DEADBEAT: Mom who left baby to die in dumpster sentenced to 20 years.

Patel never went to a doctor about a pregnancy she tried to keep to herself, and tried to end by herself with prescription abortion drugs she purchased off the internet.

When that attempted abortion instead resulted in a live birth, Patel “treated the child, literally, as a piece of trash,” said St. Joseph Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Hurley, who said Patel had “abused her position of trust.” . . .

Judge Hurley actually sentenced Patel to 30 years on the child neglect charge and six years on the Feticide count. Both sentences will run concurrently. 10 years of the child neglect sentence was suspended, and five years of probation added to the mix. Patel’s effective sentence of 20 years will be served under a set of old guidelines that allow for one day’s worth of good time credit for each day served. That means Patel’s time behind bars could be trimmed to as little as 10 years.

Expect people to make hay of the (attempted?) feticide charge, even though it adds nothing to the sentence for child neglect, and would never have been pursued in the first place had it not been for the live birth. Expect fundraising and lobbying for “the right to choose” to come out of this, a case of a mother leaving her child to die in the trash. “Choice” isn’t about bodily autonomy; it’s about the right to a dead baby.

ANN COULTER: “Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story.”

Here’s a time-saver: Whenever one of these conscience-shocking stories is promoted to front-page status by The New York Times and involves:

— police brutality;
— the environment;
— a campus rape; or
— gays;

… you can be pretty confident it’s a hoax. As the saying goes, it didn’t happen until it’s reported by The New York Times, and not even then. . . .

Do not assume that because liberals are in an absolute panic over Indiana’s law, they must have a point. To the contrary, the more hysterical they are, the more you should assume the whole story is a sham.

HEH: Michael Moore makes movie criticizing corporate welfare using $845K in corporate welfare from the Michigan Film Office.

IF I HAD A SON, he would look like Anthony. The initial tweet can be found here. One reporter’s take can be found here.

THE NEW TOLERANCE: High School Coach: Anyone Want to Help Me ‘Burn Down’ the Pizzeria That Won’t Cater Gay Weddings? “For the record, I think that refusing to cater someone’s wedding based on their sexual orientation is the wrong thing to do — especially since I’m not familiar with any religion that forbids you from selling pizza to gay people.”

Can conservatives please stop including such unnecessary status-signaling remarks in their discussions about these things? Yes, you’re enlightened, unlike the unwashed redneck masses. Yes, of course choosing not to do business with someone for some reason you think unimportant and misguided is not just stupid, but immoral. We get it. You’re with the cool kids.

Back to the article:

Still, I stand firm in my belief that burning people’s property down when you disagree with them is never the answer.

So refusing to cater some event is “wrong,” but destroying someone’s livelihood via arson is just “never the answer.” Moral condemnation is reserved for the true bigots, those who have doubleplusungood opinions and do no harm, not those who destroy property over those opinions. Good to see National Review standing against contemporary leftism!

Notably, there wasn’t even a refusal to cater any actual event. The owner of the shop simply responded to a hypothetical from a reporter whose news station wanted to make a splash: Story About First Business to ‘Publicly Vow to Reject Gay Weddings’ Was Fabricated Out of Nothing. “Not only did ABC-57 manufacture the story with an ambush interview, it then doubled-down by making the reaction to the story into another story to give the sense of momentum, as if it were growing at its own impetus.”

GRRL POWER: Virginia: Prisoner takes gun from female security guard, escapes, and is later captured. “At 3 a.m. this morning, Assaye overpowered a female security guard at the hospital and took her gun, Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler said today after Assaye was captured.”

Earlier: Steve Sailer: Female Secret Service Bodyguard Not as Awesome at Hand to Hand Combat as You Might Expect from Watching TV.

COOL: Anglo Saxon remedy kills hospital superbug MRSA. “The potion was tested on scraps of skin taken from mice infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This is an antibiotic-resistant version of the bacteria that causes styes, more commonly known as the hospital superbug MRSA. The potion killed 90 per cent of the bacteria. Vancomycin, the antibiotic generally used for MRSA, killed about the same proportion when it was added to the skin scraps.”

SO WE THOUGHT: Comedy is not supposed to be a “safe space.” “That’s what’s so special about it. The implicit permission to offend is what distinguishes it from other forms of communication and makes it a unique part of our cultural dialogue that we can’t afford to lose.”

But there is no “permission” to offend. It’s just that people are distracted by humor, and think that comedy is about getting laughs rather than pushing a message. Unfortunately, SJWs are humorless and think that everything is about pushing a message.

NYC councilwoman: It might be ‘beneficial’ to assign public housing by ethnic group.

A Brooklyn city councilwoman wants to know why “blocs” of Asians are living in two Fort Greene housing projects — and suggested it would be “beneficial” to assign housing by ethnic group. . . .

Cumbo issued an apology, saying she only wanted to know if the New York City Housing Authority “uses a cultural preference priority component” in picking tenants.

NYCHA Chair Shola Olatoye said it did not, and noted its vacancy rate is less than 1 percent, making such an influx nearly impossible.

Still, Cumbo told The Post, “There could be some benefit to housing people by culture . . . I think it needs to be discussed.”

But she’s black, so this won’t be big news.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: 84% of people charged for serious crimes in Copenhagen are immigrants. (The link is to a Google-translation of this article.)

Related: Refugees[‘] war trauma makes their children criminals. (This is a Google-translation of this article from 2009.) “According to the latest figures from Statistics Denmark[,] criminality among refugees and their descendants [is] 73 per cent. higher than for the male population as a whole, even after taking into account their socio-economic background.”

SUCKERS: Lawsuits Say Protein Powders Lack Protein, Ripping Off Athletes.

How can companies get away with spiking their products with fillers? By taking an indirect measure of protein.

Protein content on food product labels is often measured by how much nitrogen shows up in the food. Free form amino acids, as well as substances like creatine monohydrate, show up containing nitrogen just like regular, complete protein. But the average, reasonable consumer won’t know the difference or know how to distinguish the two. If a label claims 100% protein and boasts 30 grams of protein, reasonable consumers won’t likely assume that a chunk of that advertised protein is comprised of cheaper amino acids rather than the complete protein they’re shopping for.

Earlier: What’s In Those Supplements?

GOOD TO KNOW: Statins May Increase the Risk of Parkinson’s.

A large study that took 20 years and involved nearly 16,000 people took a close look at the effects of cholesterol on brain and nervous system health. The study showed a link between people who took statins and their risk for nervous system problems later in life. The researchers found that patients that took prescription medicines intended to lower their cholesterol, were twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s later in life compared to patients that did not take the drugs.

Also, stop worrying so much about cholesterol:

This study dovetails nicely with the recent updates to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Every five years, the Department of Health and Human Services, along with the Department of Agriculture, issues a federal publication that has far-reaching implications on what we eat, how doctors advise their patient’s to eat, and even how companies advertise their products. The new 2015 revision has one bullet in particular has been getting a lot of attention – “Cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”

Previously, it was recommended that Americans limit the amount of cholesterol in their diet to decrease their risk for heart disease and atherosclerosis and take statins to reduce their blood levels of cholesterol. In direct contradiction to these recommendations, it’s been found through numerous studies that dietary cholesterol does not increase the levels of cholesterol in your blood or your risk for heart disease, heart attack or stroke. As a result of these misguided recommendations, people stopped eating egg yolks, one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and probably the best source of choline – an important nutrient for brain, nervous system and liver health.

Earlier: Proven Health Benefits of Eggs.

DELICATE FLOWERS: Student Barred From Class For Disputing Rape Statistics.

At least one student thinks giving True the boot was the right move, saying that True’s statements somehow represented a safety hazard.

“This is an excellent example of a professor taking initiative to take care of his students,” senior Rosie Dempsey told BuzzFeed. “Of course, we are an institution that encourages dissent and active discussion, but there is a difference between stimulating discussion through opposition and making other students feel unsafe.”

Another student said that True’s ouster was necessary because he was “triggering” other students, suggesting that True was so bothersome he was activating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in others.

“Rape culture is indisputable and [True’s] words and actions are deeply upsetting. They’ve retraumatized and triggered survivors, and that seems antithetical to Reed culture,” said junior Kate Hilts.

DELICATE FLOWERS: A personal account of how call out culture has harmed teaching.

I would not get fired for pissing off a Republican, so long as I did so respectfully, and so long as it happened in the course of legitimate classroom instruction.

The same cannot be said of liberal students. All it takes is one slip—not even an outright challenging of their beliefs, but even momentarily exposing them to any uncomfortable thought or imagery—and that’s it, your classroom is triggering, you are insensitive, kids are bringing mattresses to your office hours and there’s a twitter petition out demanding you chop off your hand in repentance. . . .

Since no reasonable person wants to put their livelihood in danger, we reasonably do not take any risks vis-a-vis momentarily upsetting liberal students. And so we leave upsetting truths unspoken, uncomfortable texts unread.

DELICATE FLOWERS: In College and Hiding From Scary Ideas.

At one point she went to the lecture hall — it was packed — but after a while, she had to return to the safe space. “I was feeling bombarded by a lot of viewpoints that really go against my dearly and closely held beliefs,” Ms. Hall said. . . .

But the notion that ticklish conversations must be scrubbed clean of controversy has a way of leaking out and spreading. Once you designate some spaces as safe, you imply that the rest are unsafe. It follows that they should be made safer. . . .

Universities are in a double bind. They’re required by two civil-rights statutes, Title VII and Title IX, to ensure that their campuses don’t create a “hostile environment” for women and other groups subject to harassment. However, universities are not supposed to go too far in suppressing free speech, either. If a university cancels a talk or punishes a professor and a lawsuit ensues, history suggests that the university will lose. But if officials don’t censure or don’t prevent speech that may inflict psychological damage on a member of a protected class, they risk fostering a hostile environment and prompting an investigation. As a result, students who say they feel unsafe are more likely to be heard than students who demand censorship on other grounds.

THE STATE OWNS YOUR CHILDREN: Arkansas: Kids Who Spent Two Months in State Custody to Return Home on Trial Basis.

Although it has not been announced publicly why the children were removed and still remain in state custody after two months, an affidavit written by deputy Wright, which was somehow obtained by Arkansas political commentator Wilson Kanaday, states a few causes for concern . . .

Although the children might not have ever seen a doctor in their lives, Kanaday asserts that there is no law regulating how frequently children need to see a doctor. Additionally, he mentioned a local media interview featuring the Stanley’s 19-year-old son, Christopher, who claims that the children were adequately cared for through their parents[‘] own treatments.

The affidavit also lists “physical abuse” and alleges that Hal spanked his kids with a thick paddle and at one point it broke on one of them.

“Corporal punishment using a paddle to punish children is a legal form of discipline in the state of Arkansas,” Kanaday stated earlier in the segment. . . . “When the mobile medical assessment [unit] looked at the children, they were found healthy and they showed no signs of abuse.” . . .

The affidavit . . . mentions the fact that the kids were homeschooled . . . but did not have an “accredited homeschool curriculum.”

“There is no such thing as an accredited homeschool curriculum,” Kanday asserts.

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association’s analysis for Arkansas [PDF] makes no mention of requirements for homeschool curricula.

Note that the children were taken from their parents because some official had “concerns,” ones that had little if any basis in law.

CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS: Criminal sentencing: Do women get off easy?

Related: Research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases. “Prof. Starr’s recent paper, ‘Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases,’ looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, ‘men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do,’ and ‘[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.’ This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.”

GOOD TO KNOW: Scientists Confirm Institute of Medicine Recommendation for Vitamin D Intake Was Miscalculated and Is Far Too Low.

Both these studies suggest that the IOM underestimated the requirement substantially,” said Garland. “The error has broad implications for public health regarding disease prevention and achieving the stated goal of ensuring that the whole population has enough vitamin D to maintain bone health.”

The recommended intake of vitamin D specified by the IOM is 600 IU/day through age 70 years, and 800 IU/day for older ages. “Calculations by us and other researchers have shown that these doses are only about one-tenth those needed to cut incidence of diseases related to vitamin D deficiency,” Garland explained.

Robert Heaney, M.D., of Creighton University wrote: “We call for the NAS-IOM and all public health authorities concerned with transmitting accurate nutritional information to the public to designate, as the RDA, a value of approximately 7,000 IU/day from all sources.”

BYRON YORK: Silenced workers who lost jobs to H-1B visa abuse (quietly) speak out. One laid-off IT worker’s statement reads, “I voted for President Obama and was appalled that he implemented a rule change, which allows work permits to H-1B spouses. My future votes will only go to candidates that support reforms to the H-1B visa program that preserve the American worker.”

UM: New NYC ‘Adult Preschool’ Costs a Pretty Penny. “People come here and get in touch with their inner child. It’s magical.”

ILLINOIS: Judge Throws Out Case Against UIC Student Accused of Rape After “Fifty Shades of Grey” Sex Romp. “The judge had several questions of her own. Chiampas asked if the woman had said anything to Hossain when he bound her wrists or while he allegedly sexually assaulted her. She answered no to both questions.”

STUDY: Breastfeeding duration and non-verbal IQ in children. “The association between breastfeeding and child IQ can be largely explained by sociodemographic factors, parental lifestyle and maternal IQ. Our results cannot confirm beneficial effects of breastfeeding on child intelligence.”

CHANGE: GOP Anti-Spenders At Work: After $45 Billion In Wasted Amtrak Subsidies, House Approves $7 Billion More. “Despite generous taxpayer subsidies, Amtrak has run operating losses every year since it began operating in 1971. Although these losses are declining, in 2014, the railroad reported what it described as a ‘strong‘ [PDF] result, with an operating loss of only $227 million.”

THE NEW TOLERANCE: Navy forces chaplain to choose between faith and job.

Fahs wrote that Modder was relieved of his duties because he failed to “uphold the core capabilities of chaplains” – specifically “under the core capability of ‘care,’ you have the duty to be sensitive to the religious, spiritual, moral, cultural and personal difference of those you serve.”

“Your inability to comfort and counsel in a manner that was respectful of the counselee while maintaining dignity and professionalism…led to you being relieved of your duties,” he wrote. . . .

Modder’s troubles started shortly after a married gay officer was assigned to be his assistant. The young officer had been working for the chaplain for about a month when he began peppering him with questions about homosexuality. Not too long afterwards, the officer filed a five-page complaint – clearly upset about Modder’s views on same-sex relationships and homosexuality.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Mickey Kaus Quits DAILY CALLER–Bookmark “Neo-liberal immigration skeptic Mickey Kaus has quit the Daily Caller after Tucker Carlson pulled a column about Fox.”

“MICHAEL SAM started out as a symbol, and ended up as a product.” “This is exactly what the NFL GMs and coaches feared. It was not that Sam couldn’t play, which was proven in training camp, but that his value as a player came with a host of negatives along with it . . . [, e.g.,] the media baggage. The media exacerbated this in the effort to find a gay guy who doesn’t act like every other gay guy in America. They created a circus for his life, and proved every Sam doubter right.”

JANET BLOOMFIELD: “Pedo-hysteria has absolutely nothing to do with ‘protecting’ children and everything to do with demonizing male sexuality.”

It is perfectly natural for adult humans to find other adult humans who have matured to the point that secondary sex characteristics are visible, sexually attractive. Germaine Greer herself had no problem perving out on extremely young men and most of North America continues to turn a blind eye to women who sample very young men sexually.

The hysterics only come out when men are involved, and generally only when those men are heterosexual. Gay men seem to get a pass when it comes to “protecting children” from dangerous male sexuality.

STUDY: The Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury Among Young Offenders in Custody: A Systematic Review. “Reported prevalence rates of brain injury among incarcerated youth range from 16.5% to 72.1%, with a rate of 100% reported among a sample of young people sentenced to death. This suggests considerable levels of need among incarcerated young people. Where control groups or directly comparable studies within the general population exist, there is strong and consistent evidence of a prevalence of TBI among incarcerated youth that is substantially greater than that in the general population. This disparity is seemingly more pronounced as the severity of the injury increases.”

AARON CLAREY explains what it means for the U.S. dollar to be a “world reserve currency.”

Not only do we get to buy everything in the world, but nearly all of our financial sins are bought and paid for by the work and toil of others.

Consider two countries – Greece and the United States.

Both have unsupportable debts.
Both run chronic deficits.
Both have increasingly lazy and slothful people.
Both support their parasites over their producers.
And both are headed up by spoiled socialist children incomprehensibly ignorant of economics.

So how is it Greece is going through tumult and chaos, while the US is enjoying is getting away scot-free?

Well, perhaps a chart will help.

REVERSE REVERSE RACISM: Sweden rapped for ‘too white’ company boards.

Adam Cwejman, a spokesperson for the liberal Think Tank Timbro offered a completely different perspective, telling The Local he believed the entire debate had been framed in a language that could serve to further encourage racism.

“The term ethnic diversity is en vogue in Sweden right now and it is being pushed around a lot by anti-racists and democrats but there are some hidden problems when talking about this issue,” he said.

“They think they are correcting some implicit discrimination by calling for more foreign workers but at the same time this is basically suggesting that people from outside of Sweden have some kind of intrinsic value just by being non-Swedes. In a way this reinforces the image of non-Swedes being somewhat different.”

The trick, then, is to favor non-whites over whites but without appearing to call attention to differences:

He argued that companies should instead focus more on recruiting and developing staff with more diverse “skills and experiences”.

“An ethnic background may not say anything about a person. What we really need is more colour blindness,” he said.

Wouldn’t “colour blindness” demand not noticing that there are supposedly too many whites on company boards?

ALICE DREGER: We are seeing more attacks on academic freedom.

In many cases, charges of allegedly improper ethical behavior made against controversial researchers turn out to hold little water.

I found this out after spending a year of research on each of two major controversies. The first involved a controversy over a book about male-to-female transgenderism by Northwestern psychology researcher J. Michael Bailey. Angry that Bailey suggested their transitions from male to female might be as much about erotic interests as gender identity, a group of supposedly-progressive transgender women accused him of all sorts of serious ethics violations. These included conducting human subjects research without approval from an institutional review board (IRB), practicing psychology without a license, and having sex with a research subject. The second occurred when a group of liberal anthropologists charged two major researchers, Napoleon Chagnon and the late James Neel, with engaging in genocide in South America in the 1960s. The group, part of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), was upset by Chagnon’s sociobiological claims about “human nature.” In both cases, the evidence did not support the charges, but Bailey and Chagnon . . . spent a great deal of resources defending themselves and nearly had their careers permanently ruined.

Dreger does diservice to her case by lumping these examples in with threats to withhold public funding. Scientists and other academics should just stop relying on public funds.

ACT OF LOVE: Border Patrol: Increase in Sex Offenders Crossing the Border. “Agents cannot say why more sex offenders are attempting to cross. They often try to travel to the U.S. to avoid legal repercussions for the crimes they committed in their home countries.”

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Roma gipsy girls as young as 12 are being ‘forced to live in arranged marriages in scandal-hit Rotherham’.

UM: Sweden’s national job agency fires its entire network of ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ over fears they were finding them jobs – as ISIS militants.

‘We have received indication that there have been instances of recruitment attempts or contact-making situations related to various militant fighting groups,’ Arbetsformedlingen’s general director Mikael Sjöberg told Expressen.

A spokesman for the state job agency said Saturday that the alleged recruitment drive might be linked to the Islamic State.

CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: UK: Police Cover-up Of Child Sex Abuse In Sheffield ‘Bigger Than Rotherham’.

The revelation by the former officer, who served for thirty years, could be yet another in a long line of emerging child sex scandals in predominantly northern English cities with sizeable Pakistani populations. . . .

A Sheffield city council employee tasked with tracking child sex abuse has claimed almost 700 children were referred to the police in just two years, but not a single prosecution was made on the back of the information passed to the police.

Retired constable Tony Brooks has come forward with the allegations, and has said South Yorkshire Police have long known that girls as young as twelve – putting them into the most serious category of sex abuse – were being raped, but chose not to act on the information they had, effectively creating a cover-up. Claiming 200 girls were reported to have been abused in just a three year period in the city, he told the BBC “The size of the exploitation was massive in Sheffield.

“We offered to form a unit to continue the work – we offered to advertise our work so girls would come forward. We were told, ‘it’s not going to happen, return to your districts.”

BACHELOR NATION: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married. “The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. ‘It’s very, very depressing,’ Crouse told ‘They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.'”

I wonder if she’d be willing to say the same thing about single mothers, that they don’t understand how important strong families are. After all, they’re choosing to have children without getting married.

(In the United States in 2013, four out of ten births were to unmarried women, and “only half of all single mothers had ever been married.” And to those who say that the fathers should have “manned up” and married those loose women, one should ask, “Should women who get pregnant after premarital sex expect the men to marry them?” Short answer: No.)

At the very least, these women should be more considerate of the wellbeing of their own children:

When compared with children in intact married homes, children raised by single parents are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems; be physically abused; smoke, drink, and use drugs; be aggressive; engage in violent, delinquent, and criminal behavior; have poor school performance; be expelled from school; and drop out of high school. Many of these negative outcomes are associated with the higher poverty rates of single mothers. In many cases, however, the improvements in child well-being that are associated with marriage persist even after adjusting for differences in family income.

And what about the wellbeing of men? Upon the original article Helen Smith comments, “It seems that Crouse and her crowd are watching too many Say Yes to the Dress episodes. So what matters is that women’s dreams are shattered? What about the bleak prospects for millions of men across the country who get very little legal or psychological protection from marriage?”

In other words, while marriage might be important (in Crouse’s words) “for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation,” it isn’t necessarily good for the individual men whom we expect to get married. Instead of commanding them to take one for the team, maybe we should try making marriage to be something worthwhile for them.

SOUTH AFRICA: Public utility company ordered to lay off 1,081 white engineers and 2,179 “technically skilled” employees. “A top Eskom manager who told Rapport two years ago Eskom was transforming too rapidly, said Saturday, ‘It will be catastrophic if our affirmative action targets now lead to the estrangement of people whose skills we need.'”

Related: South Africa’s Eskom suspends bosses over power shortages.

Eskom, which provides almost all of the electricity in Africa’s most developed economy, has also come under fire in recent months over a seeming lack of maintenance at the country’s power plants.

Economists warn that if the energy problems are not resolved, it could further stunt the country’s growth prospects.

AUSTIN RUSE: GOP Elite Ask Supreme Court To Impose Gay Marriage On America. “The Supreme Court could impose gay marriage on all 50 states, or it could allow the 32 laws in favor of traditional marriage to stand. This brief, along with an earlier one submitted by 300 corporations, makes it clear where elites stand on this issue.”

MARK PERRY: Who’d a-thunk it? There are gender differences among 15-year olds? “Given those significant gender [sic] differences that are consistent among 15-year olds around the world, why would we ever expect perfect gender [sic] parity in college majors, career choices, and earnings?”

HEARTISTE: Marital Egalitarianism Is Bad For Your Sex Life. From the study: “Our findings suggest the importance of gender display for sexual frequency in heterosexual marriage: couples where men participate more in core tasks—work typically done by women—report lower sexual frequency. Similarly, couples where men participate more in non-core, traditionally masculine tasks report higher sexual frequency, suggesting the importance of gender-typed participation in household labor.”

Here’s some commentary from the post:

Sex-traditional division of labor is sexy because, stop the presses, masculinity in men is attractive to women and femininity in women is attractive to men.

Many confounding variables were accounted for in the paper, including overall marital happiness, religion, and sex ideology. None of them mediated the housework-sex frequency interaction.

The study discussed is a few years old (and has been covered elsewhere) but a reminder is welcome.

While men are told to do women’s work in the home, women are discouraged from it, as Vox Day notes: “Let’s not make the same mistake with our daughters and sentence them to a lifetime of bad food, obesity, and culinary frigidity.”

SEEMS APPROPRIATE: High School Principal Excludes White Students From ‘Black Lives Matter’ Event. After all–so someone might argue–aren’t black people the very ones who need to be told not to kill black people? While they’re at it, they can hold a “white lives matter” event at the same time, given the rates of black-on-white violent crimes.

ACT OF LOVE: UK: Nearly 5,000 convicted foreign criminals are still at large in Britain despite government attempts to kick them out.

Dozens are continuing to avoid deportation by claiming they have the human right to a family life in Britain. Recent cases uncovered by The Mail on Sunday include:

– A drunken Lithuanian thug who dragged his ex-girlfriend by her hair and beat her up, and who is now barred from seeing her – but who has been allowed to remain in the country because they have a child;

– A Sri Lankan illegal immigrant who has a string of convictions to his name, including indecent assault, theft and driving offences, who has avoided deportation despite a judge admitting it was a ‘somewhat generous’ decision;

– A Tanzanian fraudster who won his appeal against being sent back to his home country because he does the school run for his children and takes them to their piano lessons

NO RESPECT: US tourists caught carving names into Rome’s Colosseum.

Tourists are once again getting into trouble in Italy, with two American women caught carving their names into Rome’s Colosseum.

The Californians, aged 21 and 25, snuck away from their tour group on Saturday and began scratching their initials into the amphitheatre with a coin. They managed a “J” and an “N” around 8cm high, before taking a selfie with their handiwork.

VOX DAY: The SJW slow-suicide model. “You’d think people would learn, but like the Anglican Church, they just keep doubling-down on failure. And it doesn’t help that the media has been complicit in keeping quiet concerning the main reason for Firefox’s slide. Even in an article focused on ‘an incredibly shrinking Firefox’, there isn’t a single mention of the Eich affair.”

SO MUCH FOR “JUDGMENT FREE”: Planet Fitness cancels woman’s membership after her complaints of transgender woman [sic] in locker room.

Earlier: Planet Fitness Expels Man Wearing Pro-life T-shirt.

See also: Woman Ejected From Planet Fitness Gym for Being “Too Toned”.

YOU DON’T SAY? Black students do better with white teachers than with black teachers. “White teachers get modestly better results from their black students than black teachers do. It might naively be thought that white privilege and systematic oppression of minorities by whites would result in the unfortunate black kids being taught by white racist teachers suffering academically as a result, with black students only able to flourish when instructed by amicable souls who share their racial background. Alas!”

Earlier: Whitey need not apply: Minority teachers needed to increase diversity in Minn. schools.

HMM: Senate Hearing Exposes Billion-Dollar Amnesty Slush Fund and Other USCIS Improprieties. “USCIS [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] has been hoarding fees paid by legal immigrants to subsidize the planned new executive amnesty for an estimated five million illegal aliens and failing to screen applicants adequately to prevent criminal aliens from obtaining benefits. In addition, the agency has created a pathway to citizenship for many of these illegal aliens.”

COOL: Population Of Humans Found To Have Adapted To Arsenic.

An isolated group of people living in the Andes have developed a tolerance to arsenic in their water supply. . . .

Senior author Karin Broberg of Sweden’s Karolinska Institute conducted a study of residents in the northern Argentinean town of San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC). The area is dry and volcanic eruptions have left an arsenic residue that has entered the local water supply. The residents have inadvertently responded by evolving the capacity to methylate arsenic, reducing its toxicity and making it easier to excrete. . . .

Most of the residents of SAC are Native Americans whose ancestors have been in the region for an estimated 11,000 years.

JOHN DERBYSHIRE’S questions for presidential hopefuls:

Refugees, Muslim. Same fact sheet [at Refugee Resettlement Watch], section 15:

In the early 90s the percentage of Muslim refugees was near 0; by 2000 the program was 44% Muslim. The Muslim component decreased after 9/11, but today is back up to about 40% and is set to rise from here.

There are 49 majority-Muslim nations in the world, two of them wealthier than the U.S.A. Should not Muslim refugees be resettled in Muslim nations to minimize culture shock?

NEW BOOK Details Sports ‘Bias in the Booth’. “They just can’t leave you alone to enjoy the game – they have to ‘raise your consciousness.'”