BACKFIRE: SJW fit-shaming protest ends up promoting British supplement business.

“I couldn’t have dreamt or hoped of having our advert reproduced more times across the news networks and social media as it has been done,” says Richard. “This protest has been absolutely phenomenal for us and entirely counter-productive for them.

“At the height of the protest, myself and the CEO took over the Twitter feed from our usual girl, and it was hilarious. They were saying, “ooh, somebody’s getting fired tomorrow” – but it was us: the CEO and head of marketing. We had a good chuckle at that. . . .

“We were answering these tweets from the airport in New York and by that time it was ‘bugger off, this is stupid’.

“That’s the brand. By this time, people were watching our Twitter feed as a source of entertainment. Our customers adored it and now are even more behind the brand. We’ve added 5000 new customers. Sales are booming.”