CLAIRE LEHMANN: How a rebellious scientist uncovered the surprising truth about stereotypes.

When I went through University as a psychology undergraduate Jussim’s work was not on the curriculum. His studies were not to be found in my social psychology textbook. Nor was Jussim ever mentioned in the classroom. Yet the area of study Jussim has been a pioneer of – stereotype accuracy [PDF] – is one of the most robust and replicable areas ever to emerge from the discipline.

To talk about stereotypes, one has to first define what they are. Stereotypes are simply beliefs about a group of people. They can be positive (children are playful) or they can be negative (bankers are selfish), or they can be somewhere in between (librarians are quiet). When stereotypes are defined as beliefs about groups of people (true or untrue), they correlate with real world criteria with effect sizes ranging from .4 to .9, with the average coming in somewhere around .8. (This is close to the highest effect size that a social science researcher can find, an effect size of 1.0 would mean that stereotypes correspond 100% to real world criteria. Many social psychological theories rest on studies which have effect sizes of around .2.)

Jussim and his co-authors have found that stereotypes accurately predict demographic criteria, academic achievement, personality and behaviour. This picture becomes more complex, however, when considering nationality or political affiliation. One area of stereotyping which is consistently found to be inaccurate are the stereotypes concerning political affiliation; right-wingers and left wingers tend to caricature each others personalities, most often negatively so.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Driver Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Runs Down 11 French Pedestrians.

The driver, who was in his forties, hit groups of pedestrians in five parts of the eastern city before being arrested, a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior said on French television. Eleven people in all were injured, two of them seriously, officials said.

According to testimonies on the scene, the driver also invoked “the children of Palestine”‘ to explain his actions, the ministry’s spokesman said. . . . A day earlier, French police in a Tours suburb shot and killed a man also shouting “Allahu Akbar” who had stabbed and wounded three officers in a police station.

WHAT “VETTING” LOOKS LIKE: ‘Sloppily approved’: San Bernardino shooter’s thin visa file revealed.

“In order to obtain a fiancée visa, it is required to demonstrate proof that the U.S. citizen and foreign national have met in person,” Goodlatte said in a statement. “However, Malik’s immigration file does not show sufficient evidence for this requirement.” . . .

Asked about the file and about Goodlatte’s claims, USCIS spokesman Joseph R. Holstead defended the handling of the case. “Tashfeen Malik was subjected to numerous background checks . . .”

Holstead said “all required procedures were followed” in processing her file before it was referred to the U.S. Embassy.

Related: Liberal MSNBC host stumps panel; can’t state better immigration plan than Trump’s.

“Officials said yesterday that they did not know that Malik was committed to jihad when she applied for a fiancee visa and came to the United States,” she said, before concluding, “that’s a little bit problematic when we are looking at our visa process.”

After a discussion of how the process failed, Brzezinski said that last week’s slaughter is bound to happen again without some change. Then she threw down the gauntlet.

“Someone tell me something better than what Donald Trump is saying.” she said. “And there has to be something better because everybody has been sitting here for days just lambasting him, including me, because I don’t agree with it. But somebody needs a better idea.”

Full video here. Snippet here.

PRIORITIES: U.S. Taxpayers Give ‘Magnolia Thunderpussy’ a Sex Change — not to mention housing, money, food stamps, health care, and so on:

A former she-male hooker, only a year out of jail on a fraud conviction, just received a full “sex change” operation, courtesy of the American taxpayer. His story is loving told over more than four full pages in Sunday’s edition of the New York Times. . . .

Jerome Nimmons tells his story of growing up effeminate, childhood humiliation, sexual seduction by a much older male, HIV infection, eventual family rejection, and a life turned to prostitution and other forms of crime. . . .

Though Jerome was living with other transvestites in Atlanta, in what he calls his “gay family”—complete with “gay kids”—Jerome was lured to Brooklyn by a friend because New York has become something of a welfare haven for transsexuals.

Arriving by bus with only $200 in his pocket, within only a few weeks, Jerome scored a state-supported apartment, monthly disability checks, obtained food stamps, and proceeded to spend his leisurely days watching television.

Jerome also joined a Medicaid program called Amida Care that caters to those with HIV. Through the program, he started receiving treatment for his HIV infection and his health improved.

NOT THE ONION: Black students demand cultural sensitivity, more fried chicken.

Students with the school’s black student union protested outside of the dining hall at the Afrikan Heritage House, after demands for more traditional meals, including more fried chicken, went unmet, according to the campus paper, The Oberlin Review. . . .

Another article, published by The Review in November, detailed what students said were instances of cultural appropriation carried out by Bon Appétit. The culinary culprits included a soggy, pulled-pork-and-coleslaw sandwich that tried to pass itself off as a traditional Vietnamese banh mi sandwich; a Chinese General Tso’s chicken dish made with steamed instead of fried poultry; and some poorly prepared Japanese sushi.

INTERESTING: Study: People Really Like Trump, But They Don’t Want To Admit It.

The Morning Consult interviewed around 2,400 Republicans and varied how the respondents completed the survey. Some completed the survey completely online, while some completed the survey over the phone. The phone interviews were split further between a live interviewer and an automated voice response.

The study found that 38 percent of people who answered on the phone supported Trump, while just 32 percent chose him while on the phone with a live interviewer. An additional 36 percent chose Trump while completing the survey via an automated recording.

“That six point difference was not seen with other candidates between the different polling methods,” the study reads. “Ted Cruz, for example, did about 2 points better on live telephone, as did Ben Carson. Jeb Bush had no difference between the methods.”

Authors of the study explained the discrepancy as a “social desirability bias.” Basically, people identify with the things Trump says, but they don’t want to admit it because they don’t think their friends will like it.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Muslim Rape Gang Found Guilty of Abusing White Girl.

“In 40 years of practice, I have never seen a dock that has been as insolent and disrespectful as this one. I have the poorest of opinions about the defendants”, blasted Judge Roger Thomas QC at Bradford Crown Court, where the verdict was passed.

In a unanimous verdict following a seven-week trial, ten of the men, aged between 19 and 63, were found guilty of rape and an eleventh was found guilty of sexual activity. One defendant was also found guilty of raping a second under-age victim in 2009.

The court has heard how she was called a “little white slag” and a “white bastard” as she wept on the floor and was raped by five men in succession on one occasion.

The jury also heard that the girl was passed around the men by a “nasty” 17-year-old drug dealer named Ahmed Al-Choudhury, who was described as the “ring leader” of the Muslim rape gang.

Earlier: Rotherham Abuse Trial: 14-Year-Old Girl ‘Held Hostage’ And ‘Forced Into Sex For Heroin’.

“FACT-CHECKING” jumps the shark:

Cruz said the “federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls.”

Cruz’s vision of schoolboys everywhere showering with girls grossly distorts the issue. The fact is the Obama administration has sided with transgender students seeking access to school facilities including locker rooms, holding that anything less would violate federal anti-discrimination requirements. Such conflicts — few and far between — haven’t had to do with the government wanting boys to shower with girls.

We rate the claim False.

For the record:

Researched by: W. Gardner Selby

Edited by: John Bridges

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Police: San Antonio couple sexually assaulted underage girl, sold her to another couple for $4,000.

The teen told police that she had been sold to one couple for $4,000.

Rebecca Nicole Alvarez, 22, Christopher Castoreno, 34, Veronica Ann Diaz, 26, and Adrian Colon, 44, are all being charged with trafficking.

Alvarez, Castoreno and Diaz are also being slapped with sexual assault charge, while Colon was charged with attempted sexual assault, according to police.

PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY: “It sounds like Donald Trump is the only one who has any fight in him.”

“He will fight for the issues that we really care about and are very hot at the present time, such as the immigration issue. I don’t see anyone else who’s eager to fight.”

The Republican-controlled Congress just sold America down in river in the “worst kind of betrayal,” Schlafly told WND.

“It’s the worst kind of a betrayal because we thought we elected a bunch of good guys who would shape up the party,” she said. “We had a lot of fancy promises that the Republicans were going to shape up and change course. And they disappointed us. Betrayal is an appropriate word to describe it.”

WND asked Schlafly if she believes Donald Trump is the last hope for America.

“He does look like he’s the last hope [for America],” Schlafly said. “We don’t hear anybody saying what he’s saying. In fact, most of the people who ought to be lining up with him are attacking him. They’re probably jealous of the amount of press coverage he gets. But the reason he gets so much press coverage is the grassroots are fed up with people who are running things, and they do want a change. They do want people to stand up for America. It really resonates when he says he wants to ‘Make America Great Again.’”

MICHELLE MALKIN: Open-borders money backs Marco Rubio.

Paul Singer backs Marco Rubio. The hedge fund billionaire announced his support for Rubio in October. Amnesty is and always has been a top agenda item for Singer, who helped fund the National Immigration Forum along with fellow hedge fund billionaire George Soros. . . .

NIF was founded by far-left attorney Rick Swartz, who opposes tracking/deporting visa overstayers and opposes employer sanctions against companies that violated immigration laws. . . .

On Capitol Hill, Swartz worked closely with immigration expansionist Sen. Spencer Abraham’s legislative director Cesar Conda and Sen. Sam Brownback’s legislative director (now GOP House speaker) Paul Ryan—-who is busy this holiday season fronting an omnibus bill that will open the floodgates to 250,000 unskilled foreign guest workers.

Side note: Beltway establishment fixture Conda previously worked for the pro-amnesty U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mentored Ryan from the age of 19. Conda guided newbie Rubio as his Senate chief of staff from 2011-2014 and remains his powerful immigration Svengali behind closed doors.

COLLAPSE of the Stupid Party.

What looks like political debate is really just the call and response one would see in a black church. The Progressive wing does the call and the Conservative wing does the response. . . .

Republicans . . . exist not as an ideological alternative to Progressives, but as a mild critique of the Progressive wing. . . .

On the one hand, the party needs to win elections and that means appealing to those rubes they detest. On the other hand, they are compelled by tradition and sentiment to appeal to their analogs in the other party. As the Chinese say, a man who chases two rabbits catches none. In the case of the GOP, they just look like feckless idiots.

An hilarious example is conservative media darling Marco Rubio. . . .

Rubio gets by on his looks and charm, which is fine if you’re selling Cadillacs in Boca Raton, but it is a liability when trying to run for President in these crisis times for the party.

That’s why Rubio skipped the vote on the budget bill. There’s no safe answer so he spent the day playing Halo and listening to hip-hop. That non-vote just ended his career as a politician. Who will vote for him now?

THE BATTLE CRY of the Ruling Class.

The way it is supposed to work is the GOP works with National Review, Fox News, “grass roots” organizations that have K Street offices and so on. That way, these folks can make some money, get relatives jobs in the bureaucracy and look like players in the “arena of ideas.” In return, these groups go to the megaphones and rally the voters by declaring the GOP candidate the next Ronald Reagan.

Trump, obviously, is having none of that and he is winning. That’s a big problem if you make your living selling GOP product in conservative media. The folks at Fox News used to think they were the gatekeepers, the king makers on the Right. Now they look like chumps because the guy most likely to win the GOP nomination treats them like human footstools. The ditsy blonde they sent out to whack Trump in the first debate came back in a shoe box and they have never recovered from it. . . .

Goldberg is telling his coevals in the media that “real” conservative[s] just talk about stuff and never offer any resistance to the status quo or the dominance of the American Left. Anything that smacks of real resistance or an alternative to the moral superstructure of the status quo is off-limits. These columns emanating from conservative media are no[t] about Trump, immigration or [the] popular Right. They are loyalty oaths.

REVOLT: Dutch protesters riot over plans to build refugee center in small town of Geldermalsen.

A meeting of a Dutch town’s council to discuss plans to build a center to house 1,500 asylum seekers in Geldermalsen turned into a battlefield after crowds of rioters tried to storm the building, throwing fireworks and stones at police, chanting anti-immigrant slogans.

Police first tried to disperse rioters with batons but failed. The town hall was filled with smoke after demonstrators threw fireworks. Crowds of protesters broke through the gates and banged on the windows of the council building. The meeting had to be cut short and evacuated. Police had to fire warning shots.

It was almost war,” local police spokesman Paul Koetsier said, regional Dutch broadcaster Omroep Gelderland reported.

Over 2,000 people reportedly joined the violent protest in Geldermalsen, a Dutch town of 27,000, in what has been the biggest display of anti-immigrant feeling in the Netherlands since the attack on a Syrian refugee center in October.

Video at the link. More footage here.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Rotherham Abuse Trial: 14-Year-Old Girl ‘Held Hostage’ And ‘Forced Into Sex For Heroin’.

The victim, now aged 36, was giving evidence at the trial of Arshid Hussain, Qurban Ali, Basharat Hussain, Sajid Bostan, Majid Bostan, Karen MacGregor and Shelley Davies. All deny any involvement in child sexual exploitation offences.

It was when she was around 11 years old that the alleged victim first began suffering sustained sexual and physical abuse at the hands of Arshid Hussain and others, which the court heard lasted for almost a decade.

PRIORITIES: Paul Ryan Negotiated Exporting Oil In Exchange For Importing Syrians.

“Republicans’ desperate thirst for lifting the oil export ban empowered Democrats to win significant concessions throughout the Omnibus, including ridding the bill of scores of deeply destructive poison pill riders,” Pelosi said Thursday.

One of the major priorities for conservatives was defunding the refugee programs. House Republicans, along with 47 Democrats, voted this month on tightening restrictions on refugees. Many conservatives argued that the best to defund the program was target it in the omnibus bill.

The White House has opposed defunding the refugee program. In the end, Republicans caved and didn’t attempt to defund the program.

UK: Government Gives Up Looking For 10,000 Missing Migrants.

To search for them would be a “drain on resources”, according to the chief inspector of borders and immigration.

David Bolt said that a further 30,406 failed asylum seekers had been allowed to stay in the country for at least two years even after all their appeal rights had been exhausted.

Mr Bolt’s report [PDF], published yesterday, outlines the scale of the Home Office’s failure to remove illegal migrants and also shows the difficulty authorities have in enforcing immigration rules.

TRUMP Statement On Budget Deal:

In order to avoid a government shutdown, a cowardly threat from an incompetent President, the elected Republicans in Congress threw in the towel and showed absolutely no budget discipline.

The American people will have to absorb higher deficits, greater debt, less economic liberty and more corporate welfare. Congress cannot seem to help itself in bending to every whim of special interests. How can they face their constituents when they continue to burden our children and grandchildren with debts they will never be able to repay? Our government is failing us, so we must do something about it. Who knows how bad things will be when the next administration comes in and has to pick up the pieces?

The only special interest not being served by our government is the American people.

Earlier: Trump: Republicans are “horrible poker players. Horrible.”

MARK KRIKORIAN: House GOP Leadership: Foreign Worker Increase Needed Because of “Labor Shortage”.

Worker shortage? To get a sense of how ridiculous that is, just one number: In the second quarter of this year there were 6.5 million people working part-time who said they wanted full-time work but couldn’t find it. (For more, including the growing number and percentage of working-age people dropping out of the labor market, see here.) In such an environment, what possible justification can there be for importing construction workers and hotel maids?

And the party’s brain trust can’t understand why people are attracted to Trump.

“DIVERSITY” MEANS FEWER WHITE PEOPLE: Sam’s Club responds after black CEO’s anti-white male discrimination stirs calls for boycott.

BPR reported Sunday that the company’s black, female CEO Rosalind Brewer planned to call a supplier she met with because she was disgusted that his management staff was filled with all white males.

It was more important to Ms. Brewer that a staff be racially and gender diverse rather than the best people be picked for their jobs. A practice she admitted to CNN’s Poppy Harlow she practices herself.

The president and CEO of WalMart Stores Inc., who owns Sam’s Club, Doug McMillon said the company supports Ms. Brewer . . .

McMillon’s statement can be found here:

For years, we’ve asked our suppliers to prioritize the talent and diversity of their sales teams calling on our company. Roz was simply trying to reiterate that we believe diverse and inclusive teams make for a stronger business. That’s all there is to it and I support that important ideal.

So the response to “You discriminate against white men” is “We call it ‘diversity.'”

VOX DAY: How Conservatives Betrayed America. An excerpt from his latest book, Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America:

What is now taking place in Europe is a microcosm of what is happening, on a larger scope and timescale, in the United States of America. Although the European population of 508 million is larger than the U.S. population of 320 million, the 28 member nations of the E.U. fit into about half the land taken up by the 50 united States. Moreover, unlike the heterogeneous American “nation of immigrants”, the European nations are homogeneous and distinct, with long histories, traditions, and collective memories that stretch back for centuries. That is why a much smaller number of immigrants arriving in a much shorter period of time has triggered the powerful nationalistic response that is already overturning governments and will ultimately shatter the European Union.

That is why it is important to realize that the same divisive process is well underway in the United States, albeit at a larger order of magnitude. And one of the tragic ironies of American politics is that it is the very group of people who most proudly proclaim their loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and to the traditional values of America’s founding fathers, conservatives, who have helped lead the way to America’s decline and eventual collapse.

SESSIONS: Omnibus Would Quadruple Controversial Foreign Worker Program, Expand Admission Of Refugees, Fund President’s ‘Entire Immigration Agenda’.

As the Economic Policy Institute noted, ‘wages were stagnant or declining for workers in all of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014,’ and ‘unemployment rates increased in all but one of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014, and all 15 occupations averaged very high unemployment rates…Flat and declining wages coupled with such high unemployment rates over such a long period of time suggest a loose labor market—an over-supply of workers rather than an under-supply.’

The voters put Republicans in a majority in the 2014 midterm elections – a vote which constituted a clear decision to reject the abuse of our immigration system.

That loyalty has been repaid with betrayal.

On top of this provision, the omnibus approves – without conditions – the President’s request for increased refugee admissions, allowing him to bring in as many refugees as he wants, from anywhere he wants, and then allow them to access unlimited amounts of welfare and entitlements at taxpayer expense. This will ensure that at least 170,000 green card, refugee and asylum approvals are issued to migrants from Muslim countries over just the next 12 months.

Related: Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: “The country was just sold down the river again by your very Republican Party.” “But, folks, there was no other way this could go. Because two years ago when the Republican Party declared they would never do anything that would shut down the government and they would not impeach Obama, there were no obstacles in Obama’s way and there were no obstacles in the way of the Democrat Party.”

Reminder, from November 28: Trump: Republicans are “horrible poker players. Horrible.”

“I like Boehner as a person. He’s a nice guy. But … I heard Boehner before he left say there’s no way we’re going to close up government,” Trump said, speaking at a packed campaign rally in Sarasota, Florida.

“That means the other side just won,” he continued. “Because if you don’t have that at least threat, you can’t do anything. And they got nothing! You got to say, ‘We’re going to close it. We’re going to close it.’ You’ve got to scare them.”

YOU DON’T SAY: Army women hurt more often in combat training, experience more mental health issues.

The statistics come from a study conducted by the Army surgeon general last summer in conjunction with a bevy of analyses and experiments to judge women’s suitability for direct ground combat roles. It found, for example, that female soldiers suffer depression at more than double the rate of men and that one of the triggers is exposure to combat.

Still, the study concluded: “There is no medical basis to prohibit any [military occupational specialty] opening to females.”

ANN COULTER: It’s Time For The Other 13 Candidates To Drop Out.

Republicans love pointing out that all the gun restrictions proposed by Democrats after every mass shooting would have done absolutely nothing to stop that particular mass shooting.

But the GOP’s demand that we take out ISIS would also have done nothing to prevent the San Bernardino attack. As we know from Jim Comey, the director of the FBI: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were planning a terrorist attack against Americans before ISIS existed.

It’s as if there’s a law of toughness conservation: The weaker a candidate is on protecting our borders, the more aggressively he talks about bombing foreign countries, a move known as “the Lindsey Graham.”

PRIORITIES: “Facebook, Google and Twitter have agreed a deal with Germany under which they will remove hate speech posted on their websites within 24 hours.”

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the measures would ensure German law was applied online.

Social media cannot “become a funfair for the far right,” he said.

The agreement follows reports of a rise in online racism in Germany as the country manages an influx of up to one million migrants and refugees in 2015.

Mr Maas said complaints about hate speech would be assessed by “specialist teams” at the three companies, who would also make it easier for such posts to be reported.

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: The U.K. Just Gave A Grandmother “Community Service” For Sending Christian Tracts To A Muslim. Who Cares What They Say About Trump?

Trump said this: . . .

We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant.[Donald Trump claims parts of London are ‘so radicalised’ police officers are ‘afraid for their lives’, by Rose Troup Buchanan, Independent (UK), December 8, 2015]

That drew much indignation from British elites. [‘Block Donald Trump from UK’ over 300,000 sign petition as fury rages over Muslim ban call, Express (UK), December 9, 2015] . . .

But Narrative Collapse set in rather quickly. Newspaper reporters had no difficulty finding actual working police officers who confirmed the truth of Trump’s remarks. Here’s a headline from the London Daily Express, December 10th: “Trump is right!” Police say parts of Britain are no-go areas due to ISIS radicalization.

The stuff about the elderly Christian woman being fined and sentenced to community service appears later in the post. Read the rest.

SURVEY: Immigrants More Open to Public Assistance Than U.S.-Born Citizens.

“The [Survey of Income Program Participation] shows that households headed by immigrants use welfare at significantly higher rates than natives, even higher than indicated by other Census surveys,” said Steven Camarota, a director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“Overall we found that in 2012 of all immigrants, legal and illegal, 51 percent of households accessed one or more of the major welfare programs, typically two or three at a time,” he said. Less than one-third, or 30 percent of native-born households used at least one welfare program in 2012.

Immigrants use food assistance programs and Medicaid at much higher rates than those born in the United States. Forty percent of foreign-born households use food programs, compared to 22 percent of native-born Americans, and 42 percent of foreign-born households use Medicaid compared to 23 percent of natives.

Immigrants continue to use government assistance programs years after arrival. Forty-eight percent of immigrant families have accessed welfare after two decades of being in the United States.

PRIORITIES: Secret Policy Kept Social Media Out of Visa Vetting. “Fearing a civil liberties backlash and ‘bad public relations’ for the Obama administration, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson refused in early 2014 to end a secret U.S. policy that prohibited immigration officials from reviewing the social media messages of all foreign citizens applying for U.S. visas, a former senior department official said.”

UPDATE: More: Fury at secret US policy that BANNED visa officials from looking at terrorist wife’s social media – where she openly boasted about jihad – because the Obama administration feared ‘bad public relations’.

Cohen, who left DHS in June 2014, said he and other U.S. officials had pressed for the policy change that year but it was opposed by top officials with the DHS Office of Civil Liberties and the Office of Privacy.

‘Immigration, security, law enforcement officials recognized at the time that it was important to more extensively review public social media postings because they offered potential insights into whether somebody was an extremist or potentially connected to a terrorist organization or a supporter of the movement,’ said Cohen.

A former senior counter-terrorism official said that it was shocking that DHS had not leveraged the power of social media.

‘They felt looking at public postings [of foreign U.S. visa applicants] was an invasion of their privacy,’ the official said.

‘The arguments being made were, and are still, in bad faith,’ the official added.

CULTURAL EMPOORMENT: School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance.

New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of teachers and parents. . . .

A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays.”

Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or Hispanic. . . .

In a memo to staff this month, PS 169 business manager Johanna Bjorken added: “In case you are wondering about grey areas: Santa Claus is considered an ‘other religious figure.’ ”

Multiculturalism is really just monoculturalism. Different holidays means no holidays–except those approved by leftists, such as Labor Day, MLK Jr. Day, and Cesar Chavez Day. Many symbols means no symbols–except those approved by leftists, such as the rainbow, the hammer-and-sickle, and the Obama campaign logo. A variety of religious figures means no religious figures–except those approved by the left, such as Rosa Parks, Che Guevara, and Nelson Mandela. Diversity means giving up everything that is yours, and being permitted only an identity–with its attendant holy days, icons, and saints–assigned to you by leftists.

Related: Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’:

According to the Reuters survey, 58 percent Americans say they “don’t identify with what America has become.” While Republicans and Independents are the most likely to agree with this statement, even 45 percent of Democrats share this feeling.

More than half of Americans, 53 percent, say they “feel like a stranger” in their own country. A minority of Americans feel “comfortable as myself” in the country.

A DREAMER’S ACT OF LOVE: Honduran Sexual Predator Caught Illegally Re-Entering Texas Shortly After Deportation.

On the day of his arrest, Portillo Escobar told the agents that he had entered the country illegally on December 7 near the border city of Hidalgo. Once in custody, agents carried out a records check on Portillo Escobar and discovered that the illegal alien had been deported on October 20 through New Orleans. . . .

Court records show that he was convicted in Virginia on the charge of “carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 14” that same year and received a three year sentence, however two of those years were suspended leading up to his deportation this year and his return to the United States, 47 days later. Portillo is listed as a registered sex offender in Virginia.

STRATEGY: The American Elite Hates America, so take that into account when you notice who is praised and who is condemned by the elites.

If you are to accept my argument that the cultural and political elite hates America, we must logically conclude that an individual or idea that is supported by the establishment also hates America, or at least pushes an agenda that will certainly lead to America’s decline. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a favorable light, that person hates America. If they report on a specific public policy in a favorable light, it will lead to America’s destruction. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a negative light, they love America, or at least promotes ideas that would lead to a stronger America. . . .

I’m taking notes on who is attacked in the media and who is not. If they are attacked, that must mean their ideas threaten the establishment, so I will either become their allies or at least not attack them myself. For example, . . . white nationalists are being roundly attacked through the proxy of Donald Trump. Therefore the latter group must have at least some ideas which strengthen America.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Inside Britain’s Sharia courts: There are now EIGHTY-FIVE Islamic courts dispensing ‘justice’ across the UK. “Written by Machteld Zee, a Dutch academic, the controversial, 200-page Choosing Sharia carries a detailed description of events that Zee claims took place over three days in 2013, when she was allowed to observe goings-on in two of Britain’s busiest Sharia courts, or councils.”

SWEDEN: Shambles in Asylum Heaven.

No journalist in the mainstream media seems to have discovered that the new border controls — implemented because the government evidently decided there is “a serious threat to public order and safety in the country” — have had no discernible effect. . . .

As noted last month, . . . to avoid having to show any papers, a terrorist going to Sweden to commit acts of terror only has to tell the border police he is seeking asylum. . . .

One of the Border Police at the Öresund Bridge (between Denmark and Sweden) . . . said, it is rare that someone refuses to show identification or apply for asylum, and thus be turned down.

“The truth is that persons with evil intent know exactly what to do when they come here,” he said.

“That information spreads like wildfire. These new border controls are there for the sole purpose of reassuring the public. They have absolutely no effect on the influx of migrants. The public is given a completely erroneous picture of what we are doing. They do not understand that we spend enormous amounts of time checking Swedish and Danish commuters. If we do not, the press goes crazy and starts screaming about discrimination.

“It seems as if those in power do not want the people who are here illegally to be deported. They give them free health care, free dental care, and schooling for their children. It is mixed messages all the time. I think they need to make up their minds about what they want. These controls mean nothing. They are just a formality to make everything look good and avoid discriminating against anyone. We should put our time and effort where they are needed.”

EXPERT VETTING: U.S. Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media.

Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by American immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. None uncovered what Ms. Malik had made little effort to hide — that she talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.

She said she supported it. And she said she wanted to be a part of it. . . .

Had the authorities found the posts years ago, they might have kept her out of the country. But immigration officials do not routinely review social media as part of their background checks, and there is a debate inside the Department of Homeland Security over whether it is even appropriate to do so.

Related: Liberal MSNBC host stumps panel; can’t state better immigration plan than Trump’s.

WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS: Hispanic activists vow to flood voter rolls with 1 million immigrants, punish Trump, GOP at polls. Meanwhile, the GOP establishment vows to flood the country with many more millions of immigrants to further punish the natives for not bending over backwards to appease their conquerors.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: “Minnesota man” accused of threatening FBI agents on social media.

Khaalid Adam Abdulkadir, 19, posted two separate threats on Twitter after the arrest of his friend, Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, 20, of Eagan, according to a criminal complaint. He was charged with one felony count of impending and retaliating against a federal law enforcement officer. . . .

An affidavit from an FBI agent . . . claims Abdulkadir was in contact via Twitter with a Minnesota man, Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, also known as “Miski,” who left in 2008 to join the extremist group Al-Shabaab in Somalia and was known for tweeting jihadist comments. The messages they exchanged in January indicated Abdulkadir was interested in getting to Syria, the affidavit says. . . .

In January, the affidavit says, Abdulkadir also “liked” an old tweet posted by Hanad Mohallim, a former Minnesotan who the affidavit says was reportedly killed in November 2014 while fighting for ISIS in Syria. And it says he exchanged messages via Facebook in May 2015 with Abdi Nur, a Minnesota man who traveled to Syria a year earlier to fight for the group, showing “an aspiration” by Abdulkadir to travel to Syria to be with him.

The affidavit also alleges Abdulkadir was part of a group of young men who videotaped a deputy U.S. marshal from about two feet away through a window on the ground floor of the federal courthouse in Minneapolis after the initial court appearance of one of six men arrested April 18 on charges of conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State.

Roughly 22 young men have left Minnesota since 2007 to join Al-Shabaab in Somalia; about a dozen Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to join jihadist groups there since late 2013.

DREAMER: Illegal Immigrant from United Arab Emirates Arrested in FL for Possession of Ammunition.

According to a complaint, 25-year-old Hamid Mohamed Ahmed Ali Rehaif had been living at a hotel in Melbourne[, Florida] for 53 days, checking out each morning and checking back into the hotel each evening. He further had paid over $11,000 in cash for room fees.

Rehaif admitted [PDF] to investigators that he had several firearms in his possession, and had fired them at two local gun ranges, but claimed he’d recently sold or disposed of the weapons. . . .

The complaint notes that Rehaif was admitted to the U.S. on a student visa in 2013. He was enrolled at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida but was dismissed in the fall of last year. He failed to leave the country within 30 days of the end of his student status. By failing to leave Rehaif became an illegal immigrant.

Related, from November: Rand Paul Slams Marco Rubio In Florida On Immigration After Paris Attacks.

The 9/11 attackers were “on student visas or overstayed their visas” and “two of them were on the watch list,” said Paul.

He targeted Rubio as blocking his amendment in the 2013 bipartisan comprehensive immigration plan to require fingerprinting, background checks and extensive scrutiny of people coming into the United States.

“I introduced my amendment to the immigration bill. Unfortunately, I got some opposition. Your senator, in fact, opposed me on this. I tried to pass something that I think was a conservative proposition to the immigration bill that would’ve had more scrutiny for refugees, for visitors and for students,” the Republican presidential candidate told the crowd of Florida GOP activists.

Reminder, from October: Exclusive: Marco Rubio Fails To Support Single GOP Immigration Enforcement Bill. (more…)

RASMUSSEN: Voters Like Trump’s Proposed Muslim Ban.

Despite an international uproar and condemnation by President Obama and nearly all of those running for the presidency, Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims coming to the United States has the support of a sizable majority of Republicans – and a plurality of all voters.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 66% of Likely Republican Voters favor a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States until the federal government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists from coming here. Just 24% oppose the plan, with 10% undecided.

Among all voters, 46% favor a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, while 40% are opposed. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

LOVE WINS: Sharp rise in HIV diagnoses among black and Latino gay youth.

The report found that the steepest increases in HIV diagnoses were in black and Latino youth between the ages of 13 and 24.

Men who have sex with men account for 67 percent of HIV-positive Americans. For black men in this group, the diagnoses rose 22 percent; for Latino men, the figure has increased by almost a quarter.

ON PREVENTING Muslim immigration:

If instead calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration, Trump had called for a 30% reduction, what would the reactions have been? I suspect they would’ve been virtually indistinguishable from the apoplectic reactions what he called for set off. The idea of restricting immigration, in any degree, from a group that has put Europe’s existential crisis in stark relief and that is at least 100 times as likely to commit fatal acts of terrorism in the US as non-Muslims are is–well, was!–off the table. . . .

The US is one of the most xenophilic countries in the world. In absolute terms, it takes in more immigrants than any other nation on earth. It is one of a handful of countries with birthright citizenship. It has 21 different guest worker programs in operation.

Yet taking a step in the direction of the rest of the world is considered extremist, while pushing the xenophilic extreme even further is the mark of a moderate!

ERIC POSNER: Is An Immigration Ban On Muslims Unconstitutional? “Probably not. The Supreme Court has held consistently, for more than a century, that constitutional protections that normally benefit Americans and people on American territory do not apply when Congress decides who to admit and who to exclude as immigrants or other entrants. This is called the plenary power doctrine. The Court has repeatedly turned away challenges to immigration statutes and executive actions on grounds that they discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, and political belief, and that they deprive foreign nationals of due process protections. While the Court has not ruled on religious discrimination, it has also never given the slightest indication that religion would be exempt from the general rule.”

Related: Steve Sailer: State Department Already Has Religious Tests for Refugees.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Report: Man accused of kidnapping, terrorizing, and sexual assault uttered “Allah Akbar,” during assault.

According to court documents Ali forced a woman working at Gordy’s Travel Plaza into the women’s bathroom, locked the door behind him and started assaulting her in the center of the room naked.

When law enforcement arrived they began striking the door with a closed fist and yelling loudly, “open the door now,” according to documents. Officers also began to kick in the door around 20 times and yelling, “Are there any weapons?” At that time officers heard Ali say “She is my wife.”

UPDATE: He’s Somali.

The court provided an Arabic translator to relay a verbatim of the charges; however, it was apparent Ali did comprehend at least some English as he did directly address the judge’s questions several times.

But even after all that effort upon the conclusion of the hearing, the prosecutor learned Ali’s native tongue is Somali.

UK: Convert who protested outside Parliament over Syrian airstrikes with poster saying ‘I am a Muslim… do you trust me enough for a hug?’ now faces jail for threatening to bomb MP’s house.

DEATH WISH: U.S. Issued 680,000 Green Cards To Migrants From Muslim Nations Over The Last Five Years.

Among those receiving green cards are individuals admitted to the United States as refugees, who must apply for adjustment to Lawful Permanent Resident (green card) status within 1 year of admission. Refugees have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services; these costs are not offset.

680,000 is not an estimate of total migration, as it does not include temporary migrants who return home, nor is it an estimate of population change, as it does not include births or deaths, among other considerations. Assuming no change in visa policy, the U.S. can expect to give green cards to another 680,000 more migrants from these countries over the next five years. A green card entitles recipients to access federal benefits, lifetime residency, work authorization, and a direct route to becoming a U.S. citizen.

The numbers could be higher still: Census Bureau data shows migration from the Middle East to be one of the fastest-growing categories.

ANN COULTER: San Bernardino Shooters A Lot Like Other Mass Shooters.

The media use their own lack of coverage as proof that mass murder by non-whites almost never happens. It’s exactly what they’re doing to Donald Trump over his claim that a lot of Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attack.

At the time, normal people were enraged that the media refused to cover the Muslim reaction to 9/11, all while lavishing endless column inches on a non-existent “backlash” against Muslims.

But now these journalist-referees turn around and insist that the only acceptable proof that Muslims cheered the 9/11 attack is the existence of the very media coverage that they obstinately refused to provide.

There’s a reason most people trust their own recollections over media reports.

Related: Steve Sailer: New “New Yorker” Cover Reveals the Real Shooters in San Berdoo.

Earlier: Debunking the Myth that Most Mass Murderers are White. (This post also covers mass shooters specifically.)

FRANCE: Ammunition, IS propaganda found after mosque closure.

Associated with the traditionalist Salafist branch of Islam, it is the third mosque in France to be closed after the coordinated jihadist attacks on Paris on November 13.

The prefect — the highest representative of the state — in the Seine-and-Marne department said Sunday “7.62mm ammunition for a Kalashnikov rifle and propaganda videos” for the Islamic State group had been found in raids linked to the closure of the prayer hall. . . .

A revolver and jihadist documents were also found during searches at the homes of the mosque leaders, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said previously.

A total of 22 travel bans and nine house arrests for “radicalised individuals” have been issued as a result of the operation.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra”, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

The recordings were found among a wealth of teaching material for youngsters in an undeclared madrassa, or religious school.

OF COURSE: Former FBI Counterterrorism Agent: We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11.

Guandolo, who pointed out on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily that a “vast majority” of U.S. mosques and Islamic centers are a part of a much larger “jihadi network,” told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that though Muslim community leaders “certainly give the air as if they are helping,” if one looks at the “major Islamic organizations, the major Islamic centers in the United States,” they have “condemned all of the counter-terrorism policies and they’ve gotten the government to kowtow to them, to turn only to them for advice.”

“And what advice do they give them?” Guandolo asked. “That Islam doesn’t stand for this and that everything you’re doing is the reason for what happened—9/11 is your fault because of your policies.”

DOG BITES MAN: 72 employees at DHS on terror watch list. Here’s a quotatiom from a congressman at that post: “Back in August, we did an investigation – the inspector general did – of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security. The director had to resign because of that. Then we went further and did [an] eight-airport investigation. We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the Department of Homeland Security screening process at major airports. They had a 95-percent failure rate. We had folks – this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95-percent failure rate.”

SCIENCE: Sex Differences in Furniture Assembly Performance: An Experimental Study. “Our results showed that men assembled the furniture faster (d = 0.78) and more accurately (d = 0.65) than women. Overall, participants performed better with step-by-step instructions than without (d = 0.61), and the time spent on instructions was negatively related to MRT scores, r = −.428, p = .006. Aside from the time spent on instructions, women assembled the furniture nearly as fast as men did, and the sex difference in assembly score could be explained by differences in individual spatial ability.”