HYSTERICAL: Woman who consented to sex claims she was ‘raped by rape culture’.
A female college student recounts an incident where she found herself in a man’s dorm room after a party. He asked, “is this ok?” — meaning, was she okay with having sex. She admits that she said “yes” and that there wasn’t any coercion or imminent threat of violence, and “not a lot” of inebriation.
But now she says she secretly didn’t want to have sex . . .
You read that right: “raped by rape culture.” It’s a term coined by the young woman and her friends to describe the purported experience where a woman’s agreement to have sex is “coerced by the culture that had raised us and the systems of power that worked on us . . . .”
If you think that makes no sense, just wait, she’s not finished. “Consent is a privilege, and it was built for wealthy, heterosexual, cis, white, western, able-bodied masculinity,” she posits. . . .
A couple of comments beneath the article did nail it. One guy wrote: “There’s a fella out there for you: Mongo the Mind-Reader.” Another reader explained: “Modern feminism has taught generations of young women (and young men) that . . . women should ’embrace’ their sexuality and have casual sex with as many partners as they like, without any consequences. . . . . Who taught you to say yes? It wasn’t some wealthy, heterosexual, cis, white, western, able-bodied boogeyman. It was the very movement you now align yourself with who ‘coerced’ you into believing that ‘hookups are supposed to be fun.'”