CANADA: Hate crimes trial underway in Quesnel, B.C.

Roy Arthur Topham was charged in 2012, after complaints to the RCMP Hate Crimes Unit.

The indictment charges him with two counts of “communicating statements, other than in private conversation, that wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”

The charges arise from articles Topham wrote or posted on his website . . .

The Crown’s expert witness, Len Rudner, has RCMP protection. Rudner is a former long-time staffer with the Canadian Jewish Congress.

Monday in court, Rudner testified that some of the articles written by Topham and posted on his website distorted and demonized Jewish people. Rudner testified Topham’s articles accused “World Jewry” of starting World War II, controlling the media and planning for world domination.

Rudner said Topham’s writing associated Jews with the devil, including Topham’s use of the phrase,”Synagogues of Satan.”

“[Topham] blames Jews for the war on Hitler,” Rudner testified. “There is no global conspiracy. There is no secret kabal of Jews wanting to control the world.”

On these grounds, wouldn’t claims about the Patriarchy (conspiracy of men) and White Privilege (conspiracy of whites) constitute prosecutable hate speech, for “wilfully promot[ing] hatred against an identifiable group”? This man has one web site. The left has the press and schools. But he’s being prosecuted, and they aren’t.