NARRATIO SUPER FACTIS: Duke U Or Dupe U? Noose Hate Hoax Perp Probably Asian, But Administration Won’t Say.

All MSM coverage stopped dead.


On April 2, Duke had announced that it had determined the identity of the nooser. But it refused to release his identity . . .

On May 1, Duke announced that the noose hanging was motivated by a “lack of cultural awareness and was not a statement related to racism.” The student would be able to return the next fall (after losing $30,000 in costs for the spring semester). Duke released a letter of apology from the student:

My purpose in hanging the noose was merely to take some pictures with my friends together with the noose, and then texting it to some others inviting them to come and ‘hang out’ with us—because it was such a nice day outside….

Updated: Duke says noose incident caused by bad judgment, not racism, by Amrith Rankumar, Duke Chronicle, May 1, 2015.

Even so,

On April 7—after they knew the identity of the student—Duke professors and President Richard Brodhead held a teach-in, reportedly attended by app. 1,000 SJW students, against “hate.” This was clearly designed to further the Narrative that black students (and faculty and staffers too!) are somehow in danger from violent white supremacists on Duke’s campus—in other words, it was a tissue of lies.