ROBERT OSCAR LOPEZ: Buy Jephthah’s Daughters: Innocent Casualties of the War for Family “Equality”. “It’s not just about love. It was never just about that. It’s about all the groups – children, women, minorities, the developing world, gays, and intellectuals—who will have to be treated as collateral damage in order for the demands of a small elite for family ‘equality’ to be met. This is not speculation or a matter of ‘beliefs’—this book provides extensive documentation of all the impacts around the whole world, which have already been felt by the so-called marriage equality movement.”
Related: Children of Same-Sex Couples: A Turning Point, also by Lopez:
Children of gays, or COGs, are ready for a turning point. I recently ran a column in Daily Caller to begin a framework to understand what COGs’ stories, in our own words, can teach society about the stakes of redefining marriage. We just want to be heard — and we haven’t, up until now. . . .
After decades of decrying the pain of “the closet,” the gay community remains largely unwilling to uncover the true feelings of the children raised in their midst. It’s like saying, “I can’t live a lie but my kids must.”