ANTI-BULLYING CAMPAIGNS: What’s the end game? Good response in the comments:

Anti-bullying campaigns have the effect of producing obedient (or at least submissive) children who rely on the proper authorities to solve their problems. If these habits of mind carry over into adulthood, they become obedient citizens who rely on the state to solve their problems.

Here’s another:

Allowing human beings to resolve their own conflicts builds a sense of self esteem and confidence that lasts a lifetime. It makes the intervention of the State in its myriad forms unnecessary. It teaches us that this is a world of conflicts and adversities which can- if handled properly- result in resolutions and benefits.

The State seeks to supplant in all ways and at all times every human interaction so that the entire population either becomes dependent upon it or can be labeled as an enemy of it. The State is the personification of the bully, it simply hates competition, either from other bullies or from those who have learned how to effectively deal with them.