As much as anything I’ve recently seen, that video shows me that we’re not just fighting for “white privilege” or some other such nonsense, we’re fighting for the very nature of civilization itself.  (For a censored version with background info, click here.)

See the glee in their eyes as they do everything in their power to denigrate, insult, and de-humanize their opponents.  Watch them cavort like utter savages as they burn the Pope and ask yourself if it’s really that far-fetched to suspect that these same womyn wouldn’t burn an actual man in their “ceremony” if they thought they could get away with it?  Do you see any indication whatsoever that they acknowledge the men protecting their cathedral as fellow human-beings?  Have they any moral compass other than a desire to get screwed without consequence?

I know that most of the protesters would go bonkers if you sucked the brains out of a live chicken, but do the same to infants is a “personal choice”.  They have no understanding whatsoever of how anybody could possible not agree with them; if you’re not on their side, you’re sub-human.  The only reason they don’t kill the men themselves is that they can’t get away with it, yet.

Earlier: Civilization vs. the Barbarians.

Related: This Is What A Feminist Looks Like.