CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: The reintroduction of slavery into modern Britain.

This report makes it clear that 13,000 slaves in modern Britain must be an underestimate. When I was born there were no slaves in Britain – but fifty years of dominant and accelerating Leftism have succeeded in re-establishing slavery – as a permanent feature.

The newspaper report also makes it clear that slavery is here to stay – because the government is more concerned about the ‘sensitivity’ of the data (i.e. not mentioning that these new slave holders are recent migrants and immigrants) than actually abolishing slavery.

The whole tone of the report makes it clear that eradicating slavery is a long-term, bureaucratic ‘project’ of the type which is guaranteed not to solve the problem – but instead feed-off the problem: to create and entrench a bureaucracy which ‘addresses’ ‘issues around’ slavery.

Here’s the article being discussed: Theresa May says tens of thousands held as modern slaves in Britain.