ITALY: Vegan parents investigated for neglect after baby son found severely malnourished.

“But the little boy refused to eat the vegetables they were giving him,” he said. “And so the parents returned to giving him just breastmilk, which is totally inadequate by six months.” . . .

Doctors allege that the mother’s diet caused a deficiency of vital vitamins in her breast milk, which she was feeding her son.

Following a blood test, he was also found to be lacking in iron and vitamin D.

Related: PETA’s proposed billboard: ‘Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse’.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has jumped into a Puerto Rico legislative battle that’s brewing — in which parents of obese children could be fined between $500 and $800 if their kids don’t lose weight — and kicked off a campaign to push the benefits of a vegan diet.

Their campaign?

To put up a billboard on a Puerto Rican highway that reads: “Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse. Fight the Fight. Go Vegan,” PETA reported in an emailed statement.

Also related: Putting Animals over Babies, PETA Pushes Dangerous Vegan Diet for Young Children.

This isn’t the first such case I have heard about — and animal rights groups such as PETA bear a degree of responsibility. In fact, some children have died from being forced onto a vegan diet.

PETA’s education efforts put animals over babies. The group often fails to warn believers that depriving their very young children of animal-supplied nutrients can cause substantial harm to health. . . .

I know of one case in which a baby died because her vegan mother’s breast milk contained too few nutrients. Veganism imposed on infant nutrition is dangerous.

Earlier: Top 11 Biggest Lies About Vegan Diets.