COLLAPSE of the Stupid Party.
What looks like political debate is really just the call and response one would see in a black church. The Progressive wing does the call and the Conservative wing does the response. . . .
Republicans . . . exist not as an ideological alternative to Progressives, but as a mild critique of the Progressive wing. . . .
On the one hand, the party needs to win elections and that means appealing to those rubes they detest. On the other hand, they are compelled by tradition and sentiment to appeal to their analogs in the other party. As the Chinese say, a man who chases two rabbits catches none. In the case of the GOP, they just look like feckless idiots.
An hilarious example is conservative media darling Marco Rubio. . . .
Rubio gets by on his looks and charm, which is fine if you’re selling Cadillacs in Boca Raton, but it is a liability when trying to run for President in these crisis times for the party.
That’s why Rubio skipped the vote on the budget bill. There’s no safe answer so he spent the day playing Halo and listening to hip-hop. That non-vote just ended his career as a politician. Who will vote for him now?