NEW JERSEY: Woman who specializes in convincing women and children that they were sexually abused by men loses her license to engage in psychotherapy — maybe for real this time.

December 2012: Marsha Kleinman Loses Appeal Of Psychological License Revocation. “Kleinman has long been known in New Jersey as a mental health professional who was dead set on finding men to be sexual abusers. That led her, in one of the cases before the ALJ and the Board, to browbeat a three-year-old girl for almost two years in the hopes of producing an allegation of sexual abuse against her father. Amazingly, the little girl stood up to Kleinman’s intimidation, sometimes by saying ‘no’ to her leading questions and sometimes by falling silent and refusing to take part in Kleinman’s efforts to destroy her father. In another case, a woman came to Kleinman to get a certificate of Battered Woman Syndrome. Kleinman ignored that completely, despite the fact that it was what she was being paid for. Instead, she repeatedly tried to get the woman to perjure herself before the court by claiming sexual abuse on the part of her husband. The woman refused and reported Kleinman to the Board.”

December 2014: New Jersey Revokes Marsha Kleinman’s License To Practice Psychology For A Second Time. (Note: she never got her license back after the first revocation, although she has appealed.) A recent news report available online contains footage from an earlier investigation showing Kleinman’s method.