OF COURSE: Resettlement Contractors Lie to Protect Their Franchise. “While some refugees do undergo extensive vetting, most of it relies on various databases available to them. There are no such databases on Syrians. It is a nation in the midst of a civil war, whose government is an enemy of the U.S. If there were any such databases available, FBI Director James Comey would have confirmed this. Instead, he specifically stated the opposite, as did his counterterrorism chief, Michael Steinbach, in testimony before Congress.[See this video.] Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said the prospect of ISIS gaining access to the U.S. through the refugee program is a ‘huge concern.’ Even Jeh Johnson has admitted that they don’t really know who the refugees are. All of those whose job it is to protect our nation from attack have raised a red flag, noting that Syrian refugees cannot be vetted.