THE FREDDIE GRAY FIASCO And The Coming End of Policing.

Why are the white officers who originally detained him being charged? Because the black State’s Attorney appears intent on conducting a jihad against white police officers who proactively enforce the law against black criminals. And her allies in the legal profession are celebrating the implications . . .

And police officers around the country will take the hint. As they say in the INS, “no cases, no problems, few cases, few problems, and many cases, many problems.” White officers will stay in their cruisers instead of putting the “habeas grabus” on blacks.

Of course, crime will increase and we will go back to the bad old of days of unsafe cities Broken Windows policing was designed to prevent. Ironically, African-Americans will be the biggest victims of this.

This was posted on May 11. Here’s a news item from today, twenty days later:

Baltimore’s Murder Total For May Climbs To 43:

Police began tallying these records in 1970, and May is apparently the second deadliest month in that 45 year period.

The deadliest month in that period was in December, 1971, when 44 people were killed in the city.

There have been more than 100 non-fatal shootings this month.

Some clergy in Baltimore have asked Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to declare a state of emergency to address the problem.