“RE-MARKETING” EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY to avoid triggering leftist academics:

In a study I conducted with my then-undergraduate student, Dan Gambacorta (2010), we found that many people have a strong resistance to accepting the idea of evolved behavioral sex differences. The kinds of people who are so resistant to this idea tended to be people who:

  • Are very politically liberal
  • Are academics (especially in the social sciences)
  • Have no children

These features are often characteristic of academics at many universities and colleges across the nation . . .

So … if EP is to overcome the resistance that it experiences among so many academics, perhaps the movers of the field need to re-market it a bit – emphasizing the fact that EP is NOT ALL ABOUT evolved behavioral sex differences – research on that topic is simply a slice of EP. EP is a way to understand any and all aspects of behavior.

. . . including behaviors with respect to sex differences! (Just don’t say that.)

Note the topics that the leftists are interested in studying: fear of heights, disgust at rotten food, the universal nature of human emotional expression — all very cool subjects, but not nearly as important as sex differences are to our understanding of the organization of human societies and of our everyday interactions with each other, especially in a time of great confusion with regard to the sexes and their relationship of one to the other.

Earlier: How academia’s liberal bias is killing social science.