A MESSAGE to Republican Primary Voters.
Hispanics will kill the Republican Party and turn the US into Mexico
While Americans oppose gun control 53 to 45 overall, Hispanics support gun control 62% to 36%. More Hispanics means fewer gun rights.
While Americans support a smaller government by 48% to 41%, Hispanics support a bigger government 75% to 19%.
In the 2012 elections, Hispanics voted democrat 68% to 30%. In the 2010 midterms they voted democrat 60% to 38%, and in the 2014 midterms they voted democrat 62% to 36%.
Hispanics have also been trending slightly more [D]emocrat since 1972 . . .
Republicans have fallen for the myth of Hispanics as “natural conservatives” . . .
If Hispanics come in and turn Texas blue, all of the stolid conservative policies of, say, a Chris Christie or Scott Walker will be OVER because the democrats will roll everything back.
If Rand Paul became president, sure, he would cut spending and taxes and make America better for a little while. But because he wouldn’t build the wall, wouldn’t deport, and wouldn’t end anchor-babies, in 10 years everything he did would be wiped out by the Democrats, who would now win every election because Texas, Colorado, Nevada and Florida are all blue states.
For this reason, nothing else matters if the immigration issue is lost.