WESLEY J. SMITH: Driving Pro-Lifers Out of Medicine.

The Canadian province of Ontario is the latest example. Today, rules permit dissenting doctors from having to participate in abortions. New rules will force all doctors to be complicit in abortion by either forcing them to do the deed or refer to an abortionist they know will make the unwanted fetus dead. . . .

Should assisted suicide/euthanasia become legal throughout Canada–which its Supreme Court may soon impose–doctor-prescribed death will be quickly included in the complicity mandate. That’s already the law under Quebec’s new euthanasia legalization.

The headline can be somewhat misleading, because it’s not referring to people with certain political opinions, but to people with certain personal convictions. You don’t have to be a “pro-lifer” to not want to be complicit in murder. But there is no ready term for people who don’t want to murder; that’s just called being normal.