HMM: UN Climate Official: “We Should Make Every Effort” To Decrease World Population.

FIGUERES: I mean we all know that we expect nine billion, right, by 2050. So, yes, obviously less people would exert less pressure on the natural resources.

DALTON: So is nine billion a forgone conclusion? That’s like baked in, done, no way to change that?

FIGUERES: Well there again, there is pressure in the system to go toward that; we can definitely change those, right? We can definitely change those numbers and really should make every effort to change those numbers because we are already, today, already exceeding the planet’s planetary carrying capacity, today. To say nothing of adding more population that is really going to overextend our capacity. So yes we should do everything possible.

Related: WHO, UNICEF deny Kenyan bishops’ claim that they supplied sterility-causing tetanus vaccines. Maybe this scandal was just a big misunderstanding, but it doesn’t help when officials say “we should do everything possible” to have fewer people.

Earlier: Steven Mosher: Who’s Behind the UN Sterilization Campaign Lacing Tetanus Vaccine With Drug to Cause Miscarriages?