WHOOPS: Upper East Side housewife’s tell-all book is full of lies.
Although the book . . . is advertised as a “memoir,” Martin told The Post she “telescoped certain parts of the narrative in order to protect the privacy of friends, neighbors, associates and family.”
That “telescoping” seems to have moved events that happened in different neighborhoods and put them on the Upper East Side. . . .
She says she attended grueling exercise classes at Physique 57 . . . but the upscale gym did not exist when she claims to have exercised there.
She also describes a posh party where the guests bring the hostess gifts from an upscale macaroon shop. But Ladurée didn’t open in New York until 2011, four years after she had moved.
While at a lunch date . . . her friend refers to Uber, even though the car service didn’t debut in the city until 2011.
Of course, the entire thing is driven by the author’s feminist agenda. Here’s a snippet from her New York Times article from last month promoting her book:
Sex segregation, I was told, was a “choice.” But like “choosing” not to work, or a Dogon woman in Mali’s “choosing” to go into a menstrual hut, it struck me as a state of affairs possibly giving clue to some deeper, meaningful reality while masquerading, like a reveler at the Save Venice ball the women attended every spring, as a simple preference.