ANOTHER FAKE “HATE CRIME”: Muslim vandalizes Fresno mosque.
On Christmas Day someone vandalized a mosque in Fresno. The police and the media immediately labeled the incident a “hate crime” against Muslims, before they even had time to dust the doorknobs or check the surveillance cameras at the mosque.
Yesterday they had to start walking their stories back when it emerged that the confessed perpetrator of the vicious Islamophobic attack was one Asif Mohammad Khan, giving the crime a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%. . . .
When everyone thought the evil vandal liked Geert Wilders and Robert Spencer, they were looking at a hate crime. When he turned out to be a practicing Muslim who was also a fan of Osama and Hitler, the police and the media fell all over themselves to point out that he was a loony.
Not only that, he was a victim of bullies, which gives him at least two pair in politically correct poker. Maybe tomorrow we’ll find out he’s gay, making it a full house. Throw in the fact that he’s brown, and you’re looking at a royal flush.
I do believe we have a case of reverse reverse bigotry on our hands here. To avoid being perceived as bigoted, reporters and commentators blame circumstances (e.g., being poor or having experienced discrimination) when the alleged perpetrator is in an approved victim group, rather than blame the individual himself. In doing so, they deny free will to such individuals. The white heterosexual male oppressors, on the other hand, can be blamed because they have free will and thus can consciously make decisions for themselves. The oppressors are adults, and the oppressed are children.