Bredesen, M.D., Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program, in which the author describes significant reversal of poor brain function in nine of ten people who undertook his program. (The one who did not improve had late stage Alzheimer’s.) Many of these people were not what we would consider elderly, but were in their 50s or 60s and experiencing enough decline in brain function that they were no longer able to work. Let’s look at a few of the treatment modalities that were used.”

THERE’S SOMETHING About Teutonics.

Since the time when they were but a mild annoyance at the borders of mighty Rome, the Germanics have migrated, conquered, spread their languages and cultures far and wide–in the Anglos’ case, to the four corners of the world. Since they let go of their empires, a surprising reverse-colonialism has brought millions of Sun People to their shores, clamoring to be ruled by them once again.

How did we get here? How has this group of marginal Teutonic tribes come to so utterly seduce the spirits of the world’s migrants, creating societies that are the envy of the planet?

CREEPY: China’s Latest Ghost Town: A $50 Billion Fake Replica Of Manhattan.

“They are building stuff that nobody really wants or needs — and there will come a day of reckoning,” explained Gillem Tulloch, a Hong Kong-based analyst and managing director of GMT Research who has studied the growth of China’s “ghost cities” across the country. . . .

“Our leading economists in the West were lauding the Soviet-style system from the 1950s up until the 1980s,” he said. “They were all wrong. I think it’s the same with China.”

SIGNS that you have no balls. “If you’re the kind of guy that has to always check in or ask permission from your girlfriend before you can do something with the guys you’re probably a faggot.”

UK: Rotherham child sex abuse: Police ‘ripped up files’.

REFORM: Science Research Needs an Overhaul.

Too often absolutely nothing happens after initial results of a study are published. No follow-up investigations ensue to replicate or expand on a discovery. No one uses the findings to build new technologies.

The problem is not just what happens after publication—scientists often have trouble choosing the right questions and properly designing studies to answer them. Too many neuroscience studies test too few subjects to arrive at firm conclusions. Researchers publish reports on hundreds of treatments for diseases that work in animal models but not in humans. Drug companies find themselves unable to reproduce promising drug targets published by the best academic institutions. The growing recognition that something has gone awry in the laboratory has led to calls for, as one might guess, more research on research (aka, meta-research)—attempts to find protocols that ensure that peer-reviewed studies are, in fact, valid.

It will take a concerted effort by scientists and other stakeholders to fix this problem. We need to identify and correct system-level flaws that too often lead us astray. This is exactly the goal of a new center I co-founded at Stanford University earlier this year: the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), which will seek to study research practices and how these can be optimized.

STELLA MORABITO on “gender identity dysphoria.”

Transgender law requires that we all accept the false premise that our sex was “assigned” to us at birth. Not identified, but “assigned.” In other words, your biological maleness or femaleness is not real. According to this scheme, your physical sex is simply in your head. When what’s in your head doesn’t “match” your genitalia, that’s called gender identity dysphoria. When it “matches,” well there’s a fairly new and highly weaponized word for that: ”cisgender” . . .

To begin with, it’s a grand fallacy to try to get the world to go along with an internal perception of who you think you are when that perception conflicts so directly with physical reality. But the main fault lies with a tiny elite who are intent on enforcing the notion that human biology is meaningless, and that sex differences ought to be erased. The snake oil of gender identity is the vehicle by which our biological differences are written out of law. In that way mothers and fathers are written out of law, as is the family. This does great violence to children.

THE EFFECTS OF RITALIN: Case Report: Testicular failure possibly associated with chronic use of methylphenidate. “Methylphenidate is a commonly prescribed treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, little is known about its adverse effects on the male reproductive system. We report a 20-year-old male patient whose chief complaint was of delayed puberty. He spoke in a high-pitched voice and complained of lack of body hair, impaired libido, inadequate erectile function, chronic fatigue, and low energy. He had been treated with methylphenidate as an infant and had continued treatment for 17 years. On examination, the patient was lean and visibly lacked facial or body hair. He further explained that he had never been able to grow underarm or facial hair and that he was often mistakenly considered a young teenager rather than a 20-year-old. The patient’s genitalia were categorized as Tanner Stage 2. Laboratory studies confirmed low serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels.”

We don’t know much about its adverse effects, but let’s go ahead and pump male schoolchildren full of it anyway.

QUIZ: Modernist Church or Communist Building?

ACT OF LOVE: Man charged with raping University of Delaware student. “Candido Tepoz, 28, of Mexico but lives in the Newark area, was charged with one count of second-degree rape, two counts each of third-degree unlawful sexual contact and second-degree unlawful imprisonment, one count of criminal impersonation and two traffic offenses, said UD spokeswoman Donna O’Brien.”

Wait. What?

Candido Tepoz, 28, of Mexico but lives in the Newark area

“Of Mexico”? As in, “citizen of”? File this one under “adventures in euphemism.”

DESTROY THE SYSTEM FROM WITHIN: UK: Super-obese young Brits will ‘bankrupt’ NHS – study.

A report from the National Bariatric Surgery Registry drew on information from over 18,000 weight-loss operations in the UK. It found that increasing numbers of under-25s are requiring complicated weight-loss surgery, and that those in need are becoming increasingly overweight.

Richard Welbourn, consultant surgeon and chairman of the National Bariatric Surgery Registry, said the ongoing pandemic of dangerously obese young people imposes a threat to the finances of the NHS.

However, having surgery “cost-effectively improves the health of obese patients,” he said.

So it turns out that this is all about more money for bariatric surgeons. Nice.

There are, however, cheaper alternatives to surgery.

Related: How to lose fat.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Couple fined for refusing to host same-sex wedding on their farm.

“We respect and care for everyone!” Cynthia Gifford told me. “We had an openly gay man working for us this past season,” she said.

“We’ve had a woman who’s transitioning to be a man. We don’t discriminate against anyone.”

Way to miss the point. This isn’t about toleration. It’s about complete submission.

Cynthia Gifford took a life-changing two- to three-minute phone call in 2012 from a woman she’d never met, Melisa Erwin, who was looking for a place to hold her wedding. A wedding — to another woman.

Gifford said she told her, politely, that she would not book a same-sex wedding ceremony at the farm.

She didn’t know it at the time, but the woman’s then-fianceé, Jennifer McCarthy, recorded the conversation. The pair then filed a formal complaint with the state Division of Human Rights. And this past August, an administrative law judge from The Bronx, Migdalia Pares, decreed that the farm was a “public accommodation’’ and ordered the penalties, after ruling that the Giffords had violated state law by discriminating against the two women.

All who disagree shall be destroyed.

Earlier: City Threatens to Arrest Ministers Who Refuse to Perform Same-Sex Weddings.

NEIL LYNDON: 22 years on, I’m republishing my controversial book on the failings of feminism.

No More Sex War: The Failures of Feminism was the world’s first radical critique of feminism from an egalitarian, progressive, non-sexist point of view. It forensically took apart that secular faith in its own terms, showing it to be informed by totalitarian dogma originally drawn from Marx and Engels. The book unearthed the contradictions within the ideology of feminism, exposed its myths and falsehoods and revealed it to embody a reactionary intolerance – one which has restrained and inhibited change and equality between the sexes, rather than promoting a joyful liberation, as the sisters like to boast.

The twin intellectual achievements of the book were, with evidence, to demolish the notion that we live in a patriarchal society (the presiding presumption of all forms of feminism); and to show that change for women had taken place over the last 200 years primarily as a result of advances in contraceptive and abortion technologies. Mass-produced condoms, Dutch caps and contraceptive pills were the sine qua non of female emancipation, I argued, rather than the Pankhursts. Men as a whole, I demonstrated at length, had not opposed those advances. On the contrary, egalitarian progress for women had frequently been initiated, encouraged and promoted by men.