ANN COULTER: Trump Opponents Take Nuanced View of Child Rape.

All peasant cultures exhibit extremely non-progressive views on women and children. Mexico just happens to have the peasant culture that lives within walking distance of the United States.

According to North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement, illegal immigrants commit hundreds of sex crimes against children in that state every month — 350 in the month of April 2014, 299 in May, and more than 400 sex crimes against children in August and September.

More than 90 percent of the perpetrators are Hispanic. I didn’t know there were that many Hispanics in North Carolina! When not providing North Carolina farmers with cheap labor, immigrant workers seem to spend all their free time raping little girls. (It’s a wonder they find the time to do all that drunk driving.)

These websites aren’t even counting legal immigrants. It’s bad enough that the government can’t stop foreign rapists from sneaking into our country. But how about the rapists the government looked over and decided to let in?

We’ll never know about their criminal predations, to say nothing of their burden on the taxpayers. The government won’t tell us, and the media would bury the information if it did. . . .

But Donald Trump has come under relentless attack because he used the M-word (“Mexican”) — and it wasn’t to tell us that Mexicans work harder than Americans! He must be destroyed.