PUSHOVER: Promotional video removed after academic feminists argue that slow-motion is misogynistic.

“It was never our intention to offend anybody,” Whitecaps president Bobby Lenarduzzi said Wednesday, announcing the cancellation of the clip. “It was just one of a series of eight videos we are using to promote our upcoming season-ticket campaign. The fact that because there were people offended, we just thought the right thing to do was to pull it.”

All three women featured in the video have said they are confused as to how it could have possibly been construed as offensive.

One of the women, Emily Guedes, said she wasn’t just OK with the video — she was offended that it was taken down.

“What’s misogynistic is the fact that men are in the videos . . . but not a couple of women,” she said.

Classic reverse reverse sexism. The ad series sought to be inclusive of women, and now, in the name of anti-sexism, women aren’t represented among the fans. Good work, feminists.