ITALY: “An Italian father who forced [how?] his teenage daughters to ski competitively and eat a macrobiotic diet because he was concerned they were too fat has been found guilty of abuse and sentenced to nine months in prison.” This sounds really weird, but then you read this:

The case started in 2011 when the two teenage girls – one is now an adult – complained to their mother that “Daddy treats us badly” and said they no longer wanted to visit their father. The parents are separated.

This is about a wife using the state to punish her husband for doing stuff she doesn’t like.

The 53-year-old father, who has not been named in press reports but has been described as a wealthy individual, has said he became worried about his daughters’ health when he saw pictures of them on Facebook. [Not in person? How often did he see them?] He said he encouraged them to ski and to eat a macrobiotic diet, avoiding processed and otherwise refined foods, out of a normal level of parental concern.

But the mother of the teenagers and the prosecutor in the case painted a different picture, of constant pressure and taunting by the father of his daughters.