TEXAS: Major threat to women and minorities as government discrimination against white males might decrease.

A 2011 study prepared for D/FW International Airport found that minority and women-owned professional service subcontractors were already getting more than their share of work. . . .

A 1989 U.S. Supreme Court ruling said minority set aside programs must be supported by current evidence of disparity and not just past evidence of discrimination. [See City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co.]

Dallas County has never completed an availability and disparity study to support the MWBE [Minority/Women Business Enterprise] program it has.

On Tuesday, county commissioners voted to continue the existing MWBE program and extend the deadline to finish a disparity study.

In other words, the local government might find that white men are “underrepresented” and perhaps respond by not actively discriminating against them as much in making government contracts.

So, what’s the headline? “Support for Minority and Women-Owned Businesses Questioned.” And the opening sentence? “New disparity studies could threaten minority and women-owned business enterprise programs that encourage contractors to hire disadvantaged subcontracting firms in North Texas.”