A BRIEF INTRODUCTION To The Country Formally Known As Sweden.
Violence is rising as a whole in Sweden, and recent statements from law enforcement agencies indicate 55 no-go zones. This means areas where the police say that they no longer control the situation. Police patrols, fire brigade, and ambulances are routinely attacked in these areas with stones and fire bombs.
“Fascists” are routinely targeted with violence. The Swedish Democrats that according to the latest polls have between 15 and 20% of the votes are one example. Issa Issa was an active member of that party but left politics after being attacked in his home by a mob that stabbed him 18 times and left him to die. Despite the fact that Issa Issa is of Assyrian origin, this was not labeled a hate crime and despite the fact that the attackers yelled “f*cking Christian,” it was not considered religiously motivated.
Organized violence against “fascists” includes being targeted by the organized lefties. A research group that calls itself “the Swedish Stasi” have created lists of people with “fascist views” and recently hacked Disqus, giving them access to anonymous commentators on sites deemed as “hate sites.”