JARED TAYLOR: “Conservatives” Blast Trump.

NR’s sniffing about Mr. Trump not being a conservative highlights the most inexplicable and pathetic thing about “conservatives.” They don’t realize that the one thing that must absolutely be conserved is something they pride themselves on pretending doesn’t matter: the race of people who make what they call conservatism even possible. Do they really believe that Mexicans and Haitians and Guatemalans and Vietnamese and Bangladeshis and Chinese are ever going to be made to care about the Second Amendment or Madisonian democracy or limited government? . . .

What cuckservatives are determined not to understand is that without the historic American people, there is no America, no Western culture, no civilization fit for white men. Anyone who stands for the European people and traditions of America is our comrade, whatever his politics.

Related: Jared Taylor: An Open Letter to Cuckservatives.

Do you love Tchaikovsky? Count the non-whites in the concert hall. Do you yearn for neighborhoods where you can leave the keys in your car? There still are some; just don’t expect them to be “diverse.” Are hunting and firearms part of your heritage? Explain that to Barack Obama or Sonia Sotomayor. Are you a devout Christian? Muslim immigrants despise you and your faith. Do you support Israel? Mexicans, Haitians, Chinese, and Guatemalans don’t.