ONLINE DATING SITE allows users to filter out spatially-endowed individuals, just like how real life works. And this is controversial somehow. “Rowan Pelling added: . . . ‘All I can say is that you’re pretty dumb and Z-list if you allow screening so prejudiced that some brainless body-fascist can screen out all plus-size suitors: goodbye Marilyn Monroe, Sophie Dahl, Lena Dunham, Gerard Depardieu, James Corden, Seth Rogen.'”

My response:

  1. Marilyn Monroe wasn’t “plus-sized.” Indeed, she was far from it.
  2. Sophie Dahl isn’t “plus-sized” — unless our standard is a skeleton.
  3. Lena Dunham is undesirable in many ways. Pass.
  4. Gerard Depardieu, James Corden, and Seth Rogen are men. Pass.

Conclusion: The site’s filter function is looking pretty good. Another win for the body-fascists.